Winginnit AU

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Young SBI angst, we all love that, don't we?

Tubbo and Ranboo arent here for some reason

Business bay for da win!

Based off of Gacha Video link

Phil and Techno always went on 'adventures'. Sometimes a couple hours, sometimes a couple months. They never thought how it made me and Tommy feel. Sad, alone, neglected. I now think of their 'adventures' as 'running away from the problem'. I was always left to raise the boy I swore to protect from his birth. I thought with his birth, Phil would stay a little longer, but no. Six months after Tommy's birth, Phil left with Techno. Unlike me, Tommy was going to have someone take care of him. It was 4am. I woke to something thud downstairs. I trudge to the top of the stairs.

"Techno, don't drop that!"

"Sorry, dadza."

"It's okay."

I trudge downstairs to see the two eldest with packed bags. I sigh, looking down.

"Leaving again?" I ask. Phil looks at me with no trace of love in his eyes.

"Yep." He said simply, opening the door. Techno looks at me with sadness.

"Sorry, Wil. I don't think that we'll be gone that long." He said, leaving. Phil looks at me.

"Seeya, Wil." He said, turning to leave.

"It's not like you tried to..." I start with deep, heartbreaking sadness that made Phil stop.

"Stay..." I finish, turning to go to Tommy. Phil has concern, but it all disappeared when Techno called him. He shut the door quietly behind them, and they headed out.

That was 16 years ago.

Deo and Tommy walked through the halls. There was heavy chatter all around them, for it was a Friday and everyone had plans.

"I am NOT short, Deo!" Tommy argued. He was a couple centimetres beneath average height, but everyone made fun of it. It wasn't that big of a deal, but a running joke. The two highschoolers left the building. Wil was waiting for Tommy with a three year old Fundy sucking on a lollipop. Tommy spotted Wil, and rushed over to him. Wil smiled at how happy the kid looked.

"Wil, tell Deo that I'm not short!" He said, with a grinning Deo trailing behind him.

"But Tommy..." Wil started. Tommy looked confused.

"You are short." That made Tommy yell a string of curses at him with his crimson red wings at their peak, making Deo hunch back in laughter while Wil desperately covered Fundy's fox ears. Tommy started to calm, with his wings shrinking to a comfortable size.

"Oh yeah, Wil, can me and the boys stay over for the night?" Deo asked casually, for Wil was like a brother to him.

"Course, Deo." Wil said as they walked home. Deo and Tommy were doing their homework in the kitchen while Fundy made some drawings. Wil lay down on the couch for a quick nap. He was sleeping there for two hours, glasses askew.

Techno and Phil were on the familiar trail. The one they had used to get home. All those years ago... Phil hoped the house and the valuables were still there. He didn't give a shit about his other two sons. Techno, on the other hand, was nervous and excited to see his brothers. Tell them all his stories. Teach them to be just as good as him in pvp. They passed the big juniper to see that there was a fire from the chimney. That meant someone was living there. They walked up to the door, relieved that it wasn't locked. The cabin looked pretty much the same, except there was a man sleeping on the couch. Wait. What. Techno pointed out the stranger to Phil, who acted up.

"Who are you?" He asked in a loud voice. The man got startled awake, then fixing his glasses and looking at them.

"The owner of this house, why?" He said, making his way to them. Phil chuckled.

"Well, actually, I'm the owner of this house." He said, in a calm tone.

"Well, I've been paying the rent for the place for sixteen fucking years from age fucking seven, so I believe that this would rightfully be my house." He said. Phil and Techno's eyes widened. That was Wil's age when they left. And sixteen years would mean...


Cliffhanger, bitches! Lemme know if you want more!

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