December 22

102 5 5

Tommy was an interesting human being.

See, the city ranked people based on power. #1 had the best power, and the lowest number had the worst. There was also hero rankings. #1 hero meant that they solved the most crimes and arrested the most villains and vigilantes. Same with villains, but #1 meant that you were most dangerous. But vigilantes didn't have rankings. They were all the same, as heroes said. All gremlins that broke the law.

But the smarter villains knew better. Smarter villains treated vigilantes with respect. That made some vigilantes into dealers. Dealers traded items and info for the highest bidder, wether hero or villain. Using that money, dealers would buy more weapons.

And the cycle would go on.

Taxes payed for the heroes.

Stealing payed for the villains.

Trading payed for the dealers.

Vigilantes had to fend for themselves.

Back to the rankings. There was a huge electrical board displaying the ranks. Guess who was #1 for power?

That's right.

Tommy Innit himself.

No matter how much the heroes tried to recruit him, he refused. Rather work at a 'bakery' for a living. The one who owned the bakery?

Mega crime boss SweetiePie.

Ranking #5 on the villains board.

All the regulars knew that, she didn't try to hide it hard, but Niki was nice. She was actually pretty chill unless someone broke something. Then it was a problem. All the ones who worked there were Niki/SweetiePie's minions, except for Tommy. 

Niki also ranked #831 on the powers board, though under the name of Niki Chu.

Her power was very underrated.

She could understand every single language ever existing.

Besides spoken and written languages, Niki could understand body language. Niki could understand what her opponent was gonna do by how they were posing. Legs bent and looking in the distance meant they were gonna run there, stuff like that.

#1, 2, and 3 on the heroes board was none other than Crowza, Blood God, and Siren.

Crowza had large wings on his back, sharp as knives. He could toss the feathers at opponents, causing great stinging to the person. They could even let him fly. Crowza was #62 on the powers board. Damn, I feel bad for the person who's power ranks #69.

Blood God was basically comic book heroes Captain America and Thor combined. Enhanced senses and strength. Yeah that's it. He ranked #7 on powers. Not bad. But not as good as Tommy.

Siren had voice manipulation, so unless you're deaf, can't hear him, or have earplugs you're basically dead meat.

The vigilante that had made the news for the past 5 months was frustrating every hero in the business. 

He had escaped Dream, a hero with the powers of bodily manipulation, where he could use his hands to control you. 

He had escaped Gogy, a hero with a power called astral projection, the ability to go into the spiritual realm. 

He had escaped Arson, a hero who had the power of molecular combustion, the ability to blow shit up. 

He had escaped Nook, a hero who could create objects out of thin air, most being weapons to fight or blocks to build up.

Tommyinnit oneshots (mostly angst)Where stories live. Discover now