Achilles, come down.

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"How're the voices doing now, mate?" Phil asked his companion. He looked over to Techno, seeing the red, gleaming eyes surrounding him.

"Fine, mostly random stuff though." Techno replied, glancing back at Phil.

"Good." Phil mumbled, going back to looking at his inventory, tuning out Techno's voices. If trained, people can see other's voices and sometimes hear them. The person with the voices can see and hear the voices when they want, but can't make them go away completely. Like, Techno can make his voices fade to background noise and the voices, depicted as eyes, go barely visible. Both are able to see and hear outside voices.

"Phil who's that." Techno asked, looking over to the side. Phil looked as well. Someone was standing at the very edge of the cliff, looking down. Phil had a sudden urge to pull the person away from death and into his arms. 

Then, voices appeared in their vision, but they weren't Techno's. 

Small black and white bodies stood on either side of the person. The white one going to about the person's shoulders while the black one went to the person's nose. They hovered in front of the person, looking at them. Techno and Phil gasped. They were both Tubbo. The white one was of the small, giggly boy that left home with Tommy and Wilbur. The black one was of the president who exiled Tommy and listened to Dream.

"You want the acclaim, the mother of mothers." The black one said coldly.

 "It's not worth it, Achilles!" The white one pleaded the person.

"More poignant than fame or the taste of another." President Tubbo told.

 "Don't listen, Achilles!" The white one asked.

"But be real and just jump, you dense motherfucker." Black Tubbo ordered the person.

"You're worth more, Achilles!" White Tubbo begged the person.

"You will not be more than a rat in the gutter." Black one said cruelly.

"So much more than a rat." White one intruded.

"You want my opinion, my opinion you've got." Black answered.

"No one asked your opinion!" White gasped, looking at their counterpart.

"You asked for my counsel, I gave you my thoughts." Black snarked.

 "No one asked for your thoughts." White hissed at the black one.

"Be done with this now and jump off the roof." Black said, White at the same time saying "Be done with this now and get off the roof."

"Can you hear me, Achilles? I'm talking to you~" White and Black said at the same time, Black's fists curled and White's gripping his shirt above his heart.

"I'm talking to you." Black Tubbo said, disappearing in a wisp of black smoke.

"I'm talking to you," White Tubbo told the person. "I'm talking to you," 

"Achilles come down," White Tubbo whispered, going forward. He gently cupped the person's face in his hands and wiped away stray tears. As he finished singing the notes, he disappeared in a fade of white. "Achilles come down~"

The person collapsed onto their knees in tears. Sobbing loudly, not caring about who heard. The sobs that a young boy, at the age of 10, woke up to his 5 year old brother crying to. 

It was Tommy.

Techno rushed forward, tightly hugging him. Phil followed, wrapping his scarred wings around them all. Tommy didn't even fight any of it, just gripping onto Techno with his life and crying. Ghostbur was passing by, and saw them. Even though he was intangible, he managed to hug them too.

What a broken family.

Based off of the song Achilles Come Down by Gang of the Youths.

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