God AU

401 12 2

Introducing a female OC!

Everyone stood and watched the argument. It had started playfully, but went on to become a war. Dream and Tubbo VS Faith and Tommy. Who would win? Place your bets here, I'm thinking Tommy and Faith cuz

A) her name is Faith, it literally means trust, belief, hope, optimism


B) its my story.


It was just playful remarks, 'your so annoying' and 'your really clingy' but it soon became full on insults, Dream and Faith joining in to defend or insult the other party. The yelling caught attention, and here we are now. Tommy yelled an insult at Tubbo. Dream snapped. He went up to Tommy and slapped him. Right across the cheek. Leaving a mark. Leaving silence in the sound. Tommy looked at him.

"Dreamwastaken, did you just slap the god of chaos, destruction, war, rebellion, battle, fights, law-breaking, harm, and torture?" Tommy growled, eyes flashing between the harmless blue and an arson red. Dream took a step back. In fact, everyone stepped back.

"Dreamwastaken, I believe this calls for trial by your neighbourhood goddess of punishment, guilt, law, order, judgement, trial, fairness, morals, and imprisonment." Faith said, eyes flickering from the chocolate brown to a neon green. She snapped her fingers, and they were in a court room. Dream was tied to a chair by invisible ropes, with everyone standing behind a bench, to which they sat down. Faith smiled.

"This is the trial of Dreamwastaken, judged by your friendly goddess of trial, judgment, punishment, fairness, imprisonment, law, and guilt, also known as Faith. But Dream, I don't think Faith is on your side right now. Isn't that right, dear husband of mine?" Faith said, smirking as everyone gasped. Faith was married? To someone in the courtroom? And she was an immortal goddess? Putting Dream on trial? Yes. Cuz its about time bitches-

"Yeah, let's get this thing started cuz I don't know how all this trial shit works cuz I'm all about wars, not court." Tommy said, taking the seat next to his seemingly wife. She summoned a gravel, tapping it a couple times.

"Dreamwastaken, you are accused of laying your hands on a god, manipulation, child abuse, blackmail, starting multiple wars, a bunch of other things on this list that if you want to read, go for it." Faith recited, tossing the roll over to Ranboo, who caught it.

"How would you like to present yourself?" Faith continued.

"Innocent." Dream said, still trying to break free from his invisible prison. The immortals smiled. This was gonna be fun.

"Now we shall see Tommy's evidence." Faith clapped her hands, and behind her on the wall, a memory played.


"The discs don't matter! Tommy, why can't you see that?" Tubbo screamed at Tommy.

"Well, the discs mean more than you ever did!" Tommy yelled, making Tubbo flinch. Tommy recognized what he said, and definitely felt and looked guilty, but that was replaced with shock when the man with the mask came forward and slapped him. It made the loudest noise possible, filling people's minds with it's echos. Tommy looked at him.

"Dreamwastaken, did you just slap the god of chaos, destruction, war, rebellion, battle, fights, law-breaking, harm, and torture?"

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