December 19

90 2 0

Karl spawned in on a bed. He sat up and looked around, trying to decide where and when he ended up this episode. He was in a white bunk bed, top, and everything was white. He jumped off, going to a circular window. Peering out, Karl knew exactly where he was.

He was in space.

Karl could see all the stars glittering, all the other SMPs orbiting the sun. Just out the window was his own Dream SMP. All SMPs revolved around the sun. Only way to get to other SMPs were complex portals only accessed by Admins or shuttles like the one he was in. Karl made his way out the room, going down the hallway. 

In another room, seven people were chatting. One lady had long, silky black hair dotted with stars. Another woman had a big, floppy hat on. Third female looked about sixteen, with a white ceramic mask with a >:] on it. First man had a white ceramic mask like hers with a 'XD' painted on. Man after had glowing green eyes and a shark hat that Karl could see in his mind but couldn't get a name. Next man had big, crow-like wings and a face Karl knew he saw but couldn't remember. Another man with a mask with the Mexican flag was muttering in Mexican. 

"Hello?" Karl asked. All seven stopped chatting and looked over at him.

"Who're you? A stowaway?" The star-hair woman asked with traces of malice in her voice. 

"N-no! I woke up in your bunks!" Karl filled in. 

"He's telling the truth, mates. I'm Phil, by the way." Black winged man aka Phil said. 

"Alright. I'm Kristen." Floppy hat lady introduced. 

"I'm DreamXD." Yes, who would've guessed with a fucking mask saying part of your name?

"Drista." >:] face girl said. 

"Foolish." Green eyes person said. 

"Eyy man.. I'm Mexican Dream, otherwise known as the BETTER Dream." Well it made sense with the Mexican flag on your fucking face.

"And I'm Clara." Mean lady said.

"Well I'm Carlos. Where're we going?" Karl asked, using a fake name.

"To the Dream SMP. My angel made it." XD boasted. Drista rolled her eyes. XD kept ranting about how amazing his angel of tricks was as Drista moved her hand with him talking. The others stifled a giggle. After a few minutes of ranting, a mechanical voice rung out.

"Arriving on SMP in three minutes." Was all it said before everything going quiet again. Everyone shuffled to the sidelines to buckle into a seat, Karl sitting next to Clara and Drista. 

"Can you tell me more about this?" Karl asked politely. "What's an angel?"

"An angel is whom a god chooses to do their work." Drista explained. "A champion."

"I've already chosen mine. You can tell that he's my angel by his wings." Kristen explained, brushing her fingers gently upon Phil's wings. 

"And our angels can become our amantes, Carlos. Like my Mamacita." MD said, looking at a photo of basically a older, sexier version of Drista. Karl looked away. 

"And Phil. Our child is six years old and in a private room." Kristen said. Karl blinked. Phil nodded. 

"Don't forget that your own child can't be your angel." Clara reminded. 

"Wait, are you pregnant?" Karl asked. Clara nodded.

"Nine months." XD filled in.

"Ah." Karl nodded. "Please wait three minutes to give birth."

All the others laughed. Clara rolled her eyes but smiled. Karl was sus of Phil. He was gonna follow him. Karl just had a gut feeling. 

Time skip to where clara gave birth-

Karl watched from the bushes next to the angel's house. He heard talking, a man and a child. That must be the six year old Kristen mentioned. Another thing he heard was..? Piglen noises? The one thing Karl heard clearly was for the kid to stay still because Phil would be inside again soon. The door opened and out walked Phil, wings barely scraping the top of the door. 

The man looked up at the stars. And so he waited. And so Karl waited. 

Suddenly, the sky pulled and stretched. Karl's eyes widened. From the depths, a woman came through. 

It was Clara.

Karl's mind was blank when Clara kissed the top of blankets, which Karl assumed was her baby, and gave it to Phil. Phil stretched out his arms to get the baby gently from Clara. When Phil held the baby in his arms, Karl could hear him promising something. He also heard Clara say something to Phil, before she went back to the heavens and the stars went to normal. 

Karl quietly shuffled forward as Phil turned 180 and brought the child into his newly home. Karl could hear one thing said before he passed out and back to the Inbetween. 

"Wilbur! Techno! This is your new brother, Tommy."

Yeah ive finally caught up

God - Angel

XD - Dream

Kristen - Phil

Drista - Tommy

Clara - Tubbo

Foolish - Sam

MD - Mamacita

People the gods chose as their angels are people they trust, love, or have awe for, but aren't directly related. XD just likes Dream for some reason. Kristen is in a relationship with Phil. Drista and Tommy are Team Chaos. Clara chose Tubbo because she knew that he would always at least think of her son. Foolish chose Sam by them sharing the trait of building. MD chose Mamacita because there's ain't nobody else my Mexican man trusts.

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