Tarot Cards AU

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Based off to tarot cards! A while ago I watched this series where it had something to do with tarot cards so i thought of this at 1am so if its bad my apologies lol

The fool. 

He was curled up, sitting at the top of his card. His orange tail wrapped protectively around him, though his recklessness to trust brought him to his point. His name was Fundy.

The magician. 

He sat in the middle of his card, reversed, with her sunglasses lowered to reveal his moon-like orbs of eyes. Their cape swirled around him, reflecting his trickery. Her name was Eret.

The high priestess.

She sat right side up on her card, red, salmon-coloured hair swirling around, as though she was in water. Her inner voice called her back to her childhood home. Her name was Sally.

The empress.

She stood with her back showing, hair whipping around like masts on a ship. She was right side up, captain's hat tipped down. She was called the mother of the Essempi. Her name was Puffy. 

The emperor

He stood with his wings flared, ready to fly. He had a soft look into the distance, but with it came a look of order and authority, and a poker face. His name was Phil.

The hierophant.

He stood, declaration of independence in one hand, in the other a diamond dagger. On his back slung a guitar, his clothing of a uniform. His position was upside-down on the card, tongue ready to rebel. His name was Wilbur.

The lovers. 

Though they were never romantic, their loyalty to each other was enough to change destiny. The two boys stood hand in hand, ready to face the world with their union. Their names were Tommy and Tubbo. 

The chariot.

He crouched upside down, bow drawn and ready to fire. His red and blue glasses gleamed, striped blue sweatshirt blowing lightly. His eyes showed an uncontrolled sense of direction, unable to due to the past. His name was Jack. 

The strength.

Her hair whipped with the waves of explosions, though her eyes were closed with internal strength, ready to move on and keep going. She was right-side up, along with her weared bomber jacket tightly clutched to her thin framed body. Her name was Niki.

The hermit.

He stood upside down, in one hand holding a crossbow loaded with fireworks, and in the other a netherite sword. His red cape blew behind him, dress shirt flicked with specks of blood. Those days were over, though only for his isolation. His name was Technoblade.

The wheel of fortune.

He stood upright, swirled leather book at hand. His sweater held the same design, bleached of all colour. A clock revolved around his head, all in roman numerals, showing the time of destiny. His name was Karl.

The justice.

It showed god reaching down from the heavens to give his mortal angel the dagger of justice, with an old-fashioned scale in the background. Thier names were Exdee and Dream.

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