Hanahaki AU

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Right so im doing a Technodad AU and a Percy Jackson AU rn so imma just post a short thang for u rn.

Basically, Hanahaki is a Japanese legend. It forms from one sided love, causing the person to throw up blood and flower petals. The petals are from the person's favourite flower or favourite colour. Symptoms include fever, uncontrollable shaking, loss of appetite, low body temperature, and hallucinations. The flower shrub grows inside the person's lungs, and in a months time it'll grow too big and make breathing impossible. If not dying by that, the person could die of blood loss. The cure is to a) get over it OR b) get the other person to fall in love. The longest anyone's lived with Hanahaki in legends is 18 months. Another way is to surgically remove the shrub, but by doing that it removes the ability to romantically love, as well as being able to have any form of feelings. It can't be cured by just friendship, but here it can, ok? Just ur casual gruesome Japanese lore to tell ur kids as a bedtime story. Btw this is an angsty ending.

Tommy sat at the toilet, shaking uncontrollably. He hadn't eaten for two days, but he wasn't hungry. He was shivering, but the temperature in the house was boiling. He had a fever, but did that stop his body from feeling like ice? No. He lurched forward, throwing up into the toilet. He peered into the bowl, staring blankly at the blood and lily petals. He hated the taste of blood in his mouth, but he knew what he had. He would only have to suffer another two weeks until it was all done. Tubbo left him for Ranboo. Phil and Techno treated Ranboo more like family than they had ever treated him. Ghostbur was hanging with Ranboo more than him nowadays. Sam and Puffy were treating Ranboo a little better than Tommy. Ranboo. He was getting replaced by Ranboo, the multicoloured hybrid. He flushed the red away, leaving a few stray petals. He sighed, trudging out of the bathroom.

A few minutes later, he heard knocking. Tommy went to answer the door.

"Tommy? You alright? I haven't heard from you much for the past two weeks." Someone said. Tommy immediately recognized the voice. It was his replacement. Tommy felt the same lurch in his stomach. He threw up, causing some noise. Ranboo started to panic.

"Tommy?! Are you ok? Can I come in?" Ranboo asked, unsure of what to do. Tommy had fallen to his knees, holding his stomach.

"I... I'm fine, Ranboo. No need to worry bout me." Tommy said weakly, confirming Ranboo's suspicion. Tommy was sick.

"Tommy, you're sick. Let me help you." Ranboo offered gently. Tommy chuckled sadly.

"You have Tubbo. You have Techno. You have Phil. You have Sam. You have Puffy. You have Ghostbur. You have everyone I care about. You've replaced me, Ranboo. You're better than me."

"No! I am NOT-"

"Face it, Ranboo. They like you more than me. I'm just a distant memory now." Tommy said, throwing up the pools of blood and petals again.

"Tommy, let me help you. We can fix this." Ranboo offered again, a little more harshly. He pushed open the door and gasped at the sight. It was Tommy, but it wasn't. He had dull blue eyes and greasy blonde hair. He was malnourished, along with bits of dried blood around his mouth. What scared Ranboo the most was the large pool of blood at his hands, with white petals floating at the top. Tommy leaned forward again, barfing. Ranboo watched as the stream of red and petals came through, covering the old lair of blood. The enderman hybrid stepped back. He was horrified. Blood dripped down from Tommy's mouth and landed in the pool with a ripple caused by each droplet.

"Tommy..." Ranboo started, trying to find words.

"It's too late, Ranboo. You can't save me." Tommy said sadly, using his sleeve to wipe away some blood.

"I can try!" Ranboo said with hope gleaming in his eyes.

"You can't. But others can." Tommy said, staring up at his replacement.

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