Percy Jackson AU pt 3

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Everything from Tubbo's adventure


Tubbo was having a normal stream. Wilbur and Phil had just driven him back home from Delphi Strawberries, and he'd started stream. He was talking to chat, when they started to spam that someone's hand was in frame. When Tubbo looked over, there was a woman with seemingly self-cut beige hair, heterochromia with one green and one golden-brown eye, a baggy, mud-smudged shirt, and a hand with a wet towel in it. Tubbo screeched. She lunged. In seconds, they tumbled to the ground, the towel pressed to his nose and mouth. Tubbo struggled, pulling her hair and kicking and punching like crazy. Though, through all he put her through, black spots danced across Tubbo's vision, and he fell unconscious, with chat panicking and calling the police.


"♬ friends between screens" Tubbo muttered, eyes fluttering open. "♬teens scream our ears off..."

He sat up, looking around. It was dark, but he could make out some shapes. Including the lady in his room.

"Oi songbird. You awake?" The lady asked, twirling a twisted knife. Tubbo yelped, jumping away from her. "I'll take that as a yes. Can I make a request?" 

"Uh... sure." Tubbo said, studying her. 

"Can you sing that one about the boyfriend? Like, something about Twitch chat?" She queried. Tubbo nodded slowly. 

"♬life isn't quite what I thought I'd be, when I was a kid on VoIP~" Tubbo started.

"Yeah! This one!" She exclaimed, sitting down on a jagged rock. 

"♬I thought when I got older, I'd marry her I told her~" Tubbo kept singing, her humming along.


"♬but he's in your bed, I'm in your Twitch cha- wait I was kidnapped." Tubbo realized. She blinked. 

"That's not how the song goes." She said. 

"Where am I?" Tubbo asked.

"Can't tell you, sorry." She replied.

"Who are you? What's going on?" Tubbo pressed on.

"... since you entertained me, I guess I'll tell you a bit. I'm Carola Tollemache, daughter of Mercury, fourth cohort, formerly at least. But you wouldn't understand that. You are going to help a very important project!" She said, shrugging.

"But why me? I'm a mortal, why not Percy Jackson, whoever that is?" Tubbo asked.

"Wait, you know about the gods?" Carola asked, staring at him.

"Yeah, my friend is a son of Adrestia." Tubbo replied. Carola made a note of recognition. 

"Well, if you do have a demigod friend, then they'll for sure come, right? Even better!" She yelled, punching a fist in the air.

"Now, you're important bait." She said, looking over at him. Tubbo could swear the shadows were being drawn to her. "I believe I have a call to make." 


Tubbo made small noises as he regained consciousness. His eyes opened to the same place as he was before, with the rocks everywhere, ropes around his hands and legs, weird fountain thing a few meters away. Tubbo sat up, and looked over to Carola.

"STOP KNOCKING ME UNCONCIOUS!" He yelled, shaking. His head was banged up and throbbing, a taste of copper in his mouth, feeling dried blood on his face. Carola was watching him the whole time. 

"Aw, I'm sorry. I'll be so sad when I have to kill you." She said, looking over to the fountain. Tubbo blinked. 

"KILL ME?!" He yelled, tensing up. She nodded, smiling. 

"Of course we're gonna kill you, dummy! When I get my master's ghost, you'll have to die to emotionally break Percy Jackson and your demigod friend, what's his name, Tommy. It's gonna break those two before me and Nero kill them too! Don't worry, dying's not too bad! I speak from experience." Carola giggled maniacally. Tubbo was even more terrified now.

"YOU'VE DIED?!" He screamed, struggling to get away from her while tied up. 

"Yep! 1994! Torn apart by a hydra. When the Doors of Death opened, I snuck out with a lot of other souls, to help the Giant Army!" She explained, making motions with her hands to explain better.

"Right." Tubbo squeaked. "I know that only underworld kids can shadow travel. The shadows were going to you. You said you were a Mercury kid. How?" 

"Well, I'm technically undead, so all underworld beings can eventually learn how to, which includes Hades and Pluto kids." Carola told Tubbo. 


"♬" Tubbo whistled, bored. Carola had left to get food for the both of them, and Tubbo hated to admit that talking to Carola made his kidnapping less sufferable. He then noticed that there was a mouse peeking through a hole in the rocks around him. 

"Hey lil buddy. You aren't a bee, but you're an animal." Tubbo cooed, the mouse coming over. Tubbo suddenly got an idea. He liked to listen to music and sing. There was a mouse. He started to pray to the god of both those things.


So i think one more chapter of pjau will end this lil story. Back to tommy and friends pov!

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