December 7

138 4 0

 Person also reads my books

Short one bc im actually panicing at how far behind i am

The SBI was in the car, on a trip to their winter cabin, to ski. Techno was driving, he'd just gotten his driver's license, Phil next to him, ready to take the wheel from the inexperienced driver, and Tommy and Wilbur in the back with Tommy complaining the whole time. Eventually Techno got annoyed by his complaints, and snapped.

"Alright! What song do you want?!" Techno shouted, gripping the steering wheel. They all went silent.

"Youngest's choice." Wilbur shrugged, gesturing to the young blonde boy taking over the rest of the back seat. 

"Able Sisters!" Tommy yelled, causing all three of the rest to flinch. Three hours of listening to Tommy rant about basically everything he hates about the world makes you want to just open the back window and defenestrate him. It would do the Cadillac a favour. They all groaned. Every fucking time. Except for Wilbur's songs, which Wilbur cringed at every time. Techno, knowing there would be a fit, but on Able Sisters. 

Once the song ended, Phil prompted Wilbur to choose the next song. 

"Re-" Wilbur managed to say before Tommy interrupted.

"Able Sisters!" Tommy yelled over his brother. 

Phil, Techno, Wilbur, and Tommy had different reactions.

Phil sighed and put Able Sisters on again.

Techno groaned again, leaning back in the drivers seat.

Wilbur screamed so loud that George would be proud.

Tommy celebrated and kept listening to the song.

Tommyinnit oneshots (mostly angst)Where stories live. Discover now