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Rhea had been rather surprised to wake up with the light shining directly upon her, not to the side as it was entirely unavoidable. With that irritation, her eyes had shot open—Though they fought to do just that.

They were well-swollen shut and sore, she hadn't remembered the last time she hadn't cried herself to sleep. But this type of rawness was painstaking, and as she rose to sit up—She'd realize that this was not her room.

And these were not her clothes.

After throwing her legs over the side of the bed, she'd gone towards the window. Wondering if there was any clue as to who's manor this was, though the magnificent garden wasn't all that distinct.

Or it wasn't until a brightly colored peacock statue caught her attention, and that had made sense. Her last memories aligned with speaking with Narcissa Malfoy.

She would need to apologize immediately, but judging by the sun's position in the sky. Clearly, it was late in the afternoon already.

"Did you sleep alright...?" The voice caused her to jump instantly, and Narcissa had only smiled softly at the young girl. Rhea always preferred being shocked by a question than the Elf's popping in and out so quickly.

Yet Rhea couldn't deny the steaming pot of freshly brewed tea. Gods she could drink it whole, but she didn't dare move from her spot before knowing the mood of this little tea session.

"Please sit down, Rhea. We have much to discuss." The mood, she figured, was tender. Much less difficult to move her feet towards the couch and took the seat across the ways.

As the mistress of the manor, Narcissa had taken the opportunity to pour Rhea a hearty cup—Though Rhea noted two things.

Not only was she served first, which would undoubtedly be proper in most cases. But at this moment in time, she was of a higher class. Granted, Rhea didn't want to look into that simple pour more than she needed to.

Instead, she took into consideration of the small vial by the tea.

"It's the same one you took last night, I don't recommend continuing to take the entire vial in one dose. That amount should last a month." A blush had taken over the young Lestrange's face, so that's what happened last night?

"I'm sorry for causing trouble, Mrs.Malfoy, really it's—"
"Nonsense. And I do hope that you will be comfortable in calling me Narcissa soon. We are family after all." Family.

That title had caused Rhea to shake, her own blood hadn't managed the kindness, so it didn't come to an entire shock that it was tainted.

"Did you know I was in a betrothal before I entered a courtship with Lucius?" Cissy had smiled at the young witch's eyes had widened.

It was safe to say she didn't know.

"It's alright, you were focusing on your studies. Besides, Lucius doesn't like the crowds talking about us. It's in the past." Rhea nodded, but something told her this wouldn't be just in the past.

"...I don't remember much of last night, Mrs.Malfoy. Maybe that's for the better, but it's probably also for the worst." She noted right away that her first name hadn't been used, but that wasn't the worst.

Rhea's memory was starting to grow foggier, and she instantly blamed it on the use of the potion. "Dear, how much of this potion do you take?"

"Not enough. Or not that I feel like it's too much at least, the problem is more on the fact that it's being combined with another potion. My healer prescribed it to me from the last party." The blonde witch had nodded along.

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