Hubert x reader-welcome to the team *

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Tw: assault, it's not graphic but it's there, also not from any canon character

Alright, i'm done for today, no more class for me, as I walked back to my quarters I saw Edelgard and Hubert talking, I took a glance at the tall boy he looked back at me, his gaze was ice cold and intimidating as always, the exact look of he has thinking about how to kill me if I turn out to be a threat for lady Edelgard, no matter how I tried to help him or making him notice me in any other way.

Lost in my own thoughts I kept walking distractingly, only to bump into someone "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to" I said massaging the sore spot on my head left bu the impact, but the figure remained silent, when I lifted my head to see I just bumped into professor Jeriza, we remained silent for a pair of seconds, then I hear him talk (maybe even for the first time) "y/s, I need to talk you, it's about your training session of today, come to my quarters at 10 pm tonight " it's the first time a professor wanted to see me after class (unless we count the time where Manuela offered me a beer for having the highest grades in class) "sure professor " Hubert was still looking at Jeriza and me, and so I walked away wondering what the professor needed to tell me.

That month the death knight appeared and Flayn disappeared, strange things happened here at the monastery, everybody was scared to go out at night, I usually loved walking in the moonlight, nothing else gave off that relaxing sense of calm, the moon was covered by dark clouds I couldn't spot a single star in the sky, and everything was dark, almost sad,  seconds later I found myself knocking when the door opened on its own.

At first I freaked out, but knowing that the professor was waiting for me I realised it was normal, so I got in closing the door behind me without locking it, but Jeriza is nowhere to be seen, I tried to look in the small room next the bathroom, I heard the main door getting locked, and when I get out of the room to see if professor Jeriza was back, but instead of him I found a tall figure I knew too well, the death knight, Analysing the battle situation now I had no weapon, nothing to defend myself and he was walking towards me.

This was the actual first time I was completely paralysed by fear, this situation was not a battlefield, unarmed, no reinforcements, no allies, no plans and no way to escape, I couldn't scream, couldn't cry maybe even breathe. When we get face to face I managed to shake of my coma and punched the knight in his mask, making it fly off, it... it was... professor Jeriza, he just raised his arm and bashed my head with the back of his sickle, making me faint.

When I woke up I felt my ankles and wrists tied, but I stood still, without moving or opening my eyes, I just wanted hear and understand what in's sweet garreg fucking mach was going on.

Not even a minute later I heard some voices "I can't see where is the problem in taking hostages" that was clearly death knight, or perhaps I should say Jeriza, "it's not the plan we agreed on, plus she unmasked you!" That was Hubert's voice, he's a traitor, he's always worked with the death knight! "Even if you wanted hostages now as soon as we set her free, she's going to report to that winged snake of Reha" lady Reha winged snake what on earth is that supposed to mean? That was the moment I knew I was surely going to get killed, but before that I wanted to hear the truth "kid, don't explain to me your reasons ' caus' Reha is evil in truth and byleth's story is the proof ' because I don't need to hear it another time, I've memorised it by now" Jeriza answers bored "plus killing her is not a problem to me" "yes it is, you shouldn't have touched her in the first place, can't you keep your sickle at bay?" Hubert wants to keep me alive? I wasn't expecting this "and you should keep your feelings for this weak brat at bay" "I beg your pardon, how did you just call Y/n?" He just stood up for me? "I'm not repeating myself, if you don't want me to kill her than just take care of the pet yourself" It was incredible that the only reason why I was still alive was Hubert "I will, I was planning on telling her anyway, but before I needed the right way... now I'll be off".

I could hear footsteps coming in my direction, and a pair of arms picking me up, all followed by the sound of a teleportation spell, and finally the person I presumed was Hubert laid me on a bed, after all that time spent on the cold ground any bed would have felt soft as a cloud "there, let's set you free" alright, this couldn't be Hubert, he wouldn't be capable of a sweet tone, I was more shocked about it than about the whole death knight's shit.

he started cutting the thick ropes around my wrists and ankles, then he took my head in his hands, moving locks of hair around, probably looking for an injury, when he suddenly stopped I figured he must have noticed the cut and bruise "I swear if he got you a concussion I'm going to kill him" That was the perfect moment for waking up and pretending I didn't hear anything, I wanted to give him a chance to explain.

So I opened my eyes for the first time in what felt like hours "w-what happened?" I said in my best confused and scared tone, luckily for me I'm quite the actress "relax, you're safe" he said clearly unable to decide which tone to use, he tried to hide it, but his tone was soft as before "the death knight! The professor, we have to do something!" His face darkened, in an almost guilty look, I know for sure he killed more people than he can even remember, I was surprised he even knew what guilt meant "wait, you knew it?" "Yes, I do, but I have an explanation, now you found this out I have nothing more to hide, from now on I will tell you the truth about everything " with the information I had now I could clearly spot eventual lies, but as I said before I wanted to give him a chance "go on, I'm listening" "the real and only enemy is Reha, she is not human, since when it was founded the church of seiros has always had, a green haired female leader, Different identities but only one person, she is seiros, the immaculate one, we have proofs of it, and she does experiments on humans, to try and revive Sothis, her last experiment is professor Byleth, he has no heartbeat because of his crest" everything Reha did to Byleth is real, and the different photos of Reha and sieros are the exact same "so all this time you were fighting for the truth, that's...kind of complicated".

I'm almost sure everything he's showing me is real, and now I have to choose a side, between what I've always been taught, and my own opinion, it's hard but I know what must be done "I will join you" I solemnly say he seem surprised"are you sure? Remember...." but I stop him "I know that there's no going back, but I also trust you, if you didn't want me you wouldn't have brought me here, you'd have left the death knight taking care of me" "well, you're one of the team now, welcome".

The door sprung opened, and a band of assassins and thieves bursted in the room "don't move, don't say a word and maybe you'll live to see tomorrow" I recognised them, well, not directly but the teacher talked about this  group of criminals coming from the abyss, they broke into a student's room to kill him in his sleep and steal his belongings,

Th knights suspected they were acting alongside Jeriza, but apparently not. I was about to ask Humbert if he had any sword in his room but one of the bandits grabbed me from the back of my arm and dragged me to their leader "boss, after the mission we can have some fun with this" I tried to shake free but my injury took a tool on me, it still had me dizzy and light headed

The leader just grinned, while Hubert looked like he was going to explode, a second later one of the bandits raised his shoulder saying "why wait?" And literally jumped on me.

Not even a second later I heard a shout " Death Γ !" a spell threw the whole gang out of the room, a critical hit, making them fall off the stairs of the dorms

I took a pair of breaths and turned my head,  they managed to flee, but Hubert didn't seem to care, his full attention is on me, "Y/n! How do you feel?can you stand? " kneeling to reach my level, my heart is still hammering in my chest, trembling I sit on the wooden floor and tried to answer but I couldn't process the words, I just hugged him, crying on his shoulder, it took a full minute to sink in but when it did... "hey, don't worry, you're safe now, it's over, it's over. From now on I'll take care of you"

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