Xander x reader- You mean a lot to me

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"Y/n! are you serious? I heard the last news and i can't believe it!" Xander seems sad about it "unfortunately that's true, they have my brother, his cover was blown up, and I don't know what to do" I'm a general in Nhor, I'm directly under him even though he treats me like we're the same grade.

"Look y/n, I know what it feels like having younger brothers you have to protect, and you have my complete support " at his words I feel a little bit better, I've had a crush on him since the first time we planned a mission together, he knows he means a lot to me, even if he doesn't know why, and apparently I gained his respect, admiration and trust.

"Thanks lord Xander, that means a lot to me, but I won't move the army just for an hostage, even if that's my brother " "y/n, drop the title, it's just the two of us, and plus moving the army is too much, but since your brother is one of our best spies, so we can send a small strike force " this option is good, but it would take too long, knowing Takumi's method the 'traitors' are gonna be sentenced at dawn, and even if we moved just few soldiers we wouldn't make it on time "Xander, we both know we wouldn't make it on time, I'll go on my own, I know the prisons and.." but the crowned Prince cuts me of "no, you're not going back there after what they've done to you, if one of them sees you after what happened they'll end what they started" his words reach my ears, but non my brain "I'm going, alone, if I don't come back just know that I ... never mind, I'll come back" and then I leave the room, heading to my home.

Man, it's been so long since I wore my favourite battle costume, it still fits me perfectly, the dark hood, the armour light but strong enough to block arrows, the hidden daggers everywhere and the mark, my mark, the hoshido overkilled, and when I'll get there they won't find the classic Y/n, but (k/n killer nickname ).

In an hour I reach the place where my brother is held captive, I kill the guards standing right in front of the door, but instead of finding b/n alone I see Takumi with him "K/n, I was waiting for you, or perhaps I should say Y/n" the words from his mouth come out cold as ice and hard as stone "sister, flee while you still can, this was a trap all along!" But we have no time to discuss since takumi starts shooting arrows at me, but I'm too fast for him to hit or to even predict, when he understands he doesn't have a chance against me he remembers what hostages are for, and uses his arrow against my brother, that coward bastard.

"Surrender, if you don't want to see your brother's death!" He's to far for trying throw a dagger at him, so I knee down, putting my hands up defeated, when he gets closer to try capturing me I disarm him, break his right arm and pin him to the ground, I take his head and hit it with his own arrow, so he faints, once I checked he's really out I go and check on my brother, both his legs are broken and his face is covered with bruises so I start carrying him in my arms, while trying to reach my horse" don't worry B/n, I'll get you out of here, and this time..." We merely have time to step out of the tent that a hundred of snipers are aiming at us both, I could try a run, but with b/n in my arms I can't, and I refuse to leave him here again, so I place myself between them and him I think I'm imagining things when I here Xander's voice ordering "go, strike them now!". When I start realising that no arrow shoot me I turn around and see that a battalion of paladins took the snipers from behind.

The first thing I see is a certain crowned prince running in our direction "lord Xander? What are you doing here?" "If you really think I'd let you go alone know that you're very much mistaken" answers Xander while helping me up "we have to do something, Takumi is in that.." but I can't even finish my sentence that I get hit by one of his magic arrows, and faint.

B/n is ten, I'm fifteen , our parents are mercenaries from Nhor, when the war starts they were hunted down and captured, my dad taught me how to fight and so I manage to hide my brother and keep at bay the soldiers hunting me, under the false identity of K/n.
An awful day they caught me down, and started harming me serving for informations I didn't have. Now I'm tied to a chair, when the two guards get killed by a dark spell, and then I hear some voices "that can't be one of our spies, she's too young" and then another one gets close to me, I'm a bit scared but after what happened for the last months I think I think that they can't be worse "what is your name?" A blond guy ask me "I-I'm y/n Y/s" hearing my name he raised his sword, well if that's gonna kill me at least this sufference will end, but instead of killing me he sets me free and starts explaining me the situation "we're the Nhor's army and we're conquering this base to set our war prisoners free, but what is a young girl doing here?" He asks as if he was that much older than me "since my father was from Nhor they thought we were spies, so they killed my parents and captured me, but I managed to save my younger brother" after a pair of steps we run into a fight, and so I show him my strength "your swordplay is really familiar, where did you learn it?" He asks after I stabbed the last of the many enemies "I learned on my own, and created my own stile, I'm K/n" his eyes spread wide open in surprise "I can't believe it, I thought that k/n didn't exist, you're a legend in Nhor, a heroine that fights the Hoshido fearlessly"wow, am I so well known? "Really? I was just trying to protect my brother, by the way what is your name?" I ask while gearing up again with the armoire they stole me "I'm Xander, crowned prince of Nhor"knowing this I asked if I could join him, even though I was not old enough to fight, knowing my fame he said yes, so I started to fight alongside him, but in this dream after what happens the soldiers from Hoshido that captured me caught me from behind dragging me back in that base, where they started repeating everything they did in these hell months

When I wake up again my shoulder hurts, I lay in my bed, and I'm breathing fast, my heartbeat is racing. as soon as I open my eyes I jump up screaming scared, only later notice that some else is in the room with me, starring worriedly at me, Xander, tries to hold me still "y/n, you woke up, I was worried about you" his grip tightened around my hand, trying to calm me down, I still don't understand why he's wasting his time trying to help me, he surely has more important matters, but he's still there by my side, I'm still shaking, remembering the month at the military base is not easy, feeling the old scars opening again is not that easy.

Seeing what was happening Xander knew what I was thinking "y/n, please be honest, did you remember what happened?" He asked looking straight into my eyes "I-I, e-everything happened fast and, and t-that was the same place " I'm not crying, but not because I'm less scared than I was all these years ago "I never talked about it, I didn't want to look weak, but whenever I remembered it I could do much, last time I thought about it I had a panic attack" "look, if that ever happens again call me, I know it sounds weird but you mean a lot to me and I don't want you to suffer on your own".

When I'm fully calm I flinch in pain, feeling my harmed shoulder again, "but I also remembered the day we met, it was beautiful " it's rare talking with him about memories, especially during the war "I never thought I would meet a legend like you, just know that you were Leo and Elise's favourite fairytale, even Camilla wanted to here about you" at the thought I giggle "what an honour" and at this he seems quite pleased " you made the whole royal family fall in love" I see him get a little closer, and try to sarcastically answer "truth to be told k/n did" "personally my brothers could like K/n, but the one I fell for is the cute, caring and smart Y/n"

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