Dimitri x reader how should i tell him?(request)

189 5 3

Gender: female
Request by: Weebynen
Word count: 1244

Peace, at last, Foldland was finally united, the war that plagued our world for five years was nothing more than a nightmare, a year has passed since we managed to kill Edelgard, and with that exactly one year since Dimitri proposed to me at the goddess's tower, and ten months after our marriage, it was the happiest day of my life.

Even though we lived together we both were always too busy to be a normal couple, we saw each other all day long yet the only times we felt really ourselves were when, after a tiresome day, we finally headed back to our room and rested together, or maybe did something else

Claude came back to Foldland to see us, and we had dinner together at Deridru, the former capital of the alliance.

And that leads us to this morning, I wake up all sweaty and nauseous, I immediately shoot up running towards the bathroom, sitting on the floor and grabbing the toilet bowl with my hands I start to vomit violently, in a second I hear some steps rushing in my direction, a hand is now holding my hair out of my face, while another one is patting my back lightly, when I stopped vomiting I lifted my head from the toilet, looking at Dimitri's worried face "beloved, do you feel better? Should we call a healer?" I was breathing heavily "I... I don't know" I stuttered, then something came to my mind "wait, yesterday we had oysters, it might be that" I say, it's the only thing that came to my mind

He sighed and got up, helping me up and carrying me to the bed and laying a blanket over my stomach "don't worry, I'm calling a healer, I'll be here in a second!" He said rushing through the door in complete panic mode, it was the first time I saw him in that state after the end of the war, not even the nightmares he still has make him that nervous...

The door spreads open once more as my husband followed by a pair of healers gets into the room, as the doctors start analysing me Dedu came into the room calling Dimitri for an important meeting, he really was battled on what to do, but when the healer told him that he needed to leave the room, because I might be contagious he sighed and followed Dedu outside

One of the doctors left the room while the other stayed with me finishing the last checkups "lady y/n, when was the last time you were on your period? " she asked me " a moon, why?" she looked at me and smiled "lady y/n, you're pregnant, in the next days we'll have to do further examinations to understand more details, but we should be done for today, I strongly suggest you to rest " I looked at her, a bit relieved by the fact that I'm not actually sick, but still worried about what's gonna happen "thanks, can you leave me alone for a bit, I need some time to reflect..." the healer got up, bowed, and left the room.

Pregnant, pregnant, a baby, what the fuck was I supposed to do, I knew that sooner or later I would become a mother, but I wasn't expecting it to be that soon, I really don't know what to do... and even worse, how do I tell Dimitri? How will he react? Will he take it well? Will he freak out as much as I am?

The more I think about it the more I freak out, until I literally can't resist anymore, I get up from bed and immediately leave the room still in my nightgown, walking towards the conference room, the two guards outside the room immediately let me in, the whole room turned towards me, as I was about to speak one of the small nobles near Fraldarius area "your majesty, what are you doing here?" Not even looking at him I turned towards Dimitri "I need you now, it's important, I " the same noble from before "I'm sorry my lady, but we're..." "done" Dimitri replied coldly to the man

"We're done, i'm not gonna change my mind on that so stop wasting my time, I shall take my leave" he said turning around and leaving the noble speechless, when the door closes behind us I can hear Dimitri "how are you feeling?what happened? what did the doctors say?" in less than a second his tone softened so much I almost feared my mood swings could be contagious, while turning towards me and looking for any sign of illness/discomfort "c-can we reach our room first " the stress took hold of me once more as I stared at the floor, he just took my hand and gave me a reassuring smile "whatever you need love"

The room was not far actually, so we reached it very quickly, as the tension grew in the matter of seconds, we were sitting on our bed side by side as I took a deep breath and gained enough courage to speak "the doctor just ended the analysis and I'm not sick..." I could see Dimitri as relieved as he could be "then what about the vomiting, was it yesterday's dinner?" He asked still worried that it could be food poisoning, I closed my eyes ready for the impact, and just said "it's the morning sickness..." I opened my eyes and look at Dimitri, who didn't understand "I'm pregnant" I say, almost whispering, his one eye spreads open in surprise as he ever so gently hugged me "you and I parents?" I just nod while the hug loosen up and we are once again sitting in front of one another

"y/n, I love you and I'll make sure to have more time to spend with you, I know we both have been busy, but I won't let this stop me from being a loving husband, and the best father I can be" we both were in tears, tears of joy, I love Dimitri, I'm so happy... a knock on the door was heard, it was Dedu, who really got worried when he saw both of us crying "Dedu, can you please try to cut some unnecessaries meetings, I need all the time I can to stay with y/n and the baby" his eyes went wide in surprise, as he smiled, it was really a rare sight "congratulations your highnesses, I'll be off "

"What happened today to make you so nervous, you were on the verge of being back to feral with that old man" I giggled, the sight was pretty funny "he was exposing a dumb idea when you came in, he looked at you like you were just fled out of a mental institution, I was slightly irritated about it, but when he cut you off I almost lost it, he was claiming his dumb ideas were more important than you" I closed my eyes and snuggled in his arms, burying my head in the crock of his neck, and wrapped my arms around him "I wuv u" I said with my voice muffled by his uniform, I could feel his arms on my back and behind my shoulders as he tilted lightly his head to press a kiss on my temple "I love you too"

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