Pj party with the black eagles Caspar x reader

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Hi guys, sorry if I was a bit absent, don't worry I haven't discontinued and I have no intention of doing so anytime soon, but I had problems with high school, now I'll be writing a lot more, and to prove you that here's the start of a M!black eagles x F!reader pj party saga, hope ya'll like it!

Caspar POV

"I still think it's a dumb idea" Edelgard said to Petra and Dorothea, who proposed to have a big surprise pj party as a welcome to our newest classmate, y/n.

"Edelgard's right, it will deprive us of at least two hours of sleep, and I'm not here for it " Lindhart said while closing his heavy anatomy book "don't be such a moron Lin!" I said throwing a pillow at him, which he didn't have enough reflexes to doge.

Y/n and I met last year, when she joined our team, she's the only girl in the house to use gauntlets and she's pretty badass, I faced her a couple times and she punched the living shit out of everyone at the gauntlet tournament, I had a really hard time sparring against her, our sparring matches are always well balanced, if I get distracted for even a split second it'll over, she really is strong...

"Caspar, are you listening?" Only now realising I zoned out for a good minute I shook my head in a no, and my house leader left out a sigh "we're doing this forsaken pj party tomorrow, you'll have to train with her half an hour longer than usual, so we can get ready alright?" "Leave it to me!" I replied, I was gonna have a big pj party with her and train with her for longer than usual, that's what I call a win win.

Someone knocked on the door, and before I could ask who was there I heard the h/c haired girl "Caspar, you're late for today's training, is everything alright?" She asked, i grabbed my training weapons and reached her outside, as soon as I opened the door I saw her leaning against the wall "I'm here, sorry for the late" I said waving my hand "no worries, what matters is you're alright, shall we go?" She said while standing straight and adjusting a strain of hair on her face unable to talk I just nod, and we walked side by side to the training ground, we both put on our gauntlets and protections

"Say y/n, why don't we make a bet?" I said while doing some warmup exercises, "about what?" She asked back, it wouldn't be the first time we bet on something, even though we don't usually bet money, but rather food or dares " if you win I'll do your kitchen duty for this week, but if I win tomorrow we'll stay here training half an hour longer" she nods determined " deal, the first to end up ko loses" she says while offering her hand, which I enthusiastically shake, before readying ourselves for battle.

She charges, balancing her weight on her left leg before striking me with a hook, i try to block it, but while I held her punch she slid her foot behind my leg, trying to push me back making me fall, but while she had strategy on her side I had mor muscles, opposing her movements we stood still for a pair of seconds, before she pulled back gaining some distance, and scanning me, it was my turn to charge, she took a step back to doge but stumbled in a pile of sand and fell, beating her hodd, I stopped the attack and kneeled beside her "you ok? I've never seen you slipping like that in training" she looks up and just say "yeah, I'm fine, just got distracted and lost balance" I offer her a hand, which she accepts, "this was pretty quick, you owe me another round " I say she smirks "don't worry, I'll gladly have my revenge"

When we start again at the first impact I felt a bit more relaxed knowing she was distracted, but apparently that's where she got me. Y/n wins with just a well placed uppercut, sheesh, screw Edelgard and Ferdinand, she is the strongest of the eagles "Caspar, are you ok? You've been starring for quiet some time "

Well shit, that's embarrassing "sorry, just doze off for a pair of seconds " "guess I'm not the only one distracted here" she teased getting two water bottles and handing one to me "well, at least I didn't get distracted during a match " "I doubt it Cass, especially seeing how easily I kicked your ass in the second match" I sticked out my tongue at her, " tell whatever you want but the bet was on the first fight, I still won " I teased back

"so, it's getting late, would mr winner be so kind to accompany me back to my room?"  "It's my pleasure" I answered

Fast forward one day later y/n POV

We're done training for today, But as I'm about to head to my room Caspar grips my wrist "where do you think you're going?" He asks "Cas, we should be done by now, I'm heading to my room " "alright, grab your pj, a pillow and meet me in front of my room" alright, this was confusing "may I ask why?" "You'll see".

So I headed towards my room and grabbed what was necessary, when I later reached Caspar's room and knocked I noticed it was already open, he was waiting for me, what I didn't is that he wasn't alone, everyone in our class was there "what the..." I said confused " since you just joined our house we're here to celebrate! It's a really rare occasion to meet new students " Dorothea said, Edelgard stepped in "we"re all glad to have you on board" "thanks guys, you didn't have to..." but I could finish my sentence properly since some blue haired dumbass stroke the back of my head with a pillow, I fell face flat on the bed and when I lifted my head again I had a word written in my eyes 'WAR'

I grabbed another pillow and threw it in his face, meanwhile almost everyone was either laughing, fighting or hiding, oddly enough Cas and I ended up on the same side during the pillow war, our backs wer leaning against one another's while we tried to deflect our classmates' attacks until eventually he slipped and made me fall under him, sheesh he might be short but he's damn heavy "shoot, I'm sorry y/n" he mumbled as I did a push-up and lifted myself

"Guys, why don't we play truth or dare" Dorothea proposed we eventually agreed since none of us aside from her, Edelgard and Petra tried, and the name sounded cool, after a pair of minutes I got the chance to play " truth or dare?" Edelgard asked "truth" "alright, when was the last time you lost on purpose with someone and why" well, now do I tell the truth? You know what? Fuck it, I will, it's not a big deal after all "yesterday against Caspar, I lost so I could train 30 minutes longer today" Caspar looked at me quiet shocked he assumed I did it because I liked training which wasn't completely false but the reason behind my actions was a bit different, I will admit that if I had to chose between him and training I'd choose him any day

Soon enough it was my turn again, unfortunately the one who picked the dares for me was Dorothea, which meant either an uncomfortable question or 10 minutes in paradise with someone, so I chose truth, the un uncomfortable question "sooooo, does our dear y/n have a crush on anyone in our house?" Well I can't say I didn't see it coming "yep, but no comment until the next question" I answered crossing my legs and flipping my hair, I was pretty sure they all were watching me at this point but nevertheless we kept going

"Caspar, truth or dare" probably seeing how badly ed ed my truth he decided to go for the dare, Thea's evil smirk was a clear sign that he had just opened Pandora's box " alright, confess to your crush, we all know she's in this room" she said rolling her eyes "what if she..." he tried to answer before being cut off by the songstress "dare, you don't have a choice~" so the blue  haired fighter got up and sat in front of me "y/n, I might have a crush on you, now that it's out do you still wanna train with me every day?" He asked almost afraid of the answer "Cas, in my old school I trained a lot, but not as much as I do now, and it was merely to be with you"

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