Federick x reader-i always did

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"tell us the strategy that the shepherds are gonna use in the next battle" After the last fight Wallhart's forces captured me, while I was alone looking for wooden sticks for the fire, they hit my head from behind making me faint, next think I knew I was tied, kneeling in front of a purple haired man, who was trying to make me betray my homeland and my brothers confessing my schemes "not in a million years!" "we'll see, guards, get that spoiled little girl back to the prison" he tries to say, but before the purple haired jerk even ended the sentence I spitted right in his face, and afterwards get slapped, pushed to the ground and kicked multiple times "how dare you little brat, be disrespectful to me the great tactician Excellus, you might be Ylisse's princess and tactician, but look where you are now, they abandoned you, and they're not even coming for you".

I stayed silent, it was a lie, it had to be a lie, my twin brother Chrom and my sister Lissa were surely looking for me, there was no way Robin, my tactician mate, hadn't already understood what happened, and there was no way Federick would abandon me like this, after everything we've been through, this was impossible. "Now that she learnt a little lesson about respect lock her up again" the Guards took me by my elbows taking me back to the cell and chaining me with my arms to a wall behind my back, at a certain point the guards started talking "look, she got the brand on the left arm, with that you can make a lot of money" what the actual fuck? "You're thinking about cutting it off and selling it? Wouldn't this cause trouble?" Asks the guard two afraid that Exellus might kill him if he fucks up "if she doesn't speak she's dead, but after all even if she speaks she's dead anyway so no" and having said that they get in.

One gets behind me trying to keep my arms still while the other pulls out a dagger "ok princess stay still and this will not take too long" the one behind me uses his hand to cover my mouth, the knife cuts deep in my arm "no dumbass, you're cutting it the wring way, you'll ruin it, let's switch" having said that there's a bit of confusion, the hold lightens and I manage to shake free from it, I take the dagger when they're distracted, cut the first's throat with it and then throw it into the other's man forehead, killing them both, however there's a problem, I'm still chained, and I'm bleeding, as if it wasn't enough the second managed to stab my leg with his dagger before falling to the ground dead. My head hits the wall and I start allucinating, I see my sister Emm, calling me, asking me to come with her, but i can't, not because I'm not able, but because I don't want to die yet, I want to see Federick at least for the last time, and tell him that I love him.

Yes, I love him since when I first saw him, his brown hairs, his strength, his determination, he was the perfect knight, but not just this, whenever I felt alone and sad he was by my side, when Emm I was so destroyed I could barely move, he picked me up and carried me out of the battlefield, and for the following weeks he became even more caring.

I closed my eyes for a pair of seconds, to reopen them after what it felt like hours, screams of soldiers and battle cries "where is she?!?" That's Chrom's voice, the shepherds are here so I yell as loud as I can "I'm here, help", after other battle noise two other guards reach my cell, only to be sliced by Falchon and Frederick's silver lance, the first thing they notice is the pool of blood around me, only then they saw the corpses on the floor, along with my cut, bruised and bloody self "Y/n!" Is the only thing that they both can say "I found the keys" Lissa says, but right after she looked at me she stood paralysed in horror, Chrom literally snatched the key from her hands to set me free, Federick was the first to speak "m'lady can you stand?" I tried to get up and walk but after a pair of steps my legs gave out "no worries, I'll carry you" Say-ri then stepped in "we have to be quick, the dynasts are almost here" so the we all ran to the exit and fled from there stopping just into a nearby glade.

My sister and I sat alone in a medical tent, as she looked at me with sad eyes "Don't worry Lissa, i'll be fine, I've already recovered from worse, do you remember that time I was training with Chrom and I fell right off of the balcony right onto the tree?" She almost started laughing at the thought "I do, and I also remember that even back then Federick was the one to carry you, and it was the first time I've ever seen him blush!" "Wait what?"I ask thinking there's a logical answer or this "didn't you know he has the biggest crush on you" and then I heard a loud cough coming from behind us oh no, it's him, it's Federick! "I came here to tell you that dinner is ready but I think I've heard enough, I shall take my le..." "Federick, please wait "my voice is still a bit weak but he clearly hears it "Lissa, can you give us some privacy?" She nods embarrassed and leaves the tent, leaving us in an awkward silence.

Deep in my heart I hoped Lissa was right, but I was so afraid to ask it, I started stuttering something I didn't understand, I was in a total state of panic only one question crossed my mind and yet it took me minutes to ask it "was my sister right? Do you have feelings for me too?" Federick looked like he was about to confess a murder "yes, I do, I'm sorry if it is..... wait did you say too?" I nodded, smiling as much as I could " I love you Federick, I always did "

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