Pj party with the black eagles 3 lin x reader

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I ate something at the canteen and headed to my room, i usually would eat with lin, but today he was nowhere to be seen, knowing him he's probably sleeping in his room right now, he always is, I honestly envy him, being insomniac i wouldn't be able to sleep even if I tried to, although I have a almost regular (and for regular I, of course, don't mean proper) sleep schedule since the only night when I can actually rest is precisely Friday night, and I sleep precisely eight hours, from 23:00 to 7:00

When I finish my plate I hear someone clearing their voice, so I lift my head, Hubert stood in front of me "hi Hubert, do you need anything?" He shook his head no "just needed to tell you that tomorrow evening we'll have a sleepover, to celebrate both you joining our house and the victory at the mock battle, I strongly suggest you to enjoy it, since it is quite rare " tomorrow, tomorrow is Friday...

"Alright, I'll be there, thanks Hubert"  he just said goodbye and left, probably heading to lady Edelgard, but sincerely I couldn't care less, I had a bigger problem, the only day I was actually able to sleep I was supposed to stay awake at a sleepover ? I'm fucked it's either I don't sleep for two weeks straight or I fall asleep at the party, luckily I have a sleep expert on my team, it's time I ask lin for help, I helped him with his crest research, he should help me with this one

Leaving the dining hall and and walking through the corridors of the dorms, in these days I learned well the way to his room, we spent a lot of time together, although I never told him about my insomnia, it wasn't that I was afraid of telling him or anything of the sort, it just wasn't the first topic that came to my mind, the only reason why I didn't tell Hubert it's because this is a rare event and wanting to re-schedule everything because of me seems unkind

Knocking on the sleepyhead's door I hear no response, but when I try to knock a second time I notice the door is already open, so I come in, thinking he's just focused on a book, I wasn't completely wrong, his head was dived in a book, but he was asleep, as usual.

His messy hair covering the illustrations of the anatomy book, and his hands on the desk, one was under his head as a pillow, while the other was still holding on his quill, with the ink still dropping on the paper sheet, I stared with a smile, removing the quill from his hand I picked him up and laid him on his bed, pulling up his sheets he snuggled into the warm blankets, good grief, he looked so innocent I couldn't help but smile softly and ruffle his hair, when I realised what I was doing I flinched back almost falling, then I had an idea, I wrote him a note and left it on his desk

Hi lin, it's y/n
I came by your room to ask you some help, but you were asleep, I suffer from insomnia and the only night I sleep is on the same day of the pj party, if you have anything that can help me sleep today so tomorrow I don't have to please meet me at my room, you should know where it is, thanks
P.s. lock your door next time
Yours y/n

Then I headed back to my room, where my 700 pages strategy book was waiting for me, reading strategy books while eating a small snack is my favourite activity, i laid on my bed relaxing and humming a lullaby whlile turning page after page

After a few hours someone knocked on my door, it was pretty late, I wondered who could be knocking on my door, to be honest I was a bit afraid to open up the door, especially since recently a group of bandits from the abyss was seen around the monastery, so, gripping on my dagger I opened the door, only to see my green haired friend "oh, hey Lin" I say letting my guard down a little, "hi y/n, I saw your note, didn't know about your insomnia, I wanted to try out some spells to work on spells to solve sleep problems but Hubert wouldn't let me treat his insomnia, so when I knew you needed help I didn't waste a single second" it was odd for him to to waste precious sleeping hours but it wasn't completely out of character since he'd do anything to learn everything about crests and magic, and I learned it when I helped him steal some manuscripts from secret places in the monastery...

"Thanks, what did you have in mind?" He took one of the books I saw on his desk earlier today "lay down, I'll try some sleep spells" he said looking at the pages " well, and in case this doesn't work we can always try chloroform" I said in a teasing tone, but he didn't seem to get the joke "chloroform is too dangerous to use, it can cause brain damages"

So i laid in bed and closed my eyes as the healer muttered some words, after a good minute he asked in a low voice "did it work?" So I felt almost obliged to reply "nope, anything else to try?"

Time skip ⏭

Lin groaned in annoyance seeing that none of his studies could beat my stubborn insomnia "sorry y/n, nothing worked, so what now" I sat up straight facing the mage sitting on a chair beside me "guess I'm getting a coffe tomorrow and hope two weeks with no sleep aren't gonna kill me, thanks for the help anyway " he seemed a bit disappointed, but nevertheless he left with his pile of books

Another small time skip ⏭

I haven't slept all night, and today I was assigned a lot of duties, and I was exhausted but nevertheless I was heading up to the designed room, first floor, it was probably Ferdinand's room

In less than a second I was surrounded by my classmates and attacked with a pillow "haha, gotcha y/n! Taste my super pillow " Caspar... who could be so lousy aside from him "try me shorty " I reply preparing for war

Caspar suddenly got tired of fighting me he stepped aside and went to try a sneaky attack on Petra, when I felt a hand on my shoulder, it was lin, "hey, did you manage to sleep last night after I left ?" He asked worried "unfortunately not at all, and now I'm really tired "

Dorothea interrupted us "everyone, let's play truth or dare" and before we knew iter were sitting on the carpet in a big circle, while Thea tried to make Hubert confess his "feelings" for Edelgard, As a wave of tiredness swept over me I laid my head on Lin's shoulders as he was sitting next to me, at the next yawn I closed my eyes for a second, or so I thought

Lin's POV

"Dorothea, I think that's enough questions for Humbert, why don't you pick someone else?" Edelgard said rolling her eyes in annoyance "alright! Y/n, how about...  " y/n rolled her head lightly, with her eyes still closed, her pulse is slow and calm, she looks peaceful, cute "oh y/n, y..." "Thea, can't you see she's sleeping, let's not wake her up, she's had a rough day " I say wrapping my arm around her back, she unconsciously snuggled closer to me, how can someone be so adorable...

"Then what do we do with she?" Asked Petra pointing at her "I'm taking y/n to her room" the others glare at me as if they've just seen a ghost, it's the first time I  volunteer for any manual job, but I have a good reason...

After saying goodbye I take y/n and carry her back to her room on the same floor, when I laid her on her bed she turned and opened her eyes for a split second "lin? Where are the others?" "Shhh, you fell asleep during truth or dare, nothing too bad, keep sleeping I'll close the door and go, see you tomorrow"

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