Ferdinand x f!reader fluff an awful day (request)

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Requested by marlett_writes
word count:1092

I laid tiredly on my bed, sighing heavily, it's been an awful day, i know that days like these happen to anyone, I myself have had days off, but I never expected anything like that.

Being a former student of the golden deer I was far behind the others, so I had double the amount of work the others had. I was assigned to work with Bernadetta for the next activity, but every time she saw me she ran away, so I had to chase her all around the accademy, which was useless anyway since she didn't listen half a word of what I explained her about the project, failed task number one.

Then I had to talk to Edelgard for another axe assignment, but apparently it was the wrong day, we had to prepare tomorrow, so I apologised and left, failed task number two.

And don't even get me started on the training with Caspar, already tired I promised the fighter to help him with his gauntlet training, but while I was parrying one of his kicks my w/p broke and I lost my balance falling on my ass, his reaction? He bursted out laughing, failed task number three.

But the absolute worse had yet to come, Hubert was following me the whole day, basically threatening me to stay away from lady Edelgard and leaving that house, since in a day I wasn't able to accomplish any task, which was actually true.

I left the mage behind regretting to follow my dreams and my boyfriend to the black eagles, why did I even ask professor Byleth to join the class? I knew everyone there loathes me! I was dumb thinking that once here things would have gotten better

I felt awfully tired and was about to pass out when I heard a knock on my dorm room, shit, I promised my boyfriend I'd help him study strategy. I opened the door to reveal a pile of books who claimed to be Ferdinand von Aegir "look y/n, I can carry more more books than Edelgard can!" He said enthusiastically, apparently without noticing that one of the top books fell hitting my nose, I let out an 'ouch' falling on my butt once more, and as Ferdinand heard my wince he dropped the books worried and "oh goddess, I'm sorry, are you alright?" He asked supporting my back while delicately holding my chin and slightly turning my head to see if the nose is broken or bleeding.

My eyes started to tear up, both for the hit and the frustration accumulated throughout this shitty day, he immediately noticed and held me closer "shhh, everything's gonna be alright, let's just relax now,now that Ferdinand von Aegir is here you don't have to worry about a thing " he moved his hand from my chin to under my knee and lifted me up, afraid that I might fall I hooked my arms around his neck.

My nose started to bleed, so Ferdinand turned around looking for the cloth napkins I always kept in my drawer, next to the textbooks, he knew their location quiet well since every time he was hurt during training he visited me instead of going to the infirmary, and whenever he needed to disinfect a wound I used those cloths soaked in a mix of disinfectant, water and healing herbs

He set us both on the bed, afraid that laying down I'd stain the sheets I sat on the bed with my back leaning against the wall, he took the chair from my desk and sat precisely in front of me, still with one hand to support my jaw and the other on the napkin.

After a few seconds of comfortable silence he asked me "do you want to tell me what's on your mind?" Still sniffling I answered "today was just a really tough day, and I just feel like I shouldn't be here, I'm just a boulder..." as another wave of tears almost stroke me I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in the crock of his neck, he held me even tighter "who told you that? Hubert?" I just mumbled a yes "you don't have to worry about his opinion, the only thing he cares about is Edelgard, and if he ever insulted you it's because the emo strain of hair on his face reduces his sight so much that he can't even see you properly" even if I was in tears that little comment made me smile, Ferdinand always managed to cheer me up in my darkest days.

He kept holding me and brushing my hair with his fingers " you're the smartest student in the whole school, we're so lucky to have you in our class and don't let anyone tell you otherwise " I felt so much better afterwards, knowing that he was and will be by my side the whole time

When I stopped sighing and my eyes were no more blurry with tears I noticed that the napkin was on the ground, I was bleeding on Ferdinand's white shirt! I pulled back immediately, but it was too late, his shoulder was already soaked "oh shit, I'm sorry, I messed up again" I huffed sadly, he just turned his head right to see the stain left by the mixture of blood and tears I left, but he just brushed it off, like he didn't care at all "don't worry, it's not a big deal, what matters is that now the bleeding stopped, does your nose still hurt?" I shook my head in a no and he smiled as brightly as only he could

In that moment something came to my mind, the actual reason why he was here, so I stood up and started heading towards the books "So when are we starting with the strategy lessons you needed?" I know full well that he has the wyvern knight exam in less than a week, and that he really needs to study if he wants to pass, his current percent is probably around 56/57 he looked at me like I was speaking almyran, then he stood up and headed towards me"not today, I'm not gonna keep studying when the most amazing girl in the world is feeling bad" and having said that he reaches me and grabs my hand pulling me towards him, with an elegant twirl he graciously placed me in his arms, when he tightened the grip around my waist and pulled me in for a kiss

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