Claude x reader dumbass-evil-genius (request)

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Request by:_blueberrywaffleton_
Tw: no trigger, just Claude
Note: sorry it took so long, school's absolutely bonkers, four tests just this week and two of witch are math...

It was over, we fought and defeated Nemesis himself, something not even Seiros had accomplished, we brought back peace back to Foldland, we could finally see the sun disengage from behind the mountains, never in my life I thought one of the most memorable moments in my life would happen in a fetid swamp, not that other battlefields were clean, but swamps had a special place on the podium of my most hated battle terrains

Claude helped me up "my friend " he did sirking, knowing that this would have been the last time he called me that "this is a new dawn, not just for us, but for all Foldland" "and we're gonna see it through together" I replied ruffling up his already messy hair "I can't wait to spend every single day of my future with you" Claude pulled me close just as I started doing the same "I do too, my scheming asshole"

The travel back to garreg mach was faster than the blink of an eye, we decided to stop and spend the night there before coming back to Deridru, it was a purely logical choice from Claude considering that we slept an hour a day for this last month, but I couldn't shake off the feeling that something else was behind it, I could feel it

"Claude, is everything alright? You've been acting weird after the battle" he looked kinda surprised for a second then just brushed a strain of hair out of his face and shook his head "don't worry about it, I just need to clear my thoughts" he said "and also I don't want to spoil the surprise" he mumbled, he usually was the best at keeping secrets, what in fucking foldland is happening? "What?" "Meet me at the goddess tower, at dusk" he said leaving me there stunned.

I just rolled my eyes asking myself why did he always have to be such a mysterious dumbass, but I guess it wasn't the right time to think about since I hadn't had a proper meal in about 24 hours, I was starving, as I took a tray Hilda came to sit beside me "y/n! " she called "I'm happy to see you're unharmed, I was worried about you" I smiled "thanks hilda, glad to see you're alright too, it was pretty rough back there " "I still can't believe that this is our last battle, we'll have to say goodbye to Claude" hilda shighed and I nearly spat out the water I was drinking "say goodbye? What are you talking about?" I asked confused " I've heard him speaking about going back to solve some intricate business in almyra after the war, didn't he tell you this?" Hilda replied almost as confused as I was, after everything he said about our future he was just gonna shatter like this? Not gonna lie I was fuming in that precise moment "are you absolutely sure he said that?" I asked once more just to make sure i wasn't going to murder Claude for nothing "it was serious, he was talking with Holst and some Almyran soldier"

We finished eating in less than ten minutes and I took it upon myself to look for Claude before dusk, but it was impossible, he was nowhere to be found, nowhere! After an hour of research I decided to give up, it was clear he wasn't in the mood to be found, and that meant nobody in the world would have been able to track him down, I was starting to fear he told me to meet him at the goddess tower to say his goodbye, the unpredictability of his actions scared me sometimes, and this definitely was one of those times.

When the said time finally arrived I hurriedly ran up the stairs only to find Claude waiting for me "oh hey y/n, what a perfect timing" before he had the chance to say anything else I cut him off "you're leaving and didn't bother to tell me up until now did you?" He looked at me in shock "how on? Why?" Was all he could mutter "did you think you could keep a conversation secret while Hilda is in a less than three miles radium master tactician? Or shall I call you dumbass-evil-genius " I replied sarcastically, at those words he laughed out loud and I raised my eyebrows "I still don't understand how she has the ability to eavesdrop every conversation but still not understanding shit about it" "not understanding?" Somehow this made me even more surprised "you've always been quiet the detective, I should have expected you finding out I was plotting something you always "he took a step back, what he told me calmed me a bit, but my confusion was turning into curiosity "well, I caught you, now will you explain your elaborate scheme evil genius?" I asked.

He took ahold of my hand as he spoke "we've been keeping our love a secret for almost a year, and now that the war is over I was planning to make it official" he knelt down in front of me, and pulled out a small box from his pocket "my dear detective y/n y/m(middle name) y/l(last name), will you make me the happiest dumbass-evil-genius on this planet, marrying me?"

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