Lon'qu x reader-the masked fighter (stronger than mt stotm by citizen soldier)

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I like doing stories based off of songs, if you want you can request them
P.s.(I know the song doesn't mean exactly this but I see it as a way to take back your life so don't hate me please)

Self-hatred, I'm fighting
Feels like a prison cell
But this story I'm writing
Helps me remind myself

I'm a former mercenary, when the village where I lived was attacked by plegia's soldiers and burned down, I was stabbed, left on the verge of death, but I survived, and ran away, leaving behind the houses on fire, how on earth did I survive that? I was weak, still too young to wield a weapon, why me?

The rock bottom only got me higher
Won't be a victim, I'm a survivor
I refuse to believe the liar in my head

Those thoughts circled in my mind as I cleaned and bandaged my wounds, but looking at myself and then the village I made a promise, to myself, I swore I'd be strong enough to stop this war and avenge my friends and family,

The proof is stitched in my scars
I'm strong enough, I'm strong enough
I found myself through the dark
Not giving up, not giving up

so I created a false identity for myself, a f/c hoodie, a w/p, and a mask to hide my identity, more like to forget the weak girl I was, and become the strong warrior I always wanted to be (F/n fake name)

I've come to understand
That tragedy's a second chance
My dying breath is where I was born
Now I'm stronger than my storm

it's been years since that mess, and I was quiet popular, even if nobody knew who I really was, even if no one knew who I really was, they didn't even figure out I was a girl, and this was really good, I don't talk much, more like I don't talk at all since most of the people here think I'm mute, or at least until I joined the Shepards, and for the first time in my life I had friends

We fought against the same group of plegians, they were quite impressed by my strength, we shared a goal, and had the same enemies, so I decided to join them, but I never removed my mask, the first time I tried I almost had a breakdown, that mask was my whole identity, without it I'd feel like I'm nothing, like I'm back being that weak little girl.

For so long I tried to
Prеtend away my pain

The one I spent most of my time with was Lon'qu, we trained together at the training ground for hours and hours on end, we always sat together at lunch, but we didn't talk much, luckily since otherwise he'd see I'm a woman, and he'd start to avoid me, he never told why he never talks to women, he may have had mother issues, or he may just be a misogynistic jock, even if I doubt it highly.

My secret to keep it
Lеft me one step away

Most of the Shepards were ok with my mask, since I told them it was just because it was a part of me, not an attempt to hide myself, the guys were all very comprehensive with me, aside from Frederick...

I was at the training ground, Lon'qu decided to leave early and left, i on the other hand was not tired yet, and I still wanted to train, I heard footsteps and turned around to face the door, it was Frederick, none of us said a word, so I turned again and started to beat the dummy as if he wasn't there, after a minute of silence he started talking "I request you take off that mask" I turned again, he did not just say this did he? I stopped and looked at him "never" was the only answer I could think of "F/n, to see you're not a plegian spy I need to confirm your identity" "Prince Chrom has no problems with my identity, how comes you do? " I protested in the lowest and calmest voice I could, not even facing him, sure that it was just another of his rants, how wrong could I be... he grabbed my arms from behind holding me still, and putting a hand on my hood and mask, I let out the first scream in years, it's not pain, it's frustration

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