Claude x reader-bad aim

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"Why do I need to leave my comfort zone? Why do I need to learn to use a bow if I'm already skilled with a sword!" I ask (more like yell) "we already have me as a sword unit, we need an assassin and looking at your stats it fits you perfectly, you're the only one fast enough to do it" professor Byleth is right, my vel stats are the highest in the whole class, but my aim is awful, I've already tried to train to improve it but I accidentally threw an arrow right in my professor's arm, and he was about five meters away from the target!

Since he is the professor he decides and I'm forced to do as he says, the next week I have the bow test so I'll have to train all day and all night, I get to the training ground sighing and I take the training bow, as I practice a group of guys notices me and surrounds me "aww, what a failure, after two hours training you missed the target every time" this group used to bully me when I was a child, and when they changed school I finally felt free, but here they are, back at it again, " what do you want this time?didn't you ruin my life enough?" Sarcasm has always been my first weapon " we're not here to ruin your life, but I think it's time to teach you how to use a bow properly " and as he takes an iron bow two of his friends block me from behind, but I'm not the classic target I used to be, I'm not weak anymore.

Before the jerk even takes the arrow I break his friend's hold and kick the left one in the face, as I punch the right one in the chest and throw him to the ground, one of the group tries to punch me in the face but I block him, take his head in my hands and hit it with my knee, the front one shoot his arrow, but I manage to doge it, steal his bow from him and throw it away, and as he take his dagger i throw him to the ground block his arm and twist it behind his back "just because I don't have a good aim doesn't mean I can't kick your ass easily, remember this, because the next time you won't be so lucky" and than I turn to leave the training ground.

Claude's POV

Heck, I knew she was strong, but not like this, I'm better go complimenting her, but as I get of my wyvern I see her turning around and one of the bastard is aiming at her, but it seems I still underestimate her, she here'd the saound of the bow and before I even have the time to shout "Y/n! Watch out!" she has already turned and dogged the attack once more, he alredy shoot the arrow, even if I trust her dodging ability I take out my bow in a desperate try to aim right at his arrow and shoot. After a second i hear the sound of two metallic objects colliding and I realise I did it, I hit his arrow, Y/n is safe and sound we both exit the training ground together.

"thanks for the help Claude, thanks to your aim I made it out alive " "don't mention it, and plus I saw you were doing pretty good even without me, weren't you?" I teased as she started laughing "if you wanted to save me from them you are a bit late, you should have done it at least three years ago, the role of the scared victim doesn't suit me well now" how can she say that and start to laugh as if nothing happened, but I prefer to keep joking about it, it's more like me " that's a shame, I'll have to leave the azure prince's role to Dimitri, that fits him perfectly"I say as I pretend to be sad about it "Claude, don't cry, you don't need to be the prince if you already are the master tactician" I don't need to forget that she always has the best answer for every possible question "thank you Y/n, and while we're at it I saw you don't have a good aim, why didn't you tell me this?" She rolls her eyes "Claude, for how long have you been watching me?" Dang, she caught me, I know it's not polite to use the Saturday patrols to watch a girl training but ... "well, sorry about it, but I can make up for it, will you forgive mi if I help you with your aim?" "Ok, but if I won't pass the test it'll be your fault too, plus the jerks are still there, we can't get back in the training ground" "worry not Y/n I know the perfect place to go"


I don't know where is he taking me to, but I trust him. We both have our weapons so even if we get attacked we can fight back (a.k.a. If anyone touches him I'm ready to go on a killing spree ) when we reach the border of the sealed forest "Claude, we can't get here if they find us..." "don't worry, they won't, I get here everyday and no one knows" an as we get into the forest we find a glade surrounded by the trees and full of targets, that place was beautiful.

"Do you like it?" He asked in an happy tone, "of course I do, it's so cool, but now we need to start " but as I'm aiming to the target Claude stops me "just what you think you're doing? You hold the bow in the wrong way" he say pointing at my left hand "what? I've held it like this my whole life, how else am I supposed to do it?".

After a short laugh he get right next to me resting his head on my shoulder and repositioning my hands in the right position across the bow "you have to keep your hand a bit lower and to grab it like this" and as he put his hands on mine he shows me how to shoot, I feel like I'm blushing madly, Claude and I have never been this close, I swear my heart is beating so strong that I fear he'll feel it.

together we shoot an arrow and we hit the target right in it's middle "understood Y/n?" After what happened I can't talk so I just nod, thinking about that i focus on the target and hit it, I did it, I shoot an arrow in the right way, and that was all it took to do it?

"I did it! Thank you Claude" I enthusiastically started jumping and singing in joy, and as he got closer to celebrate this victory I kissed him

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