Sylvain+sister reader(+ is NOT romantic friends/family)

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Request by: SezeSully
Gender: female
Tw: none
The stories where a + is written aren't romantic
A/n: sorry, I made a mistake in the first version and corrected it now

"Are you sure this is a good idea y/n?" Edelgard asked me "it might not be the best idea but it's all I've ever wanted" I said looking at the paper sheet with my crest symbol written on

My quest to find my lost brother began long ago, when my adoptive family and I found out about my crest, not many people know about it, just my house leader, I managed to find the crest since it matched to my weapon, bow of ruin, my parents found it laying beside me as a wolf guarded my little figure.

My task would have taken a really long time, nobody in the empire knew anything about lost relics, and hearing Edelgard 's stories didn't help me to trust the church all that much, so I decided to take the research to garreg mach, where I could get in contact with people from other houses which meant different countries, I arbitrarily decided to start from the blue lions, and by arbitrarily I meant choosing the guy I actually wanted to be my brother, Ashe, he really looked kind and sweet.

Luckily enough we had kitchen duty together that day, when he walked in he looked at me a bit confused, it was clear that he wasn't really used to seeing new faces around the monastery so I introduced myself "hi, I'm y/n, it's my first day here" "I'm Ashe, nice to meet you, it seems like we're on kitchen duty together"

We started to talk about our families, I didn't say anything about my lost brother though, it was something I was afraid to say out loud, maybe it was pride, maybe fear he'd keep his distance and never speak to me again.

Unfortunately he wasn't my brother, Ashe was adopted by a nobiliar family and neither him nor his adoptive father had a crest.

As people started to reach the canteen Ashe greeted a lot of boys and girls and even introduced me to some.

A girl bursted into the room evidently angry "so you were flirting with her, you pig! " she yelled looking at someone outside " baby, I swear I wasn't" replied another guy, his voice sounded strange, but the even stranger things was watching him stepping in, he was identical to me, it was like watching a distorted version of myself in a mirror

The former happy couple went their separate ways and eventually the orange haired guy walked towards us to grab something to eat

"Hey Ashe, didn't know you were on duty toda..." he lifted his head and noticed me "oh, you must be new around here, the name's Sylvain, but enough about me, what about you?" I was a bit confused but nevertheless held my hand out for him to shake "y/n"

I just said, not knowing how to react, for the first time in many years I had a clue about who my lost brother was, he kept on smiling and trying to chat but my mind was completely elsewhere and all my answers consisted in nods

Eventually he gave up and said goodbye going to sit next to a guy with his hair in a bun, Ashe shook his head "don't mind him, he's just a dumbass" I shook my head trying to wake up form that half slumber and said "don't worry about it, say, isn't it time for us to eat too?" So we grabbed some food and sat at a table to eat

Sylvain POV

She looked odd, y/n, that name sounded familiar but I can't remember why, fuck, I hated the feeling of knowing yet not knowing. She was talking with Ashe, maybe they were friends

I reached my classmate at the training ground, he was practicing with his bow "hey Ashe, is the girl you were on duty with today your friend?" I asked, he glared at me "if you want to try and woo her after today you're dumber than I expected " I stepped back, almost fearing he'd turn his bow to me "woah, calm down, it's something else..." he then faced me surprised that I was actually serious

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