Caspar x reader through sunshine and storm

17 1 7

Gender: f
Request by: LogicalLillian379

"Cas, no, an uppercut in Ferdinand's jaw isn't an acceptable way to solve a disagreement" I sighed, facepalming at Caspar's definition of diplomacy, our outdoor training just finished in a tie and the first thing he was talking about was his stupid ass bickering with Ferdinand Von Aiger "but he deserves it, and it would be fun!" He replied, punching the air as if to demonstrate what he was gonna do to our obnoxiously noblelike classmate, to be fair he would kinda deserve it, but had I told Cas so he would have actually gotten through with the plan "you'd just end up getting your ass in trouble" I replied handing him his bottle of water as he took off his gauntlets.

"thanks y/n, but still..." he couldn't even finish his sentence when lightning crossed the sky, not even half a second later thunder reached it, the storm was closed, I doubted we would have been able to reach the monastery before hell broke lose "Cas, we need to run if a bolt catches a tree we're dead" I said, no response, he stood still as a statue, looking at where the light came from in a trance "Caspar!" I repeated grabbing on his wrist and pulling him along, he looked at me as if I just woke him up from a nightmare "yeah, sorry..." he said, following along.

I never left his wrist, just to be sure he didn't get distracted and lost, poor guy looked like a lost puppy, luckily enough I knew a close entrance to the abyss, it was a secluded room, disconnected from the rest of that dedalus of dark corridors and creepy dolls, it probably was home from a long stolen artefact but now probably lost its use. Rain started pouring way before we could get to safety and the forest became a slippery muddy trap, only a few steps from the crypt's entrance my foot got trapped in a root, almost sending me flying into the mud, had Caspar not pulled me closer and caught me I would have fallen for sure.

We stood still in the rain for a second before another thunder woke us up from our trance, with me pulling him to the safety of that closed room, we both were drenched, soaked head to toe, but at least we were safe, for now, I looked at Caspar's face, he had been acting really weird since we heard the first thunder, he looked more alert then ever yet was still as a statue "Cas, are you alright?" I asked, confused and worried by his reaction, he shook his head as to regain some sort of composure "what? I'm fine, don't worry 'kay?" He answered with a smile that looked very much forced, it was clear there was something laying beneath it but if he didn't feel comfortable enough to tell me I sure as hell wasn't gonna insist.

Since the room was open and we found some good wood we managed to light a fire and hang the heavier layers of our attire to dry, we sat together in a corner of the room, near the fire, trying to warm ourselves up, a gust of wind struck me, having me shivering and shuffling closer to him, leaning my head on his shoulder, when his arm brushed mine briefly I could feel all his muscles tensed, he was a nerve wreck, flinching at each and every thunder, he previously mentioned he didn't like storms, but not to this extent. I knew he was scared shitless, anyone with a quarter of a braincell would, but he was too stubborn to admit it and ask for help, I had to do something to help him, and I actually could considering he seemed to relax under my touch.

"Cas, it's getting kinda cold, can we hug?" He didn't say a word as he nodded and pulled me in his lap, his grip tightening ever so slightly as lightning struck a tree just outside the entrance, his scared eyes were wide, starring at the burnt tree, I could feel his heart hammering in his chest, so I straightened up my posture, took his face in my hands and looked at him.

"Hey, don't look outside, there's nothing interesting, alright? Focus on me" I slowly said, trying to calm him down, stroking his cheek with my thumb "we're safe, you're safe, you have nothing to fear now" then I kissed his forehead "I'm here with you Cas" at the next thunder he buried his face in my shoulder, the bold and fearless Caspar now shaky and small in my arms, I felt a strong need to hold and comfort him: stormy nights are supposed to be cozy nights inside, perfect for warm tea, relax and cuddles, and I was determined to ease him through this dark and stormy night and each and every stormy night from now on.

I moved a hand on his back, the other one toying with his hair, something I knew calmed him down when he was upset, all while I mumbled words of comfort in his ear, it took him minutes to be able to talk again, still without moving his head from the crock of my neck "y/n..." he said weakly, his voice muffled in my light uniform shirt, his voice giving me butterflies "yes Cassy?" I asked softly, giving him a small kiss on his temple "I can't stand the noise... can you sing for me?" He finally looked up, for a split second, giving me a peep of his glassy eyes, how could I say no?

I nodded, it had been a while since the last time I sang, let alone for someone, but right now it felt just right, a melody immediately came to my mind, making me sing along to the tune of that old lullaby (suggested songs: Isabella's lullaby, safe and sound, the moon will sing) still running my fingers through his hair, he slowly got comfortable enough to look up from my shoulder and outside our hideout.

We watched the rain die down without leaving one another, it was a typical summer storm, violent yet short, gone in under an hour. It was so short the clothes we hung to dry in front of the fire were still wet, we put them back on either way due to the strict dress code at garreg Mack. As I motioned to walk out Caspar stopped me, taking my hand, I turned to face him, linking his fingers with mine.

"I'm sorry you had to see me in this condition" he said, his gaze shying away from me "everyone have weaknesses, there's nothing to be ashamed about" "thanks for being here for me" I pulled him in closer and kissed him "I just want you to know I'll always be here, right beside you, through sunshine and storm"

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