Ashen wolves on a duo mission Hcs

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An: Since I noticed writing headcanons is quicker than regular one shots I wanted to try and write some more, you know, just to experiment a little...
I've actually managed to pull my desk mate into it, I made some tickets with tropes and classes and asked her to blindfold pick one for the house and one for the trope and that's what I ended up with

- as soon as as Alfric announced the mission he was neutral
- but when he added that the two of you would be going solo a smirk appeared on his face, actually, scratch that, ha had THE smirk, the one and only
- he prepared not one, not two, but a hundred backup plans
- Yuri-bird studied everything in the smallest details to make sure nothing would happen to you
- he knows you are more than capable of fighting, and he knows that if you ever get injured he also can protect you, he just wants to show off his big brain
- he doesn't want you to feel belittled though, should you propose any change to his plan he will incorporate them
- bonus points if you manage to solve a problem he had yet to find the answer to, he's gonna be starry eyed
- something unexpected happens and you get a little jumpscare before he reveals he had predicted that all along and he just "forgot to tell you"
- you're gonna smack his shoulder silly and he remarked how cute you looked all worried
- is he gonna scheme with or without you? Yes
- is he gonna brag about it afterwards? Yes
- but are you let him gonna do it anyway because it sounds dorky and adorable to you? Probably

- took the occasion to try and impress you (when does he not?)
- like 'accidentally' rolling his sleeves up to show off his biceps but moved the shoulder pad out of the way and almost got hit
- definitely the one covering your back when you work on lockpicking and delicate work
- also the one who distracts the enemies with his natural, loud and rowdy self while you sneak behind them
- if he gets somewhat injured he's gonna play it off, unless he's literally on the brink of death
- however if he sees even just a scratch on you the mission is OVER
- no matter how much you insist on telling him you're fine he's gonna throw you over his shoulder and take you back to the nearest healer
- "Balthus, it's just a scratch" "there's no way you're fighting in these conditions, let me carry you""the cut's on my arm, I can walk...""there's no need to waste your energy when I can easily help you with that"
- knows you can do everything on your own but tries to help out on everything using brute force
- actually broke one of the doors but you never told Yuri because you love Balthus and didn't want to sacrifice him to the creepy doll

- well, sometimes she thinks she's Yuri and often tries to tricks to solve battle situations
-"fear not y/n, I will solve everything with my supreme magic"
- don't get me wrong, you really trusted her, but your precaution saved both your lives more often than not
- still she is very quick and have a very precise aim when it comes down to direct fight
- she critted on a fortress knight standing behind you at lightning speed and told you to be more careful
- she is very resourceful and also very much aware of it
- at least that is if the battle happens in a dark place
- if you happen to be assigned to a mission outside the abyss and in the forbidden forest expect a whole lot of apologising for even the smallest mistake
- hell, she will apologise even when she makes no mistake
- to prevent it you often found trees to fight nearby to keep her in the shade, her advantage of being a flying unit was nerfed a bit but she still had her perfect aim
- it might be a tad bit harder to fight like that but you couldn't bring yourself to see her in that state

- you will go to ask her if she has anything planned for the mission and she will answer with "wait, there's a mission?"
- turns out when Alfric assigned the two of you to this mission she was asleep
- she's gonna be brutally honest if she doesn't like your plan
- "that'll work perfectly, if you want to kill the both of us" "alright, what do you propose then" "I got nothing"
- her cynical attitude might throw someone off but you know not to take it personal, it was her way to try and keep you safe
- has a very good emotional control due to her curse so if you freak out about something not going how you planned she can keep a steady head on her shoulders, calm you down and help you out
- like hold your shoulders, look you in the eyes and just go "y/n, stay with me, you got it, I know you can do it"
- if the situation gets desperate enough she'll look at you, the enemies, and then back at you before sighing and using the commotion as a distraction to get the both of you out of there

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