Felix -the tournament 1

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The blue lion class is no ordinary class, we may look so from the outside, but when we hit the training ground, that's when shit happens, we are one of the strongest under 23 fencing team in all Foldland, and basing on the current condition of our group chats we're also one of the messiest

Annette: guys, how on earth do you fit the mask in the bag

Felix: you simply push, it's not that hard

Sylvain: you know that line so well, how many times y/n told you that?

Byleth: wrong group chat for those jokes dumbass, see you at the training ground in five minutes

I was already on my way to the last training at garreg mach, where our professor and coach byleth was waiting for us, Felix was already there, he shifted towards me a bit, I would be lying if I said he wasn't a bit less cold towards me, but it took him a month of dating to warm up even the tiniest bit

"Ok team, the tournament starts in two days, we'll leave tomorrow so we have time to settle down, the tournament lasts a week, remember to pack your bags today and be on time tomorrow, the bus leaves from garreg mach with or without you" Byleth reminded us before today's training, I was super excited, this was gonna be my first outdoor tournament, plus it's gonna be my first time skipping school because of my sport

While running laps my head really was elsewhere, so much that I tripped and stumbled, falling face flat in Felix's back "careful y/n, if you break your ankle before the tournament I swear I'll kill you" " oh, come on, you know me better than this Fel, you should know that if I got hurt so easily I wouldn't have chosen fencing " I replied booping his cheek, fully knowing how annoying it was to him, he spat out his usual tsk before heading towards the changing room

My routine here at the training ground is very rigid, after warmup my first match is always against Dimitri, I can see Sylvain was running his punishment laps, Ingrid was repairing her foil, Annette and Mercedes were late, and Dedu was sparring with Ashe, everything was normal, the first days Felix used to tell me to avoid sparring with Dimitri, cause of his crest, and what was born as a dumb way to spite him became part of my small routine, and I didn't mind it at all, he usually managed to control his strength

Keyword usually

As he tried to score the first point the crest effect appeared, his foil hit my chests plate, snapping it in half underneath the uniform, the sheer force of the attack and the pain pushed me back and sent me to the ground, with a pained cry, and a loud thump

I saw the door of boys' locker room shoot open, and an alarmed, still not fully changed Felix appeared, scanning the room before laying his eyes on me and running up to where I was , kneeling down before me, I was barely able to breathe, Felix tried to lift me up, byleth stopped him "don't, if her ribs are broken you risk to damage her lungs, someone call professor Manuela!" The only things I heard after that are Dimitri's nonstop apologies,

When the healers arrived and took me to the infirmary Felix asked Byleth if he could stay with me, the professor was shocked, Felix never skipped a training, but nevertheless he granted that, Felix didn't even bother to change, he followed around the campus in long socks, a sporty t-shirt and knickers, to plop down on a chair next to my bed as we waited for the exam's results

He said nothing, we both were anxious, we knew full well that this could potentially be the end of my sport career, as professor Manuela entered the room with the results of the tests Felix held my hand from under the covers "I've got both good and bad news, you have micro fractures on two of your ribs, they'll heal in just one to two weeks, but until then no sport of any sort, excluding e-sports, of course" "Is there any kind of protection I can wear to keep playing? Tomorrow I have the official tournament " she shook her head "sadly it's not only a matter of getting hit, any brusque move could potentially worsen your situation, and even just the guard position puts so much pressure on your rib cage to potentially snap the bone definitely, and to heal from that it's way harder"

I sighed, I've been waiting for it, since Manuela said I could walk and do basic stuff I decided to move back into my room, Felix followed me without saying a word, still worried, when he reached my room I invited him in, I didn't want to be alone, we both sat on my bed, side by side

"So it's over..." I mumbled sadly, slowly leaning on his shoulder "hey, don't worry, now that we're in under 23 we're gonna do twice as much tournaments as we did last year, and almost all of them will be just like this one"

" I'm afraid Fel " "afraid?" I nod "how could I not be if simply moving could potentially pierce trough my lungs, I better tell byleth to get me out of the trip..." at that he mumbled "stupid boar, next time we spar I know where to aim..." he said, clearly knowing that in fencing the nuts are part of the target, drop an F in the chat for the kingdom cause' after this they can forget having any heir in the future...

As soon as we reached the others byleth notices us immediately "Good to see you can walk y/n, what did Manuela say? " the professor asked letting down his foil "two micro fractured ribs" I said "Felix, change and go sparring with the others" before he left he grabbed my hand for a split second, as I was about to leave byleth called me once more"don't unpack, you're coming with us" I turned around facing him, confused by what he said "I think it's time you start with some theoretical lessons, of course only if it doesn't interfere with what Manuela told you" my eyes lit up in excitement, I wanted to jump, but I restrained myself "thanks professor" I said as I headed towards the training ground to tell Felix the good news

I saw it, Felix scoring the winning point against Dimitri just like he promised, Dedu is about to go on a killing spree, Annette and Mercedes aren't quiet getting what's happened Sylvain is laughing his ass off and Ingrid is about to end both him and Felix, luckily Felix didn't hit hard enough to harm him that seriously, but I still think now the blondie can sing in falsetto just like Dorothea, at least he took it well, when Felix saw my head pop out of the door he reached me "so what happened?" Felix asked still a bit worried "Byleth said I can come too" I replied happily, he looked really happy, he smiled in public,

The flash of a photo hit us both "guys, tomorrow we'll see a blizzard in almyra, Felix fucking smiled!" Sylvain shouted waving around the phone "DELETE THAT SHIT " he growled taking his foil "I'm making a sticker of it!" Sylvain said running away from the 'purple guy' as he named him in his sticker album


We all sat in the school bus at an unholy hour in the morning, I barely had gotten any sleep since I was afraid of twisting in my sleep and completely breaking my ribs, this wasn't helpful since the painkiller effect just ran out and I couldn't take another one for at least an hour (about a fourth of the travel ) and Sylvain is playing 'barbie girl' full volume, I was irritated to say the least, yet I knew what to do, I pulled out my nerf gun (more like shotgun) and shot him "stop that song before I stop your heartbeat" I spat out fucking livid

When I sat back down Felix faced me "u alright?" He asked stopping the song he was listening to "no, fuck it" I was never one for saying 'yeah I'm fine' but meaning 'he'll understand I'm not' and even if I was I would have to grow out of that habit since Felix understand shit only if you speak openly, and sometimes not even that "it hurts and i can't take a new painkiller for another hour" i said, a notification on both of our phones interrupted me, they both lit up with the same message, the notification was from the calendar "gl vs fs" the grey lions of gaspard against the fraldariuus' sheild? The league of legends match I've been waiting for! "Let's just hope this can distract us from enough time" he said looking at the live and handing me one of the AirPods "it's a best of five, it's gonna last at least two and a half hours " he said as I leaned a bit into him "sit straight, last thing I want is your rib breaking in my arms"

"always the cold tsundere huh" I muttered taking out the chips from my backpack, by now it should be time for breakfast, he reached for the bag we shared, we had the same taste in chips, watching as the fs wrecked the gl 3-0

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