Manuela x reader (request ) married for a week

105 1 5

Gender: male
Request: The789Guy
Words: 1444
Tw: none
"ughh, why do man disappear after the first two dates?" Manuela complained, again, she had been going on with that for an hour, and her vodka smelling breath didn't help my nerves "maybe you shouldn't show up drunk to the second date, it's no mystery how they lose interest after you throw up on their shoulders..." I snapped, tired of hearing her complains, but never seeing her actually trying to improve "by the goddess that happened once" she answered offended "yeah once, once every three dates" she gave me the middle finger at that, childish as ever, she refused to acknowledge the elephant in the room, she was always like this when she was drunk "quit speaking like you're mr charming, I've never seen you on a date " "that's because I never actually cared, i bet that if I wanted to I could" she scoffed "nah, I bet no woman could stand your boring ass" at that I just answered "just as no man could stand your nagging ass" I shook my head, she was too drunk to be reasoned with, but as I was about to leave a sentence she spoke hit me "you don't actually know how I would be in a serious relationship" was that a challenge?

"Alright " I said "if you feel like that why don't we try?" She lifted her head from the glass "what do you mean?" "If you think I'm a liar and you would be a good partner then prove me wrong" she bursted out laughing "are you asking me to marry you?" I rolled my eyes again, did that look like a proposal? " no, just for a challenge" she scanned me head to toe and jumped off of her chair "alright y/n, here's the deal, for the next week we are married, if any of us cheats or does any other shady shit he has to help the other correct student's test for the whole year, deal?" "This idea is completely crazy, deal!"

First day, I woke up quite early, and picked up breakfast for bot me and Manuela, after last night she must be pretty hungover, good thing I found her a cup of coffee, I knocked on the door of her room, some rumblings could be heard behind the door just before a loud thump and a curse, the door slowly opened, it wasn't even locked, Manuela's head popped out of the door, "y/n, what are you doing here this early?" She asked pretty much annoyed "gotcha a coffee and breakfast, since a little bird told me you've been waking up late and missing it lately " she looked surprised "thanks, but why?" "Did you forget yesterday's bet?" I asked, a bit flabbergasted "I do remember, I'm not dumb, I just didn't think you'd take this seriously " i just shrugged and scratched the back of my neck "you know that I take shit seriously, you always complain about it" we had breakfast together in her room before heading to our respective classes

Day two started in almost the same way, but this time I stopped her before we parted ways "lock your door tomorrow, Flayn disappeared into thin air, most likely kidnapped, stay safe" "my my, are you worried about me?" She giggled in her usual tone "well, I kind of am, but after what happened you can't blame me" "don't worry, I can take care of myself" she said putting a hand on my shoulder, I had my usual lesson with the black eagle's students until the bell rang, I was working on my next lesson when a student approached me "professor! You should have told me you and professor Manuela were dating!" It was none other than Dorothea, the serial shipper of the school "Dorothea, what the two of us do is none of your business" I answered sternly without even lifting my head, if she understood i the bet Manuela and I had this would be the end "oh, come on don't play mr emotionless, your acting skills are poor " I looked at her "watch your mouth Dorothea, you know nothing" she rolled her eyes "ok, if you say so" she said finally giving up.

Third day Manuela actually surprised me, I woke up as early as always but as I was dressing a knock came from outside my door, who on earth could it be? I swear that if it's Seteth and he's gonna complain about some shit again I'm killing him, I opened that door to find Manuela? With a breakfast tray? I was shocked to say the least "Hey y/n, surprised? " I just nod, probably thinking it was a dream "since you've been taking it seriously I decided to do the same" I blinked twice still not believing what I could see "who are you and what did you do to my Manuela?" Oh crap, MY? What the fuck jumped to my mind at that point? I just hoped she didn't notice it, my hopes were crushed when she bursted out laughing "my oh my, I didn't know I was yours" I could see her almost crying in laugher, the only thing that came to my mind was to apologise "sorry I just..." she cut me off "you don't need to worry, after all isn't this our shot?" "I guess you're right" she smirked again "you know, you're not that much of a sarcastic asshole without your coffee " I took a sip from the mug she brought "well, let's see if I turn into one ".

As the days proceeded we got to day six, we had breakfast together as per usual but as I looked for her to report the news my class found about the death knight, but she wasn't anywhere to be seen, she disappeared in thin air much like... no, no, nonononono no, I had to look for her, I called the students and Hanneman, together we launched a searching campaign, aside from her and Flayn the only other missing was Jeriza, and with the info I gathered he was far from being a victim, as soon as we reached his room there was no trace of him, laying on the floor I saw an unconscious Manuela, I stormed up next to her, trying to feel her pulse, luckily she was still alive but as I retracted my hand I noticed it was covered in blood.

There was no time to waste "Hennman, take your class and look for the responsable of this mess, Me and my class will take Manuela to the infirmary, med her and reach you to make sure everything's alright" my colleague agreed, so I rushed Manuela to the infirmary and wrapped her wounds with some help from Lin, when she was finally stable leaving her was really harsh, so I decided to write her a letter

'Dear Manuela, if you wake up while I'm not here just know that I'll be back soon, I'm sorry I wasn't there to stay with you, glad you're safe and in stable condition, rest well, y/n'.

Dorothea smirked, and reading her lips I clearly saw a "I told you" but nobody else seemed to pick that up "alright guys, we're reaching the others, hold up" I took a good look around and counted just seven students "where the hell is Edelgard?" I asked Hubert, since I knew he was aware of everything she were, all the time, with his usual dead look he simply told " she had to use the restroom" I just shrugged it off "you're staying here, when she is back the two of you can keep an eye on professor Manuela, we'll be back when we're done".

The rest of the class followed me to Jeriza's room, our next battlefield, there was a hole that led straight to the abyss, seeing Hanneman's class was struggling we decided to attack the enemy from the other side in a flanking maneuver, and manage to defeat the death knight, nobody was hurt and the hostages were safe so I rushed to the infirmary to visit Manuela, she was the only thing I could think about during the whole battle, Dorothea was right, I've been a dumbass

Since less than an hour had passed she was still unconscious and the duo was still watching after her, I dismissed them both, I needed to be alone with her, I wanted to see her waking up, make sure she wasn't gonna slip away when I finally understood my feelings, I knew I had to wait before I could properly tell her, but until then I guess none of us had lost the bet

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