Libra x reader angsty the fall (request)

53 1 7

Requested by zihark
Word count:1400

"And if we do this we'll be able to rescue Emmeryen just in time!" Robin said with determination in his voice " y/n, you're the head of the Pegasus battalion, while we distract them with a front attack you'll rescue the exalt" our tactician repeated, I nodded and replied "you can count on me".

In my room I got as ready as I could, lady emmeryen saved my life when we first met, I was injured trying to shield her, the enemy pierced through my femoral artery, if she didn't stop the bleeding with her magic I wouldn't be here, needless to say I wear that battle scar with pride

I spend a restless night having the awful feeling that something may go wrong, but in the end it doesn't matter, I'll protect emmeryen or die trying

The next day while my friends were fighting I was patrolling, plegians troops were too busy to notice my Pegasus strike force, from what I could see we found some new allies a blond one  and someone who looked like a black dot in the sand

When the land group isolated Gangrel and Aversa my team flew trying to rescue Emmeryen, but Aversa already knew what we planned to do and sent a team of archers taking care of us, it was a bloodbath, I saw my teammates falling off their Pegasus while I kept flying, when I was close enough I saw emmeryen falling and tried to reach her under the fire of a hundred snipers.

Midair I finally got close enough to reach her hand, but just as I was about to grab her I felt a sharp pain in the abdomen, and fell off my Pegasus, the exalt and I fell together for the rest of the longest milliseconds of my life, until I finally reach the ground

The pain of the arrow compared to the fall is nothing but a scratch, I can feel some of my broken bones, I turn to look at emmeryen but there's no hope for her, I move my arm slightly to feel her pulse but I almost immediately regret my decision, I groaned in pain while closing my finger around her wrist, no pulse, she died on the spot.

you know here is more silent then when I was in the air, I can hear chrom's screams and Lissa's cries very clearly, but they're the last thing I hear before closing my eyes thinking I'm already dead, after all it's what I promised, saving her or die trying.

Surprisingly I woke up again, but I couldn't move anything "when will she wake up Libra?" Wait, I knew this voice, this was Lissa, but who's libra? "It's hard to tell, it's a miracle she's still with us, this coma could last just a month as it could last five years" a calm and delicate male voice said, still with them? Coma? I can feel I'm wide awake, I just can't move any muscle! "She really was brave..." I heard Chrom's voice sighing then the so called libra spoke again"she is, my lord, she's not dead" well technically I wasn't.

The guys were called by Frederick for a war meeting, and I heard them stepping out, when I thought they all were gone I heard libra talking again "well I know that in some cases people in a coma sa deep as yours can hear or feel things from the real world, and since I'm your healer and I'll monitor your datas 24/7 and while I'm at it try to keep you company" well, what can I say, my healer is nice, I'm lucky to have him

"Well, since we never met I feel like I should introduce myself, I'm libra, I'm a healer, and I joined the Shepards, along with a warlock called Tharaja during the attempt to set lady emmeryen free, I was impressed by your bravery " that means he was the blondie? I thought he was a girl! I dodged a bullet not missgender him.

"After the battle lady Emmeryen's speech moved the plegians so much that half of their army started a riot Gangrel is basically facing a civil war, at this point he'll be taken down by his own people" well this is good to hear, at least Emmeryen's sacrifice won't be in vane...

It's been a year since when I woke up like this and every day libra has been 'chatting' with me and keeping talking me about what happened in the world, the whole army often came to visit me. When prince Chrom got married to Robin and they had a baby girl, lucina, the first time the family came to visit me baby lucina wrapped both of her arms around my wrist and she refused to let go, so cute, she visited me so often that she started calling me tata!

The Shepard's future seemed brighter and brighter every day, but I was starting to think I'd never wake up again, and if I ever woke up again I would have never been able to fight again, I would have been useless, I already was useless, and not being able to voice my concerns didn't help at all

One day libra was holding my hand silently and the voices in my head were particularly loud "everyone visits you just for pity" "Libra is here just for pity"  "you should have died back then"  before I could realise my eyes started to tear up and for the first time in one year my fists closed in the tightest grip i could, I opened my mouth and tried to scream in frustration, a mere screech came out, I finally opened my eyes, the light was too bright

Libra kept holding my hand and got up facing me "y/n! You woke up! I'm so happy to see you awake!" Libra's voice was filled with joy, as I tired to get up to be closer to him I felt my body heavy as a boulder, my muscles were probably wasting "don't worry, it's normal after a year of coma, if you need anything just tell me" I smiled "thank you Libra, thank you for everything" I mumbled sweetly, if I didn't give in to my voices it's just thanks to him "wait, you could hear me?" His eyes suddenly lit up "yes, and I can finally answer all the questions you asked me" then I giggled lightly could I be in love with someone I saw for the first time?

All the Shepards were happy to see me awake, and I could finally see their happy faces for the first time in what felt like forever and meanwhile Libra was always by my side, holding my wrist lightly to feel my pulse, the others left the room to go attending their duties, time passed and eventually libra helped me up on a sitting position so I could eat " hey y/n, we still need to celebrate, Sumia told me this was your favourite food" he said bringing a tray of (f/f) and setting it on a mini table usually used to have breakfast in bed.

I thanked him with the widest smile I could make, but as soon as I tried to lift my fork my hand was trembling, and after the first few seconds I dropped it, when did picking up a fork become too much effort? I was the strongest soldier of the royal guards and now I'm here, powerless, unable to pick up a fucking fork, how could I even hope to become half of the woman I was before?

I started breathing heavily and crying until libra set the table aside and just held me, stroking my hair gently he kept comforting me "shhh, everything is gonna be alright, you'll restore your strength gradually, there's no need to rush" stil sighing sadly I mutter the same words the voices in my head used t repeat me "I'll never be as strong as I used to be before" he cupped my face with his hand and looked at me in the eyes with a reassuring smile "you already are stronger than anyone here, physically and mentally, after a coma like that you should be even able to move, let alone sitting properly or lifting a fork, I've never seen anyone as determined as you "

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