Dorothea x reader (request )

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Gender: male

It was a sunny day for me, my sister Hilda and my brother Holst, for our summer break we went back to foldland's locker, but we stopped at a bay near the alliance capital, I was chilling, reading a book near the shore when I heard a voice "Hilda, there you are, next time be a bit more specific with the bay!" This is not her, this can't be her, I lift my head from the book looking at my sister, she invited Dorothea to join us...

"Over here Dorothea! Glad you made it, this is my brother Holst, and you already know my brother y/n" when Thea turned to face Holst I looked at Hilda with a grim glare motioning with her lips a 'go for it' as I answered 'I hate you' she knew my major crush on Dorothea and invited her here without telling me anything, I swear if Claude's poison doesn't kill her I will

She was in a dark magenta swimming costume with black embroidery, saying she looked angelic would be an understatement, Sothis can go fuck herself Dorothea looks better than any existent or nonexistent  goddess

Wait, what did I just think, oh fuck it act normal y/n, act normal!

"Y/n, are you alright?" She was talking to me, wait where's Hilda? I fucking hate when I zone out like that "yeah, sorry what did you say?"
" the weather here is so warm I'm afraid I'm gonna get burned, can you help me with the sunscreen?" i am cool, I am collected I'm not gonna scream "sure, did you remember to bring it or do I need to lend you my sunscreen?"

She bursted into laughters "oh goodness, that sounds wrong!"

Have you ever been on r/watchpeopledieinside? My face was probably more than fit for that

"Sorry, I didn't mean it, I.. shit, sorry" saying I was a complete mess doesn't even begin to express how I felt then

"Don't worry, I know you didn't mean it" she said barely being able to breathe because of how hard she was laughing "don't laugh at my misery "I huffed, that only seemed to make her laugh harder

When she apparently calmed down she handed me a 30 sunscreen "are you kidding? 30 may be enough in the empire, but if you really don't want to get sunburned use a 50, I'll get it from Hilda" I said looking into my sister's bag

"Since when you're an expert in sunscreens?"

"Since the time Hilda took a 30 spray to be quicker and she was so burned that the day after at the beach she had to bring a blanket covering her whole body, and we had to hear her complaining nonstop about it, trust me when I say it was hell..." at these words she looked more amused than worried "and, of course you had to see the mark left on the shoulders" as I mentioned the mark and the ruined skin her face changed "alright, let's take Hilda's, I'm sure she wouldn't mind"

So there I was, behind her, and with my hands on her shoulders, praying that she couldn't feel my trembling hands, to calm myself I tried to pretend that instead of my fucking crush I was helping my sister like I always did, but it didn't work, the contact with her skin felt awkward but good, when the job was done I wanted to sigh in relief, but at the same time I didn't want it to end

"All done" I said cleaning my hands on my boxer costume she got up and turned for a slight second before thanking me and running away towards my sister, who magically appeared

One thing still gets me wondering, was that blush I saw on her face?

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