Mercedes x reader (request) it's gonna be alright

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Request by:Hhitereimyou12
Tw: no trigger, just spoiler

First day of the ethereal moon, even though garreg mach was way warmer than farghus pale snowflakes were dancing around the training ground and gardens, watching out of the classroom window I caught a figure walking in the snow, my cru... FRIEND AND CLASSMATE, Mercedes, her head was low, and her hands were rubbing her arms, probably to try and warm up. She was alone, and cold, I couldn't just stand there and stare, I ran out of the classroom, I had to run a lap around the building, why was our class right in the middle? It only made things harsher.

"Mercy! What are you doing out here?" When I reached her I probably looked like a dumbass, exhausted after a lap, I almost expected her to start laughing at me, but she didn't, Mercy turned around a bit alarmed, eventually calming down as she saw it was me "y/n, I didn't see you there, do you need anything?" From up close I noticed I could see the breath coming out of her mouth as she spoke, and if that wasn't enough she was ever so slightly shivering, I couldn't see her in those conditions, s I just took off my uniform jacket and laid on her shoulders "I need you to start taking better care of yourself, if you stay here out in the snow you'll surely catch a cold" she just shrugged, giggling "oh, you're right, I was just lost in thoughts " she tried to put a smile on, but her eyes told a different story, she looked sad, i felt kinda bad for the tone I used "care to get back to canteen and talk about it over a cup of tea?" I scratched the back of my neck, awkwardly waiting for an answer "I'd love to, but are you sure I'm not bothering you?" "You're never a bother Mercy, let's go, before we both catch a cold"as we walked I reached for her hand, but chickened out last second and just swinged my arm back

The canteen was empty, as it usually is every cold afternoon at about five, I didn't even have to worry about the anyone interrupting us since cleanings happened after dinner and today I was on kitchen duty, it was supposed to be a punishment for being distracted in class but it actually ended up being a lucky coincidence.

we didn't even sit at a table, while we waited for the tea to heat up we were facing one another, only thing between us being the wooden counter "I've noticed you're acting weird, is something bothering you?" She shighed without saying anything, I decided not to insist, pressing on the matter was useless and insensitive "don't worry, you don't need to tell me anything, I just want you to know I'm here for you" I wanted to grab her hand an reassure her, but the kettle started whistling, the tea was ready, i fulled our cups and, with disappointment, noticed that there was only one teabag of crescent moon tea, my and Mercy's favourite tea.

I wouldn't even dream to take it, especially in a situation such as this, so i took the first other teabag I saw, the mint one "here's your tea" I said "thanks, for the mint tea " "mint? I made the crescent moon for you" I said, pushing her teacup towards her, she shook her head lightly pushing the teacup towards me "it's your favourite, please take it" she replied, almost insisting I took it, but i was not gonna give up that easily "it is also your favourite and besides I wanted to try something different today " two words appeared in a little cloud above my head lie counter:1 "but you don't even like mint" she confusedly said "it's not true" lie counter:2 the little cloud said now as I tried to prepare for the inevitable "plus I had a cold a few weeks ago and still have some snort left" lie counter:3 it's

I took a sip of it nearly burning all my mouth, yet I took another sip trying to keep a straight face "see, it's alright, there's nothing to worry about, it's really good" my lie counter probably broke with this last sentence "so how is it ?" I asked trying to lower her suspects "it's really good" she was feeling evidently better, but she still looked a bit melancholic, but unlike before she decided to finally open up "it's about my little brother, Emile, I'm afraid I'll never see him again, just when I had found him i managed to lose him once more, I'm the worse big sister ever..." I knew Mercedes' brother was the death knight, and both discovering it and losing him hurt her too much to even immagine, those were the moments when I felt useless, powerless and small.

Everything I could do was stand there paralysed by the unshakable fear of not being good enough to help her, she, the kindest person I've ever seen had reached her breaking point, I couldn't stand there, I had to do something, anything.

Looking one last time at her hand i reached for it, for the first time i felt a rush of courage "everything will be alright, you needn't be worried about Emile, he's strong, he can face the world on his own, don't ever say you're a bad sister, you're caring, sweet, you're the big sister of everyone here, and if Emile left that means he's not a good enough brother to appreciate you" I climbed over the counter and hugged her "it's alright, everything is gonna be alright "

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