Dimitri x reader- after all this time

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Gender: female
Word count: 2637 (ok, maybe it's a bit too much )
Story: I didn't quiet like the ending of the yandere Edelgard x reader cause I felt like y/n deserve better than a psychopathic Edelgard, so I'm going to let her have her happy ending
Tw: there's still gonna be a creepy yandere Edelgard, not as creepy as last time but if that bothers you please listen to me and don't reed, or at least not until the frog 🐸, after it the content should be safe

How long have I been here? I don't know, I don't feel time anymore I don't feel pain anymore, my hope of being set free died the day I overheard Edelgard saying Dimitri was gonna be executed, that's when I stopped counting days, when they became meaningless the only days I felt something similar to happiness were the ones when Edelgard was on the battlefield, like today.

After a whole lot of time she decided to untie my hands from behind my back, but my muscles were already wasted, I tried to exercise a bit but my legs weren't in good conditions either, meaning I was barely able to walk, the dresses I wore were on the verge of not covering anything at all and my hair was really long, longer than when I was kidnapped, Edelgard loved to braid it, and I hated it, I hated her, I hated the fact that I was too weak to fight back both physically and mentally, I was almost complete brain dead

The only times I felt alive where when I was alone since I could finally sing, I sang whatever song I could remember, I forgot many of them since a long time has passed, but there was one song I could never forget, the song I've sang for Dimitri that time at the goddess' tower  it was our song...

usually at a time like this silence would reign supreme, but not today I looked out of my window to see fort merceus being attacked... after hours of fighting the empire's flag was replaced with another one... the kingdom's flag!

Countless emotions folded my dull and cold heart, the kingdom could win the war, they could set me free

Dimitri POV

The battle was over, the first thing I did was check the dungeons but Y/n was nowhere to be seen, in a clear day like this I could see the capital, Enbarr,  y/n must be there, I know Edelgard didn't kill her, Claude told us in Deridru

I took the two lockers/ necklaces in my hands and stared at our portraits inside of them, even during the time I went berserk I never lost or broke mine, but when the others helped me keep my demons at bay Ashe gave me y/n's necklace, he saw that it was on the ground broken after Edelgard kidnapped y/n at the holy mausoleum, so He picked it up, repair it and gave it to me saying he knew y/n would have wanted me to have it, she was like a sister to Ashe, truth to be told she was like a sister to all of the blu lions

wait for us y/n, We'll set you free

Y/n's POV

Edelgard came back late at night, I pretended I was sleeping, hoping she wouldn't wake me up, she sat on my bed petting my hair as she spoke "oh what I wouldn't do to that pretty little figure of yours" she said tracing a line from my neck down way under my bellybutton, this made me wanna gag, this reminded me of why I basically dissociated myself from the reality "tomorrow will be a very important day, the day when every obstacle between me and you will be crushed, when we'll be finally able to love each other forevermore " and having said that she left a kiss on top of my head and left the room, I stood there paralysed, will I be finally tomorrow or will I be forever trapped here with this maniac...

The next morning at dawn I saw the kingdom army ready to fight and conquer the area of the city around the castle, the battle was bloody but I noticed that the tactic was familiar... it was professor Byleth's tactic, the kingdom army won the battle and when the group got closer I noticed a tall blond figure looking at the castle could it be? No, it's impossible Dimitri is dead, but why does his cape have the royal emblem?

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