Blue lions When they notice you're not ok

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A/n: hey guys, today I had my last written exam, 6 hours of math, and I'm exhausted. I wrote this to blow off steam and in a week I'm gonna have the last oral test and be finally done with it, wish me luck and enjoy!

- not really emotionally competent, he might spend quite a lot of time with you but doesn't really understand right away
- it might take him a bit longer but when he does put two and two together he doesn't waste a single second, no matter if he had the revelation during a training, a lesson, mostly happens during monthly missions since he starts overthinking while fighting
- he's gonna be at your side in a second, and asks you if there is anything wrong, completely out of the blue
- you're pretty surprised about his timing, if you're on a mission at the moment you're gonna arrange to talk about it later
- Dimitri makes a mental note to keep an extra eye out for you, just in case your mind drifts off
- once the mission is over the two of you lag a bit behind on purpose
- tries to initiate the conversation but doesn't manage to put two coherent sentences together (remember the dialogue he has with Byleth during guardian moon? Exactly what I mean)
- when he actually gives up hope you start opening up about what's worrying you
- compensate the awkwardness in speaking by being an exeptional listener, patient and understanding
- he won't initiate physical contact because he's treeified to accidentally harm you, but if you need a hug he's gonna set his fears aside and pull you in as gently as physically possible

- is very often around Dimitri and not as often around you, so it might take a bit longer than some
- You also try hiding it because you don't want him to worry
- One day you both were on duty at the greenhouse and noticed you acting weird
- Directly approached the issue, he isn't one to beat around the bush
- If you feel like talking he will listen attently and help you with whatever's upsetting you
- can and will hold you close if you need comfort
- If you don't feel like talking he won't insist on an answer, the two of you will just keep on with the gardening
- in both cases in the following days he will keep an extra eye out for you
- like doing little things that he knows will lift your spirit
- he might surprise you with your favourite flower or a cup of your favourite tea, spend a bit more time with you
- he knows tending to the flowers calms you and will switch shifts so the two of you are on greenhouse duty together more often
- just wants to show you he cares

- a complete and utter dumbass
- Will not notice until you either tell him or have a full on breakdown
- If you decide to openly tell him he's gonna listen to you
- At first he's gonna be his usual dumbass self
- until he understands you're serious, that is
- He's gonna try and talk things out with you
- Will ask you to train with him to help you get your mind off everything
- Keeps an extra eye out when you train with him and will not go as hard if he sees you still distracted
- However if you reach the breaking point and actually let lose in front of him EVERYTHING changes
- he freezes the second he sees you were crying, doesn't know how to react
- had it been anyone else he would have just rolled his eyes and answered in his usual asshole voice, but he was afraid to freak you out
- he'd probably take a step closer and reach for your hand, waiting for you to calm a bit before starting the interrogation
- expect a whole lot of questions by this exemplar of worried tsundere swordsman
- Felix isn't a soft person, but the closer he had been to the definition of 'soft' was with you

- probably the quickest one with feelings, not because he's a Casanova but because he's been basically masking every serious thought or feeling he had behind the 'womaniser' bravado
- he notices straight away and tries to approach the issue in a flirty way, not too out of his character
- when he actually confirms you are in distress he's gonna fully drop the act and let out the "doting" side
- will ask if you want to talk about it in front of a cup of tea, to which you gladly accepted
- he's not the type to go full on interrogation mood, he's more likely to let you vent freely
- if you don't feel like talking he's gonna quickly turn it into a little date
- however if you feel like talking he will listen patiently, scooting his chair closer to yours
- will wrap his arm around your waist to let you know he's there for you
- understand you're about to cry when you burry your face in his shoulder, he will pull you in his lap
- whispers sweet nothings in your ears as he rubbed comforting circles in your back
- acts like a complete dork trying to lift your spirit
- he might seem carelessly superficial to a first glance but he'd give his life for the ones he cares about and you're on top of that list

- sweet baby is probably the most empathetic person in class, if he sees you sad he's gonna be sad too
- can't stand seeing you sad but he's afraid to overstep your boundaries
- when he has taken enough courage he approached you in the most delicate way possible
- sweet bean almost fumbles over his words when asking you if you're alright
- as soon as you confirm his suspects he gives you a big hug
- most of the times you open up without him having to say anything, just the comfort of his presence is enough
- will repeat "everything's gonna be alright" until you actually start to believe it too and calm down
- his love language is words of comfort and he's very good at it
- 9/10 times he will solve everything just by talking it out
- also in the days after the outbreak he'll be extra attentive to try and spot early signs of the worry coming back to bother you
- Ashe is naturally sweet and there is nothing more to it, you can easily tell he cares by the light in his and the sweet smile he has when you tell him you're feeling better

- if you think the mom of the friend group can't spot you feeling down on yourself like a bloodhound spotting a prey you're wrong, very wrong
- she looks like the type who'd debate for hours wether to approach you or wait for you to bring it up, but she actually IS the type who'd take notice one second and the second later she's at your door with home-baked cookies and tea
- when she shows up in front of your room you're surprised, she usually bakes only for special occasions
- you obviously let her in because you love her company and her cookies
- little did you know this was a trap, when you least expect it she'll hit you with the "I've seen you acting different lately is anything on your mind?"
- can and will spot your lies just as easily as she spots your bad mood, can't hide anything from mama bear 🐻
- she will listen attentively to every little thing you say, she is a fantastic listener
- not just that, she also gives the best advices, especially in friendships/feelings, and you absolutely trust her with your life
- can and will let you cry in her shoulder if you need to
- will without a doubt support you before, during and after each and every bad moment you go through because she cares a great deal about you

- after lifting her head from whatever magic book she is studying she notices your intense aura of gloom
- first instinct is to apologise, supposing it's about something she did
- you basically have to reassure her
- will snap out of it in a second, expect a lot of hugs, like a lot LOT of hugs, like suffocation level hugs
- is very chill about the reason, if you tell her she'll listen but if you won't tell her it's also fine, she's just there to make you feel better
- has a thousand different ways to cheer you up and the number's always increasing
- this one time you could barely read the words on a page for how much of a headache stress was giving you, so she took the book from you and switched it with a literal pillow
- she even sang you a lullaby, it was the sweetest thing ever, you would have started crying if you weren't tired enough to fall asleep instantly
- you're one of the few people she feel comfortable singing around and she knows it calms your nerves
- if you're feeling down she's the master of acting goofily to cheer you up, and manages to pull her stunts 11/10

- has been playing babysitter with her two best friends for long enough to understand when someone is actually upset
- direct approach, EXTREMLY direct approach  (you can't tell me she is not one for direct approach after literally breaking down bernadetta's door in the support )
- probably catches you distracted during study/training, she can easily tell if you're focused or not
- "what's wrong? You know you can talk to me right?"
- Comes off a bit aggressive at first, mainly because she thinks it's just Sylvain or Felix saying some some stupid shit to you and is already mad at them both
- first thing she asks will be "alright, who did this?"
- will soften when she notices her attitude is actually making you feel worse
- if Mercedes' is the mom of the group she's the older sister, so watch her go into full big sister mode
- gets you somewhere in private because she knows you don't like getting emotional in public
- holds you tight encouraging you to cry and let it all out, she doesn't let you go until you're feeling better
- bonus points if it happens in the library cuz she's gonna grab the first book from the 'faerghan myths ' section and start reading it to you, she knows how much they calm you down
- she always makes it abboundantly clear how much you mean to her, it just becomes more evident when you're at your lowest

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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