Sylvain x reader a typical day as a summer camp entertainer (modern)

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Gender: female
Tw: nothing worse than some satanic kids
Comment: I write this from my personal experience at my local summer camp

For most teenagers summer means waking up late and lazing around all day but, as the cringes sub Reddit says, I'm not like other girls, when you do the entertainer at a summer camp you have to be up early and prepare everything before the kids even arrive, it was the first day this year, I'll have to deal with the twelve years old from the blue lions team along with two of my friends: Sylvain and Felix

The morning was rather calm, aside from some little fights between the kids, they were in our group since last year, so we all were pretty close, the girls asked me if they could braid my hair as they listened to a story Sylvain told them, or they played stick-fencing with Felix, during lunch break I got up and went for a walk, when I remembered I needed to check for the next game

As I head towards them main board not knowing what we're doing today castellone (capture the flag) against the black eagles, it consists of two teams hiding a flag inside their field, the main goal is to take the flag of the opposite team and bring it to your side of the field, if any of the opponents catch you while you're in their side you have to freeze until one of your teammates touches you and sets you free

It was my favourite as a child and I'm ready to bet it's every kid's favourite game "hey, why's that pretty face so sad?" A familiar voice asked me from behind not without startling me "oh Sylvain, didn't seen you coming " he flashed one of his charming smiles "it's not sadness" I said, "then what is it ?" He said taking another step forward, I rolled my eyes and looked at him " it's a bit more like nostalgia, remember when we were actually able to play and not just let the kids do the job?" He smirked a bit, always as charmingly as he could

"Yes, I also do remember you were well known, am i right, azure flash?" I loved my nickname even if thinking about it now makes me cringe a bit "it's been a really long time and you know it, plus we have to make kids play, not to play ourselves " he looked a bit disappointed, that's also his favourite game "maybe when the kids are gone we can ask the others to do a match" I proposed "now that's a good idea, I'll ask the others while we prepare the fields"

Our kids were playing as we ran around with them, sometimes we scrolled around to free some of them but none of us even laid a hand on the flag, during one of these strolls I got frozen, lot of kids were frozen too while trying to free me, then something happened, Ferdinand grabbed our flag and started running, the same old egocentric dumbass!

Ashe managed to stop him before he was even halfway through, menace neutralised, to avenge that lil move of the black eagles Sylvain sprinted forward, setting free all the kids around me along with me, the kids all headed to the flag and so we won, as Sylvain and I were still there smiling

all the kids came to hug Sylvain and I cheering happily, we found ourselves back to back submerged by those creatures, they were still cheering when we took them all back to their parents, they can be a pain sometimes, but after all this time I almost see them as my little brothes

When they all were gone we came back to our places and planned a strategy to cover in nine a field for 50, the flag was barely visible and we already had an attack team a defence team and a special rescue squad, Sylvain and I were both in the attack team and we had to scout the area together

We noticed Petra following us and so we started sprinting only to find Hubert in front of us, we had to split, while sylvain went back to the base I found myself running towards a tree in the other direction, looking up I saw the flag,  Hubert managed to catch me, literally shoving me to the ground to try and stop me, but now I had the flag

As Sylvain turned towards me I could see him having mixed feelings, but from his eyes I couldn't grasp anything sure, I just felt a bit of anger as he glared at Hubert, but nothing more, Edelgard got close to us along with Petra "Hubert, i entrust the flag to you, the two of us will try a small attack" "alright, leave it to me" he said, so I got up and stood leaning onto the tree "sheesh Hubert, you didn't have to push this hard" I said, as he looked at me he just left out a 'tsk' on the other side the lions were hidden, as Edelgard and Petra went in not even a split second and they both were frozen, Caspar was too, as Ashe and Felix ran on opposite sides attracting the other's attention sylvain sneaked behind us, setting me free, we ran to our victory holding hands

I turned towards him giving him a tight hug " we won! We're the best " I cheered, he chuckled and lifted me up, carrying me in tryumph all around the field "so you still are as fast as the lightening, azure flash"  he teased lightly still without letting me down "have you ever doubted that?" I asked a bit cockily "not for one second" he answered closing the gap between our faces, my face was probably as red as a tomato "a bit embarrassed are we? Am I too close?" He teased once more, getting even closer

I sure could kiss my cold and cocky mask goodbye "my god, just kiss me already!" I said rolling my eyes once more, let's just say he was more than happy to oblige

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