Claude x reader I missed you (request)

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Request by: SezeSully
Reader: f
Tw: none

It's been five years since my brother and I joined the black eagles, we both came to despise our parents for abandoning me and nearly killing me, the war was the perfect occasion to sever all ties with them.
Sylvain wasn't the only one following me to the black eagles, Ashe stuck by my side, my best friend, the only one I confessed my secret crush to, my parthner in crime, both figuratively and literally considering that whenever Edelgard needed a stealth mission she called us.

During one of these missions Ashe got injured, it was nothing life-threatening but he wouldn't have been able to pick up a bow for at least a month, today was my day off, so Sylvain and I were hanging out with him at the infirmary when Hubert called me "y/n, lady Edelgard has requested your presence" "coming, see you later guys" I said, following behind Hubert.

We reached Edelgard's study in a heartbeat, she looked tired, must have been up studying the terrain for next month's battle "y/n, sorry to request your presence on your free day but I have a really urgent mission" I bowed lightly "there is no need to apologise my lady, I understand urgency at a time like this, what is my mission?"

Edelgard pointed a forest near the Gloucester region of the alliance "Count Gloucester and his son managed to overthrow the Riegan family and have been slowly shifting their stance, I suspect they're searching an alliance with the kingdom, according to my spies a delegation from the kingdom should arrive here tomorrow night, your duty is to see what happens and report, you think you can do it even without Ashe?" She asked in her usual stern tone "Of course, I'll gear up and be out in an hour" I replied bowing and leaving the room.

As I was getting ready I heard a knock on my door and opened, Sylvain stood there, leaning against the doorframe "Hubert told me about the mission, are you sure you want to go alone?" He asked, a hint of worry in his voice "overprotective brother to the rescue I see" I retorted humorously to alleviate the tension, it didn't seem to work this time "I'm dead serious, I'm worried about you", I finished hiding my weapons under my long cloak and answered "and I am dead serious when I tell you I'm fine on my own your loud ass would just expose the both of us, don't worry, you know I got the power of invisibility".

Seeing that I was hellbent on going he sighed and stepped forward, that's when I noticed he was carrying something "Sylvain..." I stuttered as he handed me his hero's relic, the Lance of ruin "keep it, just in case things get ugly, and before you ask no, I'm not taking no for an answer, keep it for the mission and promise me you'll be back alive to give it back" he took my hand, wrapping my fingers around the Lance "is that a deal?" He added messing up my hair, I hugged him tightly "I will" I answered feeling my voice about to break "but just so you will stop annoying me".

After this all-too-emotional goodbye I rode my horse until I reached the spot, jumped on a tree to have a better view, according to the spy's informations I had about an hour to prepare as best as I could, or so I thought, the second I looked down at the map an arrow pierced through my shoulder, making my balance fail and pushing me off the branch, I fell back, hitting the ground with a loud thump, soldiers clearly wearing the Gloucester uniform surrounded me.

"see? Told you my ties with the empire were strong enough to trick 'em" one of them said to the one who was clearly in charge "you bastard..." I cursed under my breath "still, how do you know she's the right one?" Wait, right one? "She must be, they always send her and the other sniper, the short one" the traitor said stepping closer, probably thinking I was unconscious "besides her and her brother stole both of their family relics, maybe she has one on her right now, it might get us an even sweeter deal" when the traitor stepped close enough I shot up and slit his throat in one move, I ripped the arrow out of my shoulder looking up at the leader "oh no... your poor insider, what a shame" I said, getting ready to fight them all off if I had to, while pretending I didn't feel the gash on my shoulder and the pain caused by the fall.

"Sieze her!" The leader ordered as all of his men attacked together, fending off about 20 men is hard, but fending them off already injured and with a pounding headache that probably means I have concussion is nearly impossible, not even twenty minutes later I was fully beaten up, so much so I could barely stand properly, one of them bashed the flat of his Lance against the back of my knee sending me falling on the ground, two other soldiers dragged me up by my forearms.

"We gotta be quick!" One of them said before getting hit by an arrow, the tight grip the two others had on me ceased in an instant as I fell back, looking as a dense cloud of arrows finished most of the soldiers and direly injured the rest, a hooded figure jumped down from a nearby tree, scooping me up before running back into the depth of the forest "sorry I was late" a familiar voice said from under the dark hood, it was not the same as i remembered it but I would have recognised it everywhere "Claude?" I asked with my eyes barely open "just rest, I'll take care of everything" I passed out completely.

I didn't know how long had I been unconscious for or where I was, all I could feel was the warmth of a healing spell allover my body, I opened my eyes to see the dark hood was now underneath me, and the figure sitting by my side, healing me, really was Claude, as soon as I saw him I sat up, my head started spinning again, pressing me back down, Claude quickly wrapped his arms around me and he pulled me in his arms "careful y/n, you're still in pretty bad shape" "w-what happened? Why are you here and not in Derdriu?" I asked, confused, if house Gloucester was allover the place why wasn't he in the capital trying to hold the reins? Why was a former member of the golden deer house taking all the power and nobody was doing anything about it?

Claude sighed "you know, unlike the empire, the kingdom and alliance weren't exactly expecting a war, at least everything but Gloucester and Ordelia house, who already had ties with the empire, ordelia house did nothing, but Lorenz's father decided to use the few months we spent at the officer's academy to strengthen their bonds with other noble houses, when garreg mach was attacked I was cut out completely and mr shitty haircut took my place, they deemed me too dangerous for my contact with Almyra and now they're on my tracks" I was stunned, it wasn't possible, it couldn't be "and the other golden deer let him do that?" He just sighed "the golden deer is no more y/n, every single one of them had a family to go back to, can't blame them for it" I could feel the loneliness as he held me in his arms, as if afraid I'd disappear had he let go

"They've seen the kingdom army marching east instead of directly south and they were were trying to get a truce using you, your brother and the relics, they have been planning this for months" he said, tending to a wound on my shoulder "once you're fully healed you can go back to your friends, they must be worried, you've been unconscious for about a day" "come back to Embarr with me" I said without even thinking, it happened very often when I was around him, he looked down at me with a stunned expression, his body freezing "with you?"

I tried sitting up again, resisting longer this time "I mean it, after Lorenz's little stunt we could try and work together, I'm sure a mind like yours can only help, besides..." I wanted to come clean, to tell the feelings I had been harbouring for him at the academy days "... I missed you".

Something in my tone must have given it away considering the smirk that spread on his face, he slowly leaned his forehead against mine saying "I missed you too y/n"

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