Yandere!Edelgard x reader(requested) -my crimson flower

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Requested by: Trigon05
Gender: Female
Word count: 1848
Story: my first yandere
Tw: if anything regarding the stalking kidnapping or creepy habits of a yandere bothers you please don't read, I tried extra hard to make this shit as creepy as I could, if I have to be honest what I've written disturbs me quite a lot

The blue lions were assigned to a mission to the holy mausoleum, everything was normal until the flame emperor appeared along with... the imperial army?

Dimitri came closer to me and put a hand on my shoulder "I have an awful feeling about it, stay safe y/n, I don't want anything bad to happen to you " I turned my head and faced him "don't worry about me, I'll be fine, this ain't my first battle"

When professor byleth hit the masked soldier the mask fell off... Edelgard? I turned to look at Dimitri, his reaction was as shocking as Edelgard's identity reveal, I stood there shocked, Mercedes put a hand on my shoulder, asking if I was alright, the next thing I knew a tomahawk flew so close to her head that we could feel the air shift, we dodged just in time, she went right, I went left I managed to kill a lot of soldiers that went my way

But when I tried to reach my classmates once more I heard a voice behind me "where do you think you're going?"  Before I could turn around my hands were tied behind my back and all my weapons were gone, "Dimitri!Mercy! Help me"

The others turned to look at me, anger in their eyes, I could hear the monster giggling behind me, when I tried to reach my hidden dagger it wasn't there "were you looking for this ?" Edelgard asked pressing my dagger into my neck "oh silly girl, I've been studying your every move, but perhaps I'll tell you about this later" as I tried struggling in her arms she pressed the dagger into my neck "don't struggle love, it's useless" she whispered in my ears making a cold shiver ran down my spine

"why? What do you want for me?" I growled at her "isn't it obvious love?" My eyes widened in surprise and in fear "as for you " Edelgard said looking at my class "you will pay the price you deserve for keeping my beautiful crimson flower from me, you're lucky enough now I have to take her home, but when I'm back we'll see, Humbert!"

The warlock appeared behind us and before he could teleport us away I heard my classmates screaming my name, the intense light of the teleport spell made me close my eyes and when I opened them again I was in a very large room still with my hands tied and a monster behind me "sorry for the uncomfortable travel, now you'll have time to relax" she said "where are we? " I asked in full panic mode "we're home silly" she said in a laughing tone as she turned me to face her as she came closer I started backing up until my shoulders hit the wall

"Are you scared of me ?" She asked teasingly I kept silent, paralysed by fear, as I saw her lifting her hand  I closed my eyes shut and turned my head in a flinch she giggled and cupped my face with that hand "oh poor little flower, you don't have to, as long as you act like the good girl you are I'm not gonna hurt you"

"Why? Why are you doing this to me? What do you want?" She sighed " you should know it by now, use that beautiful brain of yours, the only thing I want is you, my crimson flower, I love you " another chill went dow my spines at her words "any other question?" I nodded as cold sweat rolled down my face "w-what did you mean when you told you've been studying me?"

Someone knocked on the door, and Edelgard rolled her eyes "come in " Hubert stepped in "it's time " he said, Edelgard's glance moved on him and back on me "sorry dear, I need to go, I'll be back as soon as possible" she said leaving a kiss on my forehead, they left the room and locked the door.

There was a big window, with no balcony, from what I could see I was in Embarr, at the royal palace, that room was probably on a tower since in that clear and cloudless day I could see the main tower of fort merceus

There also is a door on the wall, probably a walk-in closet, I turned around facing away from the door so I could open it with my hands tied, the door opened, it didn't have any lock, and my initial hypothesis was right, there also was a small wooden table with a note signed by Edelgard

To my dear little flower
since Garreg Mach's school uniform doesn't fully let you express your beauty I decided to gift you some new, don't worry about the size I took your measures personally while you were peacefully sleeping in your old room, feel free to have a look
Love you

That psychopath... taking a look around the dresses I saw some dresses that didn't leave much to the imagination

I needed to run away as fast as I could from this place but how?

The main door got unlocked and immediately I heard Edelgard's voice "oh y/n~" she said locking the door behind her, eventually she noticed the opened door "you opened the door with your hands tied, your talents never fail to surprise me" she said sitting on the sofa "do you want me to help you change in one of those?" She said in a tone that creeped the living shit out of me "n-no, thank you" I said shakingly

I took all the couragei had "you were about to tell me in what sense you've been studying me" she smirked deviously "a bit curious are we?" She said shaking her head "I've followed your every move for many moons now, from when you woke up and stretched your hands with your cute face still sleepy to when you finally closed your textbooks changed and went to sleep still hugging your pillow, and don't even get me started on all the times I've seen you shower, always singing the same few songs, you have an angelic voice as well as an angelic body" at this last statement I fall on my knees, she planned this for moons, I've already checked this place is built so I can't even try to flee, there is nothing I can do, it's over

"Don't be sad, I know your friends are gonna die at war, but I also know that I'm better than all of them, I'll be there for you ok? So you just have to relax and love me back" she moves a strain of hair behind my face, cups my face once more and kisses me, I don't know if it was the feeling of dread or the desperate need of something to hold on to, but I kissed back, I hated myself for this and I hated her ,  it I did.

"That's my good girl" Edelgard whispered in my ear, but I didn't feel the chill on my spine anymore, I couldn't feel anything

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