Kaze x reader-stand by you

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A/n:I know the story doesn't go precisely like that, please don't kill me 😅

"Corin, Y/n I've heard father wants to send you to your first mission alone" Xander says when you meet us walking in the halls of castle Krackenburg "brother, yes, it's not odd, all of you had to do it, father does belive in the philosophy grow strong to live and live to grow stronger, plus we won't be completely alone, he sent Jacob, Gunter and Hans with us " nonetheless he still felt worried "of course little princess, but let's be real, I don't trust Hans, as soon as I have completed my task I'll come to help you, if any of you feels in danger try to hide along the way, so I can find you easily, but if you fight like I taught you everything will be alright" both my twin and I nod, and after thanking him we left to go to our mission.

The fortress was attacked by a small number of Hoshido's soldiers, Corin was reluctant to kill them, but every time Hans would finish the job for her, even when we managed to make them retreat Hans killed with his axe all the injured enemies, ignoring Corin's orders

I could only see this from afar since I was still fighting with two other ninjas, I charged towards the first sending him KO, but while I focus on the second I felt my arms blocked and a hand on my mouth "easy there princess, I'm not going's to kill you" a male voice said, you knew that voice, it was Kaze, the green haired ninja that you and your brothers saved from the execution just a few days earlier, he moves his hand from my wrist up to my elbow and presses a nerve, making me faint without even hurting me

When I woke up again I was next to a fire, with my back leaning against the wall of a small house, Corin was just next to me, awake, he was really pale, it was obvious he wasn't alright " Corin, what happened, do you want to talk?" He nodded and started stuttering "G-Gunter is dead, H-Hans k-killed him, T-the cliff ... then he t-tried to kill me, Jacob wanted to call Xander, but we were captured before he came back" I can't belive it, father sent Hans to kill us...

When I turned my head left I saw Rinkah, the other Hoshido's prisoner you saved, while Kaze was standing behind me, leaning on the same wall as me, while observing me, but as soon as I turned my eyes he turned his head, pretending he was looking elsewhere, my brother looked at both of them "why haven't you already killed us?" Rinkah smirked and just said "we never meant to kill you, when the snow storm stops well' march to Shirasaghi's castle,
nobody's gonna hurt you" considering that they actually saved us from Hans, and what happened at castle Krackenburg we decided to trust them, but none of us said a word in what felt like hours

Since my armour was the lighter after all that time in the cold weather not moving I started to feel really cold so I hugged my exposed arms trying to warm up and stop myself from shivering, until I felt something soft and warm wrapping around my arms, I looked right behind me and saw Kaze, who moved from his first position, kneeling next to me and wrapping his scarf around my shoulders, and then sitting really close to me "t-thanks Kaze" I said wrapping the scarf even tighter "it's nothing" he answered looking at me, and doing something we could define a less intense frown, I snuggled my face into the warm cloth to hide the blush that formed on my cheeks and nose, how could he look that handsome?

Later on the storm stopped and we started walking, following the two soldiers until we found another border village in the mountains, there I saw someone in a bright red samurai armour, w-wait it's Ryoma, prince of Hoshido, I was shaking, they probably got us to use us to get informations about our army, as soon as he saw us his expression changed, he smiled sincerely, he looked happy...

He started to walk towards us, Corin seemed fine, almost calmed by Ryoma's expression, but I was still afraid since the prince still had his legendary sword with him, but all my concerns suddenly ceased when he got close enough he hugged us "Corin, Y/n, it's been so long, I'm really glad to have you back " Corin and I looked at him confused as we could be "have you back? What does it mean?" Brother asked him "don't you remember what happened to you? What that honour-less monster did to our father ?what he did to you? Were you too young to remember?" We both were confused by his words, the hug was interrupted by other voices, two other girls went running towards us "Brother! Sister! You don't know how much I missed you " the older one said literally jumping on me, she destabilised me so much I fell on my butt in the snow, Ryoma helped me up and giggled "Hinoka, calm down, let them breathe " I took enough courage to speak "w-what do you mean by brother and sister?" After this they started to talk about the past, about our real family, about our father's death, Garon killed him, kidnapped us, and pretended we were his children.

After the explaining I started remembering everything... that day, the arrows... I moved a pair of steps backwards, having flashbacks about the past, being half conscious I fell, but when I expected to fall once more into the cold snow, but I was stopped midair by someone, Kaze he then lifted me up, but after that everything went black, but this time it wasn't Kaze's fault

...that day dad Went to negotiate peace with Nohr, king Garon himself called him, so dad took us with him, as soon as we were there the Nohrian army ambushed us, Dad died trying to save us, the last thing I saw was king Garon coming towards us "you're my children now"....

When I woke up again I was still in the ninja's arms, and all the other worried guys surrounded us, we were in the same spot as before, I must have been out for less than a minute "now I remember Ryoma, Hinoka, Sakura, but where's Takumi?" I asked looking around "don't worry for him big sister, he is in Shirasaghi's castle, with mother, they're waiting for you and Corin" Sakura spoke softly as only she could do "there's another snow storm coming, it's better to stop in the fortress in town, so today we can rest and travel back home tomorrow " Ryoma suggested, since Corin and I were quite shocked and in pretty bad conditions we all agreed.

Once there Hinoka and Sakura showed me my room and stayed with me for a little while, I know they are my family, and that I have some memories shared with them, but I don't feel like I really know them, I feel they're not my real family, after all those years even if Garon kidnapped me, it's not X'ander's fault, nor Camilla's, Leo's or Elise's, they always treated me as if I was their real sister, they all loved me, and I loved all of them...

The two red-haired girls left, so the stream of my midnight thoughts kept going, they're bringing me home, to my real family, the family that never forgot me, the ones that tried to take me back for years but on the other hand the brothers and sisters that grew me up, the ones that loved me unconditionally, the ones that made me become who I am today, that taught me how to fight, how to live...

But this time someone knocked on my door "who's there?" "Kaze, I saw you worried and wanted to check up on you "
He answered with a hint of worry in his voice "please, come in, I needed to talk to you..." He got in and closed the door behind his back, we both sat on my bed just a few inches away from each other "thanks for the scarf, I could have died without you" I said taking off the scarf and handing it back to it's legitimate owner "don't mention it, but you still sound sad, whatever's bothering you you can tell me, I promise I won't tell anyone" he said putting his hand on mine, why am I opening up with my literal kidnapper? "It's just a lot to take in, even if the Nohrian prince's aren't my real brothers they always treated like family, and it's hard to believe that the people who taught me to fight, played with me, and took care of me when I was sick were just Kidnappers, I'm happy to meet with my family, it's just a lot to take in" he sighed "you know, I used to think that everyone in the Nohrian royal family was a blood-thirst monster, and that you were a prisoner, who needed to be saved, but after what happened I understood what you saw in them" I look at him dead in the eyes "I know I'll have to choose between my families, but I don't want to hurt any of them... I just want to bring peace..." I said as my eyes started to tear

Not even a second later he wrapped his arms around me, pressing my head in his chest "whatever you do I'll stand by your side, I swear it here and now, whatever your choice may be I will sustain you, whether it's against Nohr, Hoshido, or the whole world"

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