Ashe x reader (request) please never leave me again

85 4 8

Gender: female
Requested by: SezeSully
Word count:1448
Tw: none

"Y/n, you're staying in the Forrest, and attacking them once they passed this limit, understood?" Lonato said pointing at a small glade where we were going to fight the students "what if Ashe is sided with the church?" The lord's face darkened "if he has chosen to side with the traitors we shall treat him as one" a chill rattled down my spine, i hoped and prayed to never come to that point.

But low and behold the fog arrived and the battle started, i stood there, waiting for the signal from the mage, but it never happened, the fog died down and an arrow flew by planting itself in the tree beside me, a long haired fighter with a uniform of the officer's academy said "Ashe, there's something moving in there, I'll take the left, take the right side"  a voice I knew too well "got it Felix, leave it to me" he still hadn't spotted me, it seemed Lady Luck was on my side today.

When I was sure we both were far enough from both of our teams I jumped off of the tree I was on and disarmed him, pinning him to the ground, in the fall my hood flew off allowing him to see my face "y/n, is that you? Are you hurt? I'm so glad I found you" his kindness in a situation like this threw me off "why?" I paused, struggling to find the right words "you sided with the people who killed Christophe, why?" Ashe's smile dropped "you're here with Lonato?" He sounded sad almost disappointed "Yes, I'm here for Christophe, to avenge him! And you should understand that, you were his brother!" Ashe shook his head "it's because I'm his brother that I know he'd never approve of something like this, involving the same civilians a knight swears to protect in a childish act of revenge is the line he would have never crossed" silence, he left me stunned, he couldn't have spoken truer words "y/n, please, come to Garreg Mach with me, you don't have to throw your life away like this" "If I left now I'd be a traitor, and I could never forgive myself for that"  I looked away "I doubt he would either" he then did something I  would have never expected, he hugged me, we trained together as kids, he knew I always kept a dagger in the back of my belt, and while hugging me he could have easily grabbed it, but he didn't "I think it's quite the opposite, he wouldn't blame you for doing what you think is right, regardless of what it is, if you wish to keep fighting alongside Lonato I'll let you, but know if you want to reconsider this I'll welcome you with open arms" I stood there unmoving, I didn't want any of this, never wanted to harm him, revenge wasn't worth sacrificing everything Christophe believed in, and there was nothing in this world I wanted to do more than just hug him and go back to the times when we played knights together, so I did it, I hugged him back, now on the verge of tears "I don't want to fight you, I never wanted this, please forgive me" "don't worry, it's alright, everything's gonna be alright "the same guy from before cut in, along with a friend of his "Ashe, the battle's over we should-" he stopped, his friend looking just as confused as he did "don't worry, she's y/n, a friend of mine who got caught in the conflict ".

When we reached the monastery Ashe helped me join the school, since before transferring to the kingdom I lived in the empire I was assigned to the black eagles, at first I didn't understand the decision, but I soon found out that they were an exceptional class, especially under professor's Byleth's guidance, those were the happiest months of my life, Ashe often volunteered to help our class for monthly missions and I often did the same, being affiliated to different houses, houses were just a silly way to create fair competitiveness among the students, or were they?

It was almost sad thinking about our time together, hoping for the stream of memory to take me back there, maybe if I did something different I could have changed his mind, if I showed him how Reha was the evil we had to fight all along he would be standing side by side with me, but the harsh reality hits my head as a wave of heat washes over me, Alleil valley was as hellish as I remembered it, however nothing in that valley scared me as much as the vision of a familiar green eyed archer, he was there, defending the path that lead to Garreg Mach.

Maybe it's not too late, if I can reach him, show him now what I wasn't able to show back then, I need to be quick, before the others reach him, I ran like my life depended on it, when I finally reached him I threw my weapon to the ground and hugged him "I found you " I said, he stiffened for a second before hugging back, eyes warm in relief "y/n! You managed to flee" I pulled back looking at him confused "flee?" I asked "they said the empire was holding you captive" I gripped his shoulder, looking in i his eyes "you need to listen carefully, that woman is not who you think she is, she is a monster, a dragon, she's had all Foldland wrapped around her fingers since the war of the elites" a knight spotted me "an enemy has infiltrated our ranks, charge!"

I knew this was a possibility, so I brought with me a smoke bomb, so I threw it to the ground and fled the scene unbothered, I picked up my weapon and  hid behind a rock, waiting for them to leave, but they didn't, they started talking instead "wait a second, so you knew she was not an hostage?" Ashe asked the knight, who's response was a shaky "no?" Ashe started growing agitated "if you easily lied about this I wonder how many things are you hiding from me" his tone shifted "lady Reha knew you had feelings for her and didn't want those feelings to blind you" "so you mean she is implied too? What else is she hiding? Does she know the truth about the dragon that suddenly appeared and destroyed the town around the monastery ?" Silence fell over them "it killed more people than the actual empirial army, and you knew it? And went on with your life as if nothing ever happened?" Ashe was livid, I could feel it in his voice "where the hell do you think you're going, this mission ain't over" Ashe coldly replied "it is, I'm not working with you ever again, if  being a knight of seirros means hiding the truth and killing innocents i don't want to become one" I heard steps closing in, until they were stopped by a loud thud "do you think we let a traitor go that easily?" That's when I knew I had to intervene, I jumped out of my hiding spot and headed towards the knight, he had his sword pointed at Ashe's neck, I had to be quick, I grabbed his hair, pulling him off of Ashe and killing him before he could call for help.

"Are you injured?" I asked as I helped him up "no, don't worry, I'm alright, thanks, that was a close call" he brushed off some dust and sighed "I can't believe I fought side by side with those monsters for five years, believing the lies they fed me" I put my hand on his shoulder, trying to soothe him "it was not your fault, I'm just glad I found you just in time" he grabbed my hand and held it in his own, it took him a second to realise what he had done, and so he let go and just glanced down " I know it may be too late to ask that, but can I join you?" I smiled at him "of course, I've been looking for you for five years, I'd be damned if I abandoned you again".

As we walked back to our friends careful not to run in any ambushes, I was lost in my mind until I felt a hand brushing against mine, I lowered my head to see Ashe lacing his pinky finger with mine "please, never leave me again, y/n, I love you "

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