Alfonse x reader is this good enough?

42 2 9

Gender: f
Request by: LogicalLillian379
Btw sorry for the late but I was abroad and didn't have enough time nor internet correction

I woke up in my bed, the sun was already up in the sky, normally that would have had me panicking, but not today, the order of heroes offers a good amount of free days, and today was one of them.

It was one of the rare days where both I and Alfonse were off duty, which means today's gonna be an all day long date, even just thinking about it had drunk butterflies yeeting around my stomach.

To many it came as a surprise that Askr's prince had any interest in feelings, let alone the romantic type, to everyone's eyes we were nothing but friends, not that we tried to hide anything, but we never felt the need for fancy displays of affection.

In public that is, truth to be told Alfonse was a total cuddle bug, the second we found each other in closed doors it was nearly impossible for us to be apart.

I heard someone knock on my door and went to open still in my nightgown.

As I tiredly looked through the peephole I saw my boyfriend, holding a bouquet of my favourite flowers, I immediately opened, smiling while rubbing my tired eyes "morning Alfie" "good morning my dear"he answered, before looking at my messy state "oh, I'm sorry y/n, didn't mean to intrude your personal space, did I wake you up?" "No, don't worry, come in, your presence is always a welcome one" I replied grabbing his hand and pulling him in the room and closing the door.

"Do you mind staying here a second while I change in the bathroom? I promise I won't take much" I asked grabbing my old cloak and some change "don't worry, of course I don't mind, take your time" I knew he would have probably waited centuries for me, but I took his 'take your time' as a 'the quicker I am the quicker we can star our date'.

A few minutes later I sprinted out of the bathroom fully ready for the da(te)y "done already? you have a thing or two to teach Sherena" he said, pulling me in his arms "sorry Alfie, but on that side your sister is a lost cause" we both giggled, he quickly stood up, holding his hand out for me"now that you're ready would you join me on a morning stroll around the gardens?" "I'd love to" I simply replied holding his hand.

The gardens were generally peaceful, leaving the two of us to our romantic matters, but whenever someone happened to pass by Alfonse's dorky smile turned suddenly serious, as he adjusted his stance while covering his face to appear more serious and less relaxed.

We often went out for a walk together, and this was the reason why we usually went outside the castle walls, today he probably thought the place would be empty, but unfortunately it wasn't so.

No being capable of relaxing even in the slightest was a problem he always had due to the conspicuous amount of responsibilities he had to bare.

He had improved quite a bit since we got together, but whenever someone else was around his guard would perk up immediately, making me chuckle at how peculiar the sight was, luckily he didn't take it at heart, just slightly blushing.

"Is everything alright? Would you rather do something else?" I asked him, noticing he was staring to feel uncomfortable as more people appeared in our vision "of course, you know, I have just the right idea, close your eyes""and how do I avoid tripping?" I asked, darting a gaze at him then at the uneven floor "you don't need any of that if I"

That is when we decided to go for a ride, and definitely not because Alfonse was redder than Anna's hair, as I motioned to grab the reins of my horse he stopped me "no need for that, we can ride together, of course just if you want to" I almost chocked on air at his brave proposition "r-really? I mean of course" he helped me up and sat in front of me he grabbed ahold of the reins saying "hold on tight" I barely had the time to wrap my arms around him before he urged the horse galloping.

I couldn't really see it from my position but I knew he was smirking as I suddenly tightened my grip at the surprise start "hey!" I said, my head on his shoulder, I had to lean closer to his ear if I actually wanted him to hear me.

Having heard me he took the reins in one hand and reached behind, wrapping the other one around my waist, making sure I was close and secure enough "sorry y/n, want to slow down?" He asked carefully

"Nope, I was just looking for the perfect excuse to stand close to you" I replied whispering in his ear, I could feel his hand stiffening around my waist, probably in surprise, oh how I loved to tease him.

The calm woods of askr flowed behind us, a place so beautifully captivating, the wind ruffling up our hair as our armours clicked together

Soon enough the wound surrounding us disappeared, leaving room to a small glade where Alfonse helped me down.

I recognised that place, that's where we always went when we felt like running away, if only for a few hours, I could see him take a deep breath before saying "I love it here..." while stretching out.

Looking at him in that state felt just right, as if he belonged here... more like as if we belonged here.

"I love it too" I answered, kneeling down to grab a small blue flower, only to delicately place it behind his ear "maybe I love this place so much because I'm always here with you" I added, smiling at him.

"you know, this is almost, the same reason why I too love this place" Alfonse said, almost in a challenging tone "wheight your words well Alfie" "I love this place because this is the only place where I feel free and comfortable enough to do this" he said picking me up, spinning me around and finally kissing me.

"Is this good enough dear?"

"You sure have a way with words"

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