Ashe x reader (modern AU)- a paintball match

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Disclaimer:I got inspiration from the story of marlett_writes  I won't copy it but I took the context from it

Me and my class were planning a strategy for the annual Paintball battle against the other classes of garreg mach, discussing about it. We asked the professor if we could stay in class alone for a pair of hours, so we can use the board, projecting on it the map of the battlefield and using coloured chalks to show our plans.

"I think we should split in more teams, and one of them must fight hidden as snipers " Dedu suggested looking at the arena we were going to fight in "I suppose you're right, Gronder field offers a lot of space, and places to hide" than she turns facing me "Y/n since you're the one with the highest grades in strategy why don't you explain what you have on your mind?" She shouldn't have said it, I'm the kind of person that could talk about tactics for hours and hours on end, but i kept quiet about it because i didn't want to bore them, now it's my time to shine "including me we're nine, that means 3 teams of 3 people each, every team must have a distant unit and two first-line units, the 3distant units will all do snipers, so if the opposite team wins over the other two we still have a back up" having said that all the class started to glare at me like I was talking almyrian especially a certain grey-haired boy he looked like something inside of him snapped and then there was Felix, who's only answer was " whatever, I'm just here to fight".

We spent the remaining time deciding the teams, on the right side there were Ingrid, Sylvain and as a sniper Annette. In the middle Dimitri, Dedu and Mercy as a sniper, while on the left side me and Felix with Ashe.

Speaking of which he was very strange today, I didn't understand why, I hope I didn't do anything wrong, losing him would be awful, I don't think I can stand it.

Ashe POV

Y/n really is smart, it's not like I didn't know it but she surprises me every time, she is really like C/n (character's name), a smart, brave and strong, but Y/n is much more than C/n, she also is stunning.

While the others were deciding the teams Sylvain gets closer to me and snaps me out of my thoughts "you know starring at her won't win her heart?" "I-I hem, you misunderstood!" I tried to say to convince him "Ashe, your stare was clear enough, you didn't even need to blush that much, you need to do something "I know he's a player, but he's right, and he's the only one that knows about my crush, so I guess there's nothing wrong with asking for advices "than what should I do? " " ain't you a fan of legends and fantasy stuff? you can find inspiration in it, acting like an hero of your books might be the key, ladies loves knights in shining armour, play that during the paintball match and I assure you she'll love it" well, I hope this really works.

Ten minutes later we leave the class to be back to our dorms, or at least the others are, I'm currently heading to the library, where I need to study, the first book I read is the sword of Kyphon, I read this book a lot of times before, and I considered the possibility to take it as a life example, but not as a love one without even knowing I was reading out loud "in a flash Kyphon's sword flew from its scabbard. The knight parriedthe assassin's blade mere inches from the spine of his king" "Kyphon's blade hummed like the wind, slashing the enemy's throat. In mere moments their forces lay vanquished— decimated by his mighty blows" it's her, it's Y/n


that book is one of my favourite, I was happy to know that we have the same taste for books "it's one of my favourites books, I was so enchanted by that book that after reading it just one time I memorised every word of it" for a pair of seconds he heat silent looking at me, in shock, shit! Now he thinks I'm obsessed with it "I know it sounds weird, and..."
"No, it's the opposite, it really is impressive, and so is your strategy!" At his words I blushed and giggled a bit, Ashe has always been that cute as hell.

"I suggest you to rest, tomorrow's battle won't be easy, especially against the black eagles, Bernadetta may be shy and afraid of her own shadow, but she has an extraordinary aim and Hubert is a master of ambushes and dirty tricks, they're the eagles class, they all have an eagle's aim" this awful joke doesn't get unnoticed "I bet Alois told you that joke, oh and don't worry I was just about to head back, do you want me to walk you back to your room?" "Sure, thank you!"

The next day we all are on the battlefield "let's get the battle started " each one of us has a watch that can comunicate with the others, with even gps location. We split up and get to our positions, the weakest ring of the chain gets eliminated: Ashe eliminates Lorenz, I take care of Lin and someone from the black eagles shoot Marianne and Hilda, Petra tries to ambush Claude and Lysathea but fails and gets eliminated along with Dorothea, Sylvain and Caspar directly attacks each other, Sylvain doesn't hit Caspar, but Annette neutralises him immediately, a pair of seconds later a message arrived  Annie:" your plan worked!" Sylvain:"BEST TACTICIAN EVER" Felix "stop distracting yourselves!".

A pair of minutes later the golden deer must retreat and the only players left are only 6 left on the battlefield, it was noon and really hot, and since nobody attacked I decided to remove the armour I had on my chest, but I haven't been careful enough as I move the bushes around me I expose my position to Edelgard and the others, and they started running in our direction "quick Ashe, climb on that tree, I'll expose myself and hold them still, catch them, Felix pretend to cover me up" "Wait! Your armour!" But it was too late, I was already running, even if I got eliminated the two of them could have won, I will sacrifice myself t lead the team to victory, hope this will show Ashe I'm strong, like one of the heroes in our books

Ashe POV

She ran, without her armour,if a bullet hits her she will get a serious injury, i must protect her! In less then a second I shoot Edelgard eliminating her, as Hubert noticed he ran in the woods again and T/n came back to our spot, I ran towards her, hugging her " what were you thinking? Running off without your armour is dangerous, I'm glad you're safe and sound" "Ashe, hush! He's still here!" As Felix shouts the opponent pops out of a bush, aiming to Y/n, I jump in front of her, hugging her and pushing her out of the way I end up getting the hit instead. Felix manages to shoot him, as Reha and Seteth are announcing the results Felix and Hubert leaves, but Y/n and i stand still, the bullet expolded getting the both of us covered in green paint"Are you ok? Are you hurt at all?" I ask helping her up. "Don't worry about me Ashe, you're the one who got hit how are you?"  "I'm fine"I just answered.


Ashe let's go of me, and we walk out of the field, to go eating "you didn't answer my question, why did you ran during the battle?" I think there's no point in hiding it "well I just thought I could save the battle, save your cover from being blown up, yet you're the one who saved me, along with the whole battle " well, it's true "it's not true, without all the work  you did with the strategy there wouldn't be a situation to save, last year without you we were the first class eliminated, you saved the day before it had even begun, you're nice, caring, smart and ..."  and? "And I love you, I love you Y/n " I'm in shock, but i couldn't be happier "Ashe, I love you too"

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