Lucina x F!feader welcome to the family (request)

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I stopped in front of the door and looked down, Lucy must have noticed since she grabbed my hand comfortingly "don't worry, everything is gonna be fine, I'm sure they will love you " "you can't know that for sure, what if they don't approve of us? I know how much you love your family and I would never want to cause a fight between you" I lowered my eyes, this thought has been circling in my mind for quite a while, but I was afraid saying those words out loud would actually bring them to life.

The air suddenly chilled, and so did the blood in my veins, I actually said it, the catastrophe is inevitable "y/n... " a voice brought me back to reality in an instant "after all we have been through together we are family too, and if father, mother and Morgan can't understand that I will always love you" I looked up again to see her eyes, the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen, I swallowed the ever growing knot in my throat and had to pull my self together in a few seconds before answering her"I love you too Lucy" with my voice still shaking.

Nobody was around this wing of the castle at this hour so I had a bit more time to calm down before Lucina asked me if I was ready, to which I just nodded with a smile, Lucina knocked, Chrom didn't take long to answer a simple "come in" so we both made our way in the strategy room, he was signing some documents along with Robin, his wife, when they saw their future daughter and me they let down the quills, we usually came here to warn them that dinner was ready and we'd often eat together, so this was a completely normal recurrence, or at least so they thought.

Lucy took a step forward dragging me along, she then cleared her throat and started talking "mother, father, I'd like you to meet y/n, she's my girlfriend"

Chrom had a completely dumbfounded expression "you already introduced us your girl friend, she is no stranger to us" Robin facepalmed while shaking her head and muttering "Chrom, for the love of Naga it's not ..." Lucina sighed, already used to her father's poor social understanding skills

"No, dad, she's not my girl friend, she is my GIRLFRIEND, we're dating" she said, I was petrified there.

It still took Chrom a second to put together the information, and that's what I feared the worse but when I saw both him and Robin smile a wave of relief washed over me so harshly I felt light headed

"That's wonderful! " Robin said with a genuine smile "I guess my baby is not so baby anymore" Chrom stated, taking a step forward towards us, he stopped facing me "I'm glad to know that my little girl is in good hands, but hurt her and be sure that I will come for you" usually at a sentence like that I would have smile awkwardly and just nodded but I felt confidence taking over, I felt invincible with my love by my side "if you ever see me harming Lucina cut me down on the spot, because that monster is surely not me"

Lucina winked at me, suggesting that I said something right once in my life, eve Chrom was very much pleased by the answer, he went in for the vibe check, almost making me spit a lung, and with a big grin he said "welcome to the family y/n "

I scratched the back of my head and tried not to let out a pained whimper, being hit by a Pegasus lance hurts less than this.

As usual we walked downstairs to have dinner with the rest of the shepherds, Lucy and I stopped outside the dining hall to be alone for just a minute "see, I told you they would have loved you" she said poking my cheek "yeha, so much that your dad almost dislocated my shoulder " that vibe check still hurt "if you want I can kiss it better when we come back to my room, you know you look even better when you pull out the confident look" I smirked, snaking an arm around her waist "I'm glad you like it, cause it's gonna happen way more often if you stay by my side "

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