Dimitri x reader -snowy holiday 4

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I sat on the edge of the frozen lake along with my childhood friends, this is the first winter Holliday we spent tougher without our parents.

They never let us ice skate on the frozen lake, and since we're sixteen and rules are made to be broken that's what we're doing right now, skiing and ice skating are skills that everyone has to learn in order to survive in the cold and snowy Farghus, so we all wonder why we can't practice one of these basic skills

"y/n, are you ready? How comes you're always the last " my brother Felix says after getting up on his blades and trying to walk towards the shore, we have to be careful with the blades, they could cut off our fingers like butter "I'm coming, I'm coming!" I say walking towards the group, once the six of us have left the shore we start skating around, if I didn't mention it first ice skating is my favourite activity, feeling the cool wind on your skin as you dance on the ice, it feels like flying without a Pegasus

While dancing I notice a certain boyfriend of mine moving with agility on the snow, I decide to head towards him, but in the end we just bump into each other "oh, sorry, I didn't see you coming" the blond guy said helping me up "no, I'm sorry, just wanted to see what were you doing" I answer shaking a bit of snow off of my pants "I've seen some of your jumps too, I'm impressed!" At his statement i blush a bit, I'm not used to it yet, after years of semi flirting with each other finally one of us has enough courage to make the first move, this whole mess happened less then a week ago and none of us knows how to play the relationship game "Thanks, I've seen you're really good skating too, I've seen you di quite a spin"
Dimitri smiles at the compliment "guess ice is the only delicate thing I don't break, and i'm also training to fight on the ice, I know it's hard, but learning it will give me a good speed advantage, you should try too" luckily for me I alway bring my weapon wherever I go

I unleashed my weapon "well, if you wanted a fight, you should have told me sooner, I'm happy to oblige anyway" I say smiling, he readies his spear " not even a second of training? Straightforward as ever" and just like this we started our duel the Prince is really skilled on the ice

Crossing blades with him is as exciting as ever, we both are pretty fast, doge after doge we reach a spot where there are less snow piles to stumble and fall in, but where the ice is also thinner, after a particular strong hit the ice underneath Dimitri's feet made cracked lightly, we both looked below, but at his first move the ice started to crack even more

I could see his face drop, he's in complete panic mode, I can see it, after the second crack he didn't move a muscle, we know full well that falling into that lake meant hypothermia and probably even death

there must be something I can do "Dimitri, I'll get you out of here, close your eyes and count with me" although I'm in panic I try to sound as calm as possible he took a deep breath and closed his eyes, just as I said "three, two, one..." we said together as I took his hand and pulled him towards my same spot, but I accidentally slipped and took his place

when I saw he was safe I closed my eyes and slipped down, as I fell the ice below me broke, and I fell into the icy water, a loud splash, and then just cold, cold allover my skin, the water was deep, I tried to move and swim up, but the plates of my small armour and my weapon were dragging me down, to the bottom of the lake

Just when I thought my fate was already written a hand grabbed me from my shirt and pulled me out of the water, it was Dimitri's, to catch me he had to dip his whole arm into the freezing water. When he managed to get me out of the water I felt the cold wind making me shiver even more, he immediately took off his cape and wrapped it around me carefully, I couldn't do much aside from shivering and stuttering a few senseless syllables

when I looked at my hand I saw my skin was pale as the ice around us, Dimitri was worried sick and I could notice, nonetheless he tried to help me calm down "hey, hey, I'm with you, everything is gonna be fine" he muttered taking his whistle and calling his wyvern, when the animal arrived I was curled up in a ball and unable to move, Dimitri lifted me up and managed to get us both back to the fortress safe, but I was still a frozen-curled ball, his first move was to get the hugest duvet I've ever seen and managed to light up a fire without burning the whole place down (which was impressive for him, especially under pressure)

Then we both sat next to the fireplace, I gradually restored my ability to speak "so this was a close one" I said moving a bit closer to the boy "I'm sorry I wasn't careful enough, let me fix this" he hugged me from behind, I could feel his warmth through all the layers I'm wearing, in a normal condition I would blush madly, but my skin is still paler then the snow " from now on I'll take care of you, you're my princess after all" yep, I may be colder than snow, but my heart is fluttering.

I'm still unable to move of course "it's nobody's fault, the ice is not as solid as we thought" I said getting comfortable in his arms "we should have listened to our parents, dad and Rodrigue were right" "we should have, but we're not gonna tell them right?" I asked, worried that my father wouldn't kill me if I even survive in that state "Not in a million years"

My clothes were still soaking wet and that's not helping "Dimitri, can you help me to my room, I need to change" he looks at me a bit worried "are you sure you can move? I mean, changing could be good, i can totally bring you upstairs, but helping you change.." doing everyday actions is really difficult when you can't feel your own arms and legs "well I'll try, if I fall catch me" I say getting up on my trembling legs, I let the duvet and the armour plates on the ground, they all were too heavy for me

Moving my first steps towards the stairs I stumbled, and not even half a second later I felt an arm wrapped around my waist "caught you, for someone in hypothermia that's kinda good" he says in a jokingly way "I'll bring you up, your room is the first on the left right?" he said picking me up like I don't weigh anything, I just nodded in response, as I said before I'm new to all this relationship game, and I'm not used to all the contact and the attention, what should I do? What should I say?

We reached the top of the stairs and he opened the door with a kick and laid me down on my bed "where do you keep your clothes? " he asked having a look around "exactly the drawer near the window, but don't worry, I can take them on my own" he seems surprised, but "alright, I'll be waiting outside" I've always been stubborn, and he knows full well that if I think I can do something I'll try nonstop until I managed, and there's nothing he can do about it.

I getting up again, and using the side of the bed as a support I tried to open the drawer, but it was too heavy, I gripped the handle with both my hands, I finally managed to open it and grab the comfiest nightgown I had, but I lost my balance, and fell back "well, at least I did it" I said to myself, while sitting on the floor, I quickly changed and got on my feet again, since my hair was still wet I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my head messily and slowly walked out of my room, exiting I looked out of the window and saw the others coming back in, Felix and Glenn looked worried

"Dimitri, the others are here" I say pointing at the window "should we tell them?" He asked standing right beside me "since we all went skating if they tell they'll get in trouble too, plus my brothers look worried, I think they should know the truth" "how about our..."Dimitri tried to ask before getting interrupted by Felix"y/n! What happened? You suddenly disappeared" meanwhile Glenn scans me from head to toe "wet hair, pale skin, still shivering, did you fall into the icy lake?" He asked worriedly "I actually did, Dimitri saved my life" Glenn was the most worried (or at least it looked like it, since knowing Felix I knew straight away he was worried sick)

My brother didn't want to leave me alone until I'd feel better, that would be no more time alone with Dimitri, no more sitting in his arms, no more hugs, I needed to do just one small thing, but I couldn't with them here, I came up with a plan

"Felix, Glenn, can you help me?" They both turned around to face me "sure, just say the word" they both tend to become more protective whenever I'm hurt, and that's quiet normal for two elder brothers I think "can you bring me a tea, and a new sheet, this is still wet " they can't bring everything without spilling the tea, so they both need to get out until I can do this last thing "tsk, fine, but it's the last time..." "not even you believe this, come on Felix, let's go. I'll take the sheets, you'll take the tea" and after that little comic scene they both left the room.

I got up and walked towards the prince "I didn't thank you well enough earlier " I said right before kissing him for the first time ever, it was just like time stopped, and the whole world around disappeared, we were left alone even though it lasted just a few seconds, when we pulled away he didn't let me go "actually, I should be the one thanking you, you were the one pushing me away from the crack, thank you, my beloved" he said kissing me once more, with even more passion, at least until we heard the handle of the door, the reaction was immediate, even if none of us ever wanted to let go...

Heeeey did you like the small "saga " of the snowy Holliday? If you want another one with other characters or classes feel free to ask uwu

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