Claude x reader(requested)- a strategy date

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Requested by:Kitsunegoddes_Selkie
Gender: GN
Word count: 1178
Story: fluff

I sat on a stone bench of the training ground with my back leaning on the column, while I was taking a look at the strategy book I had to study for next Byleth's lesson, needless to say I wanted to throw that mass of paper and burn it down with a fire spell, at this last shitty strategy I didn't understeand I closed the book groaning in annoyance and rolling my eyes, I threw the book to the ground "that shit's impossible, I quit!"

The amused giggle of my scheming boyfriend caught me off guard "Claude! You scared the living shit out of me" I said facing him for the first time, he walked closer to me with his usual smirk "sorry babe, what's that on the ground?" He said peeking behind me, he looked at me questioningly, so I had to explain"a dumb strategy book, I didn't understand a page of what's written on it " I whined still annoyed by this whole situation "hey, if you need a lil help in strategy just ask me" he proudly announced picking up the book and smiling charmingly at me "you know it's not for nothing that they call me the master tactician" Claude continued, when he got close enough he booped my nose, that action never failed to make me blush, he must really like to see me like this, that schemer...

"So, you on for strategy date hon?" My cheeks were on fire by now, I didn't even open my mouth because I knew nothing outside from senseless syllables would come out of it, I just nod, when his hand intertwined with mine and his thumb rubbed circles against the back of my hand " follow me, I've got the perfect place for this" "but it's getting late, don't we have a curfew? " I asked already knowing the answer "yes, but rules are made to be broken" and having said that we left the training ground hand in hand, until we reached the stairs that brought to the dorms, but instead of turning right we went straightforward facing a wall "so what do we do now climb over the wall?" I asked sarcastically "exactly, follow my lead" he said climbing, so I thought about it for a second and then realised that he was already on the other side, so I hurriedly climbed up, but trying to get down I put my foot on a spot where moss grew wild and when I balanced my weight on that foot I slipped, my head hit the wall "Y/n! " Claude shouted in worry as he reached for my falling figure, he tried to catch me, but fell on his ass, with me in his lap.

"Y/n, how do you feel? How's your head? Do I need to carry you to the infirmary?" Claude said holding me close to his chest, his usually teasing voice softened as much as a whisper with more than a good tint of worry, my pounding head was buried into the crook of his neck, while my hand touched the hurt spot on my head, I lifted my eyes to see if it was blood stained before getting back into the comfortable position

"fuck, next time remind me not to follow you" these words came out in a sarcastic tone, but muffled byClaude's yellow cape, at my response the muscles in his body relaxed, as he sighed in relief but his erratic heartbeat didn't show signs of slowing down any sooner "at the training ground you complained I gave you a fright, we'll if that was a fright I don't even dare to immagine how the hell you classify this shit " he said still softly yet with a more Claude-like tone, I felt Claude's hand move slowly from my shoulder to my head, holding it lightly, shifting his head on mine.

With his fingers he moved some strain of hair out of the way to see if there was any open wound, when he brushed the injured spot I left out a small flinch, tightening my grip around his waist, his hands tensed a bit at my flinch, he lowered his face kissing my head better "I know it's not proven science but I hope this will make you feel better" he said as softly as before, Claude sat up straight, adjusting me in his arms, but as he tried to get up I tugged on his cape "five more minutes please" I whined softly with my eyes closed, he giggled softly and sat down once more, smiling and answering "of course, anything for you babe"

I didn't know if it was the warmth of Claude's body his sweet words or his heartbeat lullabying me, I couldn't help but relax, close my eyes and slip into the dreamworld

Claude's POV

I shifted my hand to y/n's wrist, feeling their heartbeat, y/n's head shifted trying to get comfortable snuggling further in the crock of my neck I can feel their breath against my skin, I need to get them inside and bendage their head immediately, I moved my arms again picking them up bridal style, their head bumped lightly against my chest as they softly spoke "...Claude, luv u..." I immediately looked down at the familiar figure in my arms only to notice that they were still sleeping, in that moment I found it impossible to keep a straight face, come on, they were too cute, but sadly I reminded that my sleeping beauty needed medical attention.

While I was on my way to the infirmary I saw the stars of the dorm and thought that perhaps I should have carried y/n to my room and bandaged their head myself, I had all I needed in my room after all, and my bed was way comfier that the ones in the infirmary, so for the second time today I completely ignored every rule existent in the school, and for the second time today I didn't give a single fuck

I laid y/n on my bed and took the first aid kit I always kept under my bed, moving their hair aside I found the injury and wrapped a layer of bandage around their pretty head, every move was as soft and slow to prevent them from waking up, when, at last, I managed to knot the two edges of the bandage together a single thought flashed my mind y/n was a smart bean, what strategy book could be so difficult to em?

I was determined to find that out so I grabbed the book by its leather cover and opened it up, the author sounded really familiar to me for some odd reason, but I understood why only opening up the first page of the first chapter, at that discovery I could barely hold back a laughter, the reason why y/n didn't understand a word of this book it's because that's the original edition in Alamyran...

When they'll wake up we're gonna have such a blast

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