Ashe x reader why pretending

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Story: I was inspired by something happened to me just the night I'm writing it, I know it's kind of weird but I spent the disco night crying in the dorm's bathroom with a friend trying to soothe me,
Tw: panic-anxiety attack, I still don't know what it was but I got triggered and that was the result, and what triggered it was a kind of stalker(ish) behaviour
Gender: female

I was getting ready for the ball night with my friends, and housemates, Mercy and Annie

I had a problem with a "friend " of mine that I didn't know how to solve and today I couldn't stop thinking about it, I just wanted to do like all my other friends and dance my problems away but there was a tiny detail that didn't help, stuffy places such as ballrooms make me nervous, but I think I can ignore that, as long as I stay with them

When I finish to put on my f/c eyeshadow (obviously stolen from Yuri) we finally enter the ballroom, the light, the people dancing and the small table with food and drinks, everything there looked like a romance novel "hey y/n!" Someone says, making me turn around, he's (g/n guy name) a guy from another class that I met once in my life "oh, hi" I say stopping in my track "do you have a boyfriend " I look at him a bit surprised and answer "" "Oh, perfect, so let's dance!" I was petrified by the sudden request, my friends were all gone and I was now alone in the swarm of people with a guy I barely knew

I didn't even answer when he gripped my wrist bringing me on the dance floor, I saw one of the gatekeepers looking for me, finally a way to escape "y/n, a letter from house y/s" I thanked him as I opened the letter and started reading,

Dear y/n,
Lately we've been having problems with the western church, and we've been struggling with our current situation, I know it's not easy for you, but if the problems keep persisting we might have to take you out of garreg mach to help us
I'm sorry, (father's name )

I started hyperventilating, problems home, problems here, people surrounding me g/n noticed it eventually "what's wrong?" He asked "my parents are having some problems in the kingdom, I might have to leave the monastery" I replied still a bit shocked, he put his hand on my back, trying to Soothe me, but having the exact opposite effect, every muscle in my body tensed at the contact with his hand

"I need to talk to reha right now" I said as I tried to get away, trying to solve both for my problem with my family and him "are you sure I can't help you?" He asked "it's a personal matter, I must do it now and on my own, sorry but I won't be able to dance tonight" and just as I said that I ran away keeping every bad feeling inside, I reached for Reha's office, and managed to talk about the letter with her, everything got solved pretty quickly, it was only a misunderstanding, the letter my father previously sent didn't arrive because the messaged was killed by bandits, and when he didn't receive an answer he got worried, thanking lady Reha I got out of her office, I still felt a bit unease, I had this feeling in my stomach that refused to leave me

To calm myself I sat behind a bush, thinking about the fighting I had with my friend, that may be the reason for my, wait, are these steps I hear? I froze in terror "where the hell could she be..." an annoyed g/n said slamming a fist against the table of the outside canteen area, if he gave me bad vibes before now I was starting to be a afraid of him "maybe instead of going back to the ball she's gone to the dorms, i'm gonna check, she still owes me a dance" then all I heard was steps, he was walking away, what a relief...

I was left alone and afraid of meeting g/n again, so did the only thing that made sense, I got back to the ballroom, standing outside, luckily Ashe was there "Ashe "I called with my voice was still low and shaky "y/n, I haven't seen you at all tonight, what happened?" He asked worriedly "f-first the fight with my friend, then the problem with my family, and n-now there's this guy chasing me around after I told him I had other things to do, and, and the ballroom is... is..." I repeat in panic "hey, hey look at me y/n" he said in a calming tone "breath in, and breath out ok? Take deep breaths" I calmed down

when I regained my ability to speak he just smiled "there, now let's just focus on one problem at the time..." he already knew of my fear of stuffy places, so this wasn't the matter, and I've already solved the problem with Reha, so I was left with just two things to tell him, but in my mind only one thing popped up

"There's this guy looking for me, I needed to leave the ballroom and told him I couldn't dance but he's trying to find me, saying I owe him a dance, he's at the dorms looking for me, please help me!" Ashe looked a bit surprised, but he didn't even have the time reply anything

"Y/n, you told me you wouldn't be back to the ballroom " g/n said Ashe didn't even look at him, pretending he didn't notice it "not gonna lie I'm not surprised Reha sent you to call me too, the situation with the western church is really dire even for house Gaspard, we should go " he said, g/n was glaring at him so badly, my knees felt a bit weak and my hands started to shake lightly

Ashe finally turned towards the other guy " hi g/n, need anything?"He asked getting between g/n and me as if to shield me, he must have noticed how nervous I got, Ashe and I have been friends since he was adopted by Lonato, by now he could clearly read my every emotion

"I actually do" he told Ashe in an annoyed tone to then tilting his head right to look at me better and taking a step forward "y/n, when are we dancing like you promised me?" That sentence made my blood boil, I was so angry I found enough courage to speak "Promised? I never promised you anything, actually the only things I told you tonight were that I wasn't engaged and that I wouldn't be able to dance, I'm leaving with Ashe" I said as Ashe and I walked over

Just as I passed beside g/n he took my wrist once more "come on, give me three good reasons why a dance with me should be so bad" I tried to take a step back and wiggle myself free, but I couldn't, the grip was too tight, I flinched in pain

not even a second later I heard Ashe slapping g/n's hand away from me and held my shoulders with his left arm while pushing g/n off with his right one, his head towered over mine as he lightly held me close to his chest, his face was as serious as it could get

"I'll give you some, first she said no, second you're making her uncomfortable, third touch my friend again and I'll stop playing nice"

G/n surely wasn't expecting that, he went back into the ballroom and disappeared from our sight, Ashe took a step back "sorry..." "don't be sorry, you saved me, thank you" he smiled in a way that would light up the darkest nights and then turned towards the ballroom for a split second, before facing me once more "I suppose getting back there is out of the question" he said pointing at the room behind me "the makeup must be ruined from my crying, how about we go to my room and just play till the curfew?" "Sounds like a plan"

As we were walking to my room I told him how everything started, when he just giggled "well, if another creepy guy asks you if you have a boyfriend just tell them you do" "it's not that easy Ashe, what if the creep asks who is he" he crosses his arms reflecting "well, if they insist on being creepy you can just tell them my name, I wouldn't mind" he served mr this chance on a silver plate

"what wouldn't you mind, helping me with creeps or being my boyfriend?"

"Perhaps both, how about you?"

Where's the innocent Ashe and what did this impostor do to him? By now I must be redder than any blush Mercedes helped me apply, who the hell taught him to be so smooth...
Alright he's as red as me, that's the real Ashe, he must have asked it to Sylvain

"Right, why pretending when could be real"

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