Freyja x reader 2 beautiful memories

104 4 4

Requested by: Darkslayer34
Word count:1106
Tw: none

Since the day Freyja found the ring we've been living happily, it's been about a year since we arrived to the dreamscape, and she's feeling so much better, she's facing the death of her brother in a healthy way, and I'm staying with her every step on the way

Today a blizzard was raging out of our little house, both Freyja and I were glued to the windows, it was the first snow we saw in a really long time "y/n, should we go play outside?" Freyja asked with sparks in her eyes "I think if we get out now tomorrow we'll be sick, we should wait until it stops snowing " she sighed a bit disappointed but knowing I was right

While she was distracted I sneaked away to go back to our room and grab a blanket, planning a sneak attack, I walked trying to be as silent as I could until I was right behind her "I can see your reflection in the window dummy " i let out a small laugh "mission failed" I wrapped the blanket around her shoulders "hey instead of just standing here getting bored how about we wait for the storm to pass while sipping a hot chocolate on the sofa under a blanket?" "Now that's talking!"

In less than a minute we were sitting on the sofa, but as I tried to take a sip at my cocoa I felt my tongue burning, I let out a "ouch, fuck it!" Freyja giggled "what's so funny?" "You're always impatient with hot cocoa, remember last time?"

It's a really cold day, I ain't feeling really good, this pounding headache has been going on for days, Freyja is afraid my headache is caused by the dreamscape draining my magic, i don't think it's the case since my small powers aren't disappearing nor fading

as I laid in bed with my eyes closed I hear the door swing open and lifting tiredly my head I saw Freyja coming in the room with a smoking cup in her hand "since you're not feeling good I decided to make you a hot chocolate, you told me this is your comfort drink" I backed up until I was leaning back against the tile of the bed "you remembered, thanks Frey" "of course I remembered love, now just wait for me, I'll bring some cookies"

when she left the room I looked at the door and back at my hot drink, it looked delicious, so I decided to take a small sip, as soon as the chocolate came in contact with my tongue I felt my mouth on fire "ouch, fuck it!" a worried Freyja stormed in the room "y/n, are you alright?" "Think I burned my tongue" "with hot chocolate?" "Yeha..." I said a bit embarrassed, she giggled a bit

"Alright, I admit I'm a bit impatient with hot cocoa, but at least I don't have a sweet tooth as big as yours!" Freyja rolled her eyes and pouted a bit "I don't have a sweet tooth!" "Do I need to remind you what happened that night?"

I was drawing in my studio, since when we came here I decided to dedicate time to all the hobbies I couldn't do before because I was either too busy or too lazy to do, which included drawing, swimming and flying better, a fairy that can barely fly is not a real fairy, as I was taking the water colours I heard a loud bang outside my room, I shot out immediately running towards the noiose, what if it was Freyja? what if she was hurt? Let's just hope I can heal her with my magic.

As I turned my eyes towards the cupboard worried sick I saw Freyja next to an open jar of cookies, "I heard a loud thump, are you alright?" Seeing me there her eyes widened in surprise as she tried to hide the cookies behind her back "the cookie jar fell, weren't you painting outside?" She said with her mouth stuffed "outside at one in the morning? With what light?" I walked closer to her taking one of the biscuits "don't mind if I steal one?"

"Come on, it was one time!" She pouted "Yeha, the one time I caught ya, but I must admit you're right, those cookies are addictive " she smiled "of course they are, we cooked those together!"

"Hon, where is the recipe book?" I said after taking out the last ingredient needed "looking for it " she said scrolling through the library, to then wave the book victoriously in the air "found it, what page was the cookie thing?" "Should be 86-87" once the book was on the right page we started, it wasn't the first time we baked those but it's always better following the recipe than trying to remember it and mess it up

I grabbed the flour, she grabbed the sugar and we set both on the table, reading the instructions step by step and stealing some dough (don't judge me, that crap tastes better than the actual cookie, change my mind), after we left the dough in the oven to bake I was washing some dishes and Freyja was bringing me the bowl we used to mix the cookie dough until last second she slipped ending up with the bowl over her head

"Love! Are you alright?" I said squatting down next to her "don't worry y/n, I'm alright, but how the fuck will I clean my hair after this?" She said looking at the still dirty bowl on her head "well, at least now you have a new crown, lady Freyja, queen of the cookies"

it wasn't the first time we had jokes like that, luckily she didn't associate them to her past anymore, so this was just a way to tease her "from the bottom of my heart, fuck you"

"Yeah, it surely was fun!" I said taking the last sip of my now barely warm cocoa and bring it to the kitchen counter "it's always fun when we're together y/n, no matter what we do" she always manages to make me smile "I love you Freyja" she smiled back getting a bit red either for the cold or the statement "I love you too y/n" we stood there snuggling under the same cover until I accidentally glanced out of the window

"The blizzard calmed down, do you want to go play with the snow?" She immediately shot up running to take the necessary to enjoy the snow as I prepared myself to make a lot more beautiful memories

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