Chrom x reader 'alright my ass'

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Request: Ll'uomoarioRanger
Words: 1331
Tw: bad injuries/blood

"I'm taking the group on the left, cover me" I told Chrom as we faced the group of risen, I could see the look of shock in his eyes as he tried to say "y/n wait!" there was no time to argue, we were surrounded by a stray group of risen as we walked back to our tents, the strategy room where we were discussing was isolated from the rest of the base so we were functionally cut off from any type of reinforcements, the camp was on our left, where the biggest group was. We had no choice, if we wanted to warn camp we had to breach through the wall of risen, weapon triangle was on my side so I leaped forward, striking against the hoard.

Risen were not exceedingly strong, fast or smart, their only strength lied in their number, despite how many I killed just as many attacked me before I even had the time to take a breath, I heard Chrom flinching and made the worse mistake of my life, turned to look at him, worried about what might have happened to him. He had a small scratch on his cheek, he was probably just surprised that the bastard hit him, but there was no time to feel relief whatsoever, the swarm closed around me, swallowing me in a mingle of long claws and sharp teeth.

As the first slash at my shoulder everything became a blur of dull eyes, splashes of my own blood and pain, I must have screamed considering after a few blinks, which could have lasted either instants or a few years, I couldn't really tell, the risen were fully gone Chrom's face hoovering over my own, lit only by the moonlight. My brain wasn't registering anything anymore, his lips were moving too quick and not making the slightest sound, I could see only one thing how worried he was.

ok, scratch that I could also clearly see how handsome he looked but I'll be dead the day he'd see me simping, setting aside the intrusive thoughts I just couldn't bring myself to see him like that, so I simply tried to reassure him with the most convincing "I'm alright" I could muster, if I read his lips correctly he said 'alright my ass' but I doubt he actually said something this out of character for him, he was pressing on the deepest slash, probably trying to slow down the bleeding, I could see his eyes darting from me to somewhere out of my sight, then back to me, and that's when the intrusive thoughts about him struck me again, my hand slowly moved over his as he pressed on my wound, his eyes widened and slipped there, I smiled knowing I had managed to scare him, if only for one last time.

I was starting to feel tired, everything was growing dark and my blinks became longer and more frequent, much to my surprise I managed to hear what Chrom said before slipping out of consciousness "y/n,please, stay with me" than everything went black, some say when you die your life flashes right in front of your eyes, I just had to hope they were right, I couldn't die like this, I wouldn't die like this.

A tear slipped on my cheek, but I could feel it wasn't mine, I had many questions: how could I feel the warm tear but not the lacerating pain of the wounds? In what sort of limbo was I? but the most important was who was crying? No answer, no more tears, just a warm feeling enveloping my hand and never letting go.

It was hard to describe the state I was in and even harder say how long had it been since I last saw the light of the moon, the only constant was the warm grip on my hand, once I came to suspect it was the grim reaper's but I immediately dismissed that though, it was too warm and comforting to be death, then it happened, I heard his voice again "... i failed you, I should have protected you with my last breath and all I did was mess up, I should have ran after you, and I stood back, I should have told you my feelings and I was too cowardly to do so, I'm sorry, this is all my fault..." the warm grip on my hand was him, it had been him all along, judging by his words the tear was also his.

I wanted to say something, anything, but before I could even decide on a course of action a tent flap opened and another voice reached my ears, Lissa "She was very lucky" "lucky?!?" He snapped, stress getting to his head, he sighed a bit "sorry Lissa, I know you're doing everything you can to help, it's just not the best time" lissa kept on "don't mention it, an inch deeper and she wouldn't be with us anymore, she's stable but in dire conditions, she shouldn't be up any time soon" that's when I opened my eyes and barely managed to whisper "h-hey" both of them turned to look at me and "y/n..." Chrom's thumb moved over my wrist, feeling my heartbeat "you scared me to death..." he mumbled leaning closer to me, Lissa looked down at me, frantically checking for any brain damage, after what I did it was reasonable to suspect I had some even before the attack, but last time love wasn't listed as such "have you been conscious for long?" Without even thinking about it I answered "sort of, it's been at least ten minutes" fuck, maybe I had brain damage after all, Chrom looked at me like a deer in headlights, I had to reveal him that I heard him just like this... "you've lost a whole lot of blood, you need to reintegrate liquids" "does this mean I can have a beer?" The tension seemed to release as Lissa facepalmed and Chrom was barely able to contain laughter, I would have laughed but my lungs hurt enough as it was.

Lissa left the room saying "I'm gonna bring you some water" she said, putting emphasis on the water part, Chrom and I were left alone in the room, his hand still on mine, there were a few seconds of awkward silence before I braved up and told him everything "before you say anything yes, I heard what you said, everything" I took a deep breath to try and stifle the sharp sting I felt any time I talked, but the sharp sting in my lungs was nothing compared to the weight I had on my shoulder for the last months, slowly increasing with every word held back "you have nothing to feel guilty about, I made my choice and stand by it, as for the second part..." I stopped for a second to reorganise my thoughts, he took my hesitation as a bad sign and left my hand "you don't have to answer now, or at all, really I've been completely tactless and reckless, completely disregarding your feelings..."

I must have used all the strength I had to grab his hand back because a wave of tiredness swept over me as I stopped him "no, not at all, I... I feel the same" he was stunned, pretty much frozen, the same expression he always had when he didin't understand a strategy "do I need to repeat?" I asked, my eyes closing again "no, don't worry, it's just... I thought about this moment many times, but this was not really how... " I smiled, it was almost exhilarating how years of etiquette, diplomacy and a all around general speaking abilities evaporated when ne was particularly nervous "sorry, I'm rambling, you must be tired, do you want me to stay" I nodded, he sat beside me, I slowly drifted to sleep with Chrom's hand still comfortingly holding my own.

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