Dorothea x m!reader first anniversary's fluff (request)

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Requested by Hitthereimyou12
Word count:1329

I sat on the stairs in front of the training ground with a bunch of roses, Dorothea's dance practice should end any minute now, it's the 13th of the great tree moon, our firs anniversary, never been with a girl that long, but being honest my longest relationship lasted a week.

When she finally came out of the training ground I got up and walked towards her with a smile "happy first anniversary love" I said handing her the roses, she blushed deeply and smiled "thank you y/n, I love you " while holding her arms around my neck, I lift her by the waist and spin her around for a couple times, and then set her down

"But shouldn't we head to Manuela's class now?" Dorothea asked remembering we had reason lessons right after, "actually I asked professor Manuela for permissions, which she granted" I said pulling out the signed papers, this took me at least one week of begging the professor and extra homework, she then started to look in her bag "shoot, where did I leave it?" She mumbled worriedly "where's what?" I asked her, she then lifted her head and frowned her eyebrows "my gift for you, I spent almost a month preparing it! I must have forgotten it somewhere yesterday" "yesterday?" "I had to make the last preparing the last details" she huffed in frustration "don't worry, if you remember where you went yesterday we can look for it together, I don't have anything planned" she then hummed and started to silently count on her fingers, luckily she stopped to three

"My room, the greenhouse, and the library, this should be it" she says confidently "alright Love, we can start from your room, so you can leave down the bag " I said, my gift for her is still in my room and I haven't planned anything particular so guess this little adventure

Dorothea POV

I got him! He didn't suspect anything, this is gonna be good! Can't wait to see the look on his face when we'll reach the surprise


Thea led the way to her room, but the gift wasn't there, so we started heading towards the greenhouse chatting, we both went silent as we saw Seteth there, he probably was looking around the monastery to try and find the death knight, dumb as he is I doubt he'll even immagine his real location, but that beside the point, if he caught us there with or without Manuela's permission we would have surely gotten scolded and sent back to class.

We hid behind a bush outside the entrance hoping that he would not look for us here, but sure enough as he exited he came towards the bushes on our side, his attention was probably caught by a flower in our bush, in complete panic mode I had an idea, I used a wind spell on the bush in front of us, making its leaves move and rustle, the bush beside the one I hit started rustling too, and I gave Thea a playful glance which she reciprocated.

The green haired knight turned, alarmed by the sudden sound,  Dorothea and I joined our hands and ran behind the building, away from that unsafe spot "seems we had the same idea" she teased "great minds think alike" I answered still smirking. When green-head decided to leave we both bursted out laughing "have you seen his face? That bush really gave him a jumpscare!" I exclaimed on the verge of tears "he probably had to change his pants after that, I think I saw a brown stain" she answered almost not being able to breathe, the gift wasn't even there, if it was Seteth would have seen and confiscated it.

Next location: the school library, this place looks small, but trust me if I say that it has got more hidden spots than all the other places all together, multiplied by two... SQUARED. While I looked around the tables and under the bookshelves Dorothea decided to ho for the higher shelves with the small wooden ladder, aside from a book I was ready to bet belonged to Sylvain I found nothing "no luck here, how about you?" I asked her she turned around still on that unstable ladder "no luck eitheaaaaaa!"she screamed as her foot slipped and she fell behind, I think my body never moved faster in my life.

I launched myself towards her catching her bridal style mere inches from the ground, i huffed in relief not even daring to immagine what would have happened if I were even the tiniest bit slower "are you alright?" I asked with a low and delicate voice, the room was so silent that I could feel her heartbeat racing, with no sign of slowing down any time soon "y-yes, I'm fine, that was a close one " she whispered still breathing heavily, I held her closer "well, that was the last place we needed to visit, right?" "Actually there's one more place..." she said still somehow weakly "... we still haven't checked your dorm room" I looked at her confused what could there be in my room? "Alright, let's go check" I said still not understanding anything

As we walked back to my room I noticed her behaviour was really odd, but eventually I understood, when we opened the door pink confetti and balloons were scattered around the room, Dorothea closed the door behind us "surprise!" She exclaimed giggling, "Manuela told me about the permissions and helped me planning and preparing everything " (of course, even rocks knows you're her favourite) "wow, it's impressive! You truly are the best girlfriend in the world " I said kissing her, her arms hooked around my neck while her finger toyed with the edge of my h/c hair, when we pulled away practically gasping for air, something came to my mind "was the fall also planned?" I teased with a smile "if I told you I did would you believe me?" I shook my head "I think your heartbeat said enough, are you sure Seteth's the only one who needs clean underwear?"she sticked out her tongue "from what I could see you need a pair of new boxers too, you were as scared as me!"

I turned around and reached for the drawer where I put the gift, apparently she did the same since when I faced her again she had a small box in hand, we exchanged the boxes with a huge smile, silently questioning who should open first, after a pair of seconds in silence I just said "ladies first".

Thea opened her gift first, revealing silver ring with a treble clef and a small stone in the middle of the key, her eyes lit up, I bought it a week ago, I was taking a stroll at the marketplace to buy a new w/p since mine just broke, as soon as I saw that ring I thought of her, at first I feared it was a bit cliché, I was really relieved to see how much she liked it "thanks y/n, it's so cute, I love it!" She said hugging me, I held her and kissed her forehead, I wasn't one of the tallest at the academy but I was still taller than her even when she was in heels.

My turn arrived and I opened the box, there were two golden necklaces, with just one heart shaped pendent, with the caption "I love you y/n" and  "I love you Dorothea" and on the back of both there was written "never forget it, you dumbass" which made me laugh, the two pieces were also magnetic, and were really hard to separate, just like us "Thea, this is so beautiful, it's the best gift ever, thanks love". We both wore our gifts and when we leaned in our necklaces joined as well as our lips.

Best day of my life

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