Gaius x reader Too sweet

52 4 2

Gender: neutral
Requested by: SarahThenshi
Words count:980
Tw: none

I swear if I see another fucking map to sort out I'm stabbing my eyeballs out with this pen "done" I happily state as i sprint out of the tent in one last adrenaline rush, in a few seconds i bursted into Robin's room and handed him the maps "that should be it, good luck trying do understand my handwringing" I said knowing full well I have the worse signature and handwriting in the whole army, to be honest I feel a bit guilty leaving Robin alone with the 6 feet tall mountain of  paper sheets "thanks y/n, I can handle this on my own now " "see ya later " I said waving and heading out, finally I could go to sleep, as I headed back to my tent the alarm's sound echoed through the air "fucking risen..." I hissed taking out the w/p I never fail to carry around, after rounds and rounds of fight we managed to push those monsters back, I finally sighed in relief and kept walking towards my tent I noticed my arm was bleeding, I probably didn't feel anything because of adrenaline, but wrapping up that shit all on my own meant too much work for the few energy I had left, but I think it ended up a bit messy

When I finally sat in my sleeping bag, with my right arm wrapped in bending I noticed something awful, I forgot some maps to sort out! Fuck it, I can't even touch em now if I don't wanna paint them red! I hate it, I can't handle this anymore "fuck it!" I screamed on the verge of tears, throwing a stone to the entrance of the tent, but the cloth rattled aside revealing a figure who easily  blocked my attack"careful Bubbles, you might hurt someone with that"  "Gaius, what are you doing here?" I asked, as he stepped in "comin' to check up on you, and I can see it was the right thing to do" he replied swatting down in front of me, as I sat straighter to face him better "so, what are you fussing over?" He proceeded to ask, scanning me up and down to look for any injuries, luckily the roughed up arm was covered by a sheet " it's not about injuries, luckily I only have a superficial cut on the arm, what about you?" He simply scrolled his head "nah, I'm good, but if you ain't worried about the wound what's the matter, you know you can tell me anything, right?" I hugged my knees, looking down "I'm just stressed, everything's happening so fast, the continuous attacks, the loads of work, I'm struggling to keep up, and I'm always afraid to slow you guys down"

Gaius didn't answer, he just shifted closer, sitting side by side with me, we had a few moments in comfortable silence when he wrapped an arm behind my shoulder's blades, patting my back lightly "hey, here's some chocolate " he said handing me a piece "it'll help you cheer up" I took a bite and I don't know how nor why, but I felt a little bit better, was the chocolate doing wonders or was it his company? I still can't get it,and I doubt I ever will

"The unsorted maps, I need to finish them and give them to Robin!" I said trying to get up and reach for the small stack of paper, but a hand held me down "hate to break it to you but I ain't gonna let you fuss over it even more, you're stressed enough as it is" he said pulling me down with him "but I still have work to do" I complained, when it comes to work even if I'm stressed out I still am a determined asshole, to put it simply my strategy is: work  and bottle everything up until you've reached the point of breakdown, and keep beating your head against the problem until you solve it, Gaius didn't like this solution... "you can have all the work you want but with that injured arm and those panda-level bags under your eyes, you're relaxing and sleeping for at least eight hours, and I'mma stay here and make sure of it Bubbles" he said pulling me even closer, still careful not to hurt my right arm

"Sometimes you're too sweet Gaius " I said giving in and snuggling closer to him "only sometimes sugar? You're breaking my heart" he said softly teasing me, I sticked out my tongue at him "yep, sometimes you're too teasing!" I say tickling him a bit "oh I didn't know this was war..." he said, holding my wrists with only one hand while the other tickled my waist "hehehe, that's hehe that's unfair"  I let out between laughters, he knows full well I'm quiet ticklish...

While moving my arm I felt a sudden jolt of pain in my elbow, I flinched, he immediately let go of my wrists "you sure it's just a superficial cut?" "Probably, but I think I'll have to wait for tomorrow to ask Lissa "  he looked a bit at the bend before giggling "did you do that blindfolded?" He asked obviously referring to the messy patch up "try and patch a wound up with just one hand then we can discuss this again" I said poking his cheek " it's probably gonna loosen up as you sleep, my name ain't lissa, but I can still help you with it if you need"  "really? Thanks love" I said  as he delicately unwrapped my arm and easily managed to remake it

"here, done, now it should last longer " only one thing came to my mind then "can you kiss it better?" I asked looking away shyly, almost surprised by what I just said, he smirked and snickered "anything for you Bubbles "

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