Felix- the tournament 2

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Sequel of 'the tournament'
Words count: 2142
Tw: nothing special, just a small fight

A/n: sorry for the inactivity but I've had no free time whatsoever in months, but I'm back on tracks and have, at least, other 20 h of bus ride to write, let's see what I can do

We soon reached Fraldarius territory, where the gym was located, along with the hotel we were staying at, the bus stopped right in front of the building where we had to do the check in, and rest a bit, before having a brief tour of the enormous gym, that was considered to be the biggest not only in Farghus, but in all Foldland.

So we headed into the hotel, since our class was quiet small professor byleth divided us in three rooms, on the same floor.

One was for Annie, Mercy, Ingrid and I, one with Dedu, professor Byleth and Ashe, who were the group one and the last one with Dimitri, Sylvain, and Felix, the group two.

I was about to grab my luggage but someone interrupted me "Manuela was clear on that, no physical activity heavy liftings included" Felix said taking the bag in my place " and besides I could use some extra training"

Felix? An act of kindness? boy oh boy I sure wasn't used to that "thanks Fel, I love you" I said smiling, he straight up burned at those words, his cheeks and nose were completely on fire despite the usual pissed face.

"alright guys, third floor, rooms 103, 104, 105, girls can go in 103, group one 105, group two in 104, you have until lunch time to settle down and for eventual planning, you're free to go, I'll be down in the main hall" said Byleth.

While the others took the stairs we went for the lift, when the doors closed Felix came closer to me, pecking my forehead, before the doors opened again and he was back to his usual 'grrr, no smile, me angy ' self, the lift was slow considering all the others were already in their rooms, I laid on my bed tiredly, hoping that after lunch I could have a coffee

We all changed into warmer clothes, thanks to the the sheer temperature shift only farghus could offer, no wonder this is also the homeland of Foldland's skiing.

We decided to pay a visit to our friends now that Byleth has matters to attend online with Seteth ( green bean) so fuck the rules we're sneaking into their room

When By left the floor and headed to the main hall the trio gave us the roger and we infiltrated their room, blitz succeeded

Felix was still in the bathroom while we arrived, so I decided it would be funny to surprise him, I hid behind the bathroom door and gestured the others to not tell him where I am.

As soon as Felix opened the door I grabbed his shoulders yelling "boo" he turned with death glares in his eyes ready to terminate the existence of whoever dared to pull such a dumb prank on mim, until he saw me, he rolled his eyes spitting a "tsk, you're spending too much time with Sylvain..." as we all laughed.

When the guys from the other room reached us Mercedes pulled out the cards and the snacks (healthy food my ass) and we played Machiavelli

it's a long game but it's always interesting, that game makes shine through the strategy abilities of the players (no shit Sherlock, Machiavelli was a tactician) that's the game where I learned that Sylvain is actually kind of smart, and also it's the only card game Felix likes

We all sat at on a different edge of the two postered bed using the the center as a table, playing in pairs, and when I say in pairs what I mean is that Felix sat with his back again the wall I sat so close to him that I was almost in his arms, the match lasted until about lunch time, so we headed to the canteen all together.

Byleth was already waiting for us, judging by his annoyed look we were a bit late, that's where I found out one of the other teams was there, it was an all-male team of smaller nobles who are quiet cocky, they were sons of the western faerghan nobles.

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