Mercedez x (male)reader beach holliday

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Word count:1434
Requested by: Hitthereimyou12

Finally, after a long and hard year Professor Byleth brought us to see the beach, we were in the alliance, near to Deridru, we had a whole week to relax with our classmates, it's a good chance to swim, surf, play beach volley and do everything we can't do at Garreg mach

Since our arrival we changed out of our school outfit into some short pants and a lighter shirt, farghus is a really cold place, none of us is used to the alliance's hot climate, and since we're not at school anymore we can say goodbye to the dress code

The golden deers were already there, waiting for us on the sandy ground, we were alone there, Claude managed to find a hidden place to be alone, it was really cool, the water was crystal clear, and there were small rocky islands that surrounded the bay, a tropical paradise

"And here we are, welcome to the secret bay, guys, the black eagles should arrive soon" Claude exclaimed happy " how long did it take you to convince Edelgard to go anywhere near the sea?" Asked our house leader knowing Edelgard's phobia "Hubert came to check if the water was too deep or if the waves were too high, but the reef protects the bay, and before it the water is never deeper than 3 meters, maybe even 2,5, so they're coming"

We guys were already in our swimming costume, but the girls were still changing, how long can it take to put on a swimsuit?

So we started playing volleyball on our own, deers vs lions, where we forced Felix to play "guys, we're here!" This is Annette's voice, I turn my head towards the trio and I see Mercedes, her cream colour costume suits her divinely, I've never seen her wearing something other than the school's uniform, and I feel like my could explode any moment " what are you doing guys?" She asked looking at us "we're playing volleyball" I answered trying to keep my voice from breaking Sylvain saw me struggling and came to my rescue "it's the match of the century, the match of the lion and deer" he cut me off, knowing I couldn't take much more, he knows about my crush on her, and I think he shipps us

we know each other from childhood: him, Ingrid, Felix, his highness, and before duscar Glenn. Before we went to Garreg mach everybody in our company always played together, even if when Dimitri didn't pay enough attention he popped the ball, or ripped the net, and we had to stop playing until we managed to repare the damage. Back then I was the best of the team, and even now, before the girl's arrival I managed to keep up my title

Ingrid wanted to play so Felix  let her play in his place and left the field, even now he brought a sword for personal training, and went away on his own, anyway Ingrid came to play with us, while Mercedes and Annette decided to cheer us up, and score the points for us, sitting on a towel on the right side of the net, I can try to impress her playing, I know it's not much but it can work

As I'm still looking at Mercedes I don't hear my teammates, and not even an instant later the ball hits my face, precisely my nose, and making it bleed, and as if it wasn't enough I fall back on my ass "Y/n, you alright?" Says Dimitri helping me up "I think I need to wash my face, I'll be back in a bit" I say walking to the seaside, I'm stopped by Sylvain  "wait, I'm coming with you"

When we're far enough from the group he starts talking again "Y/n, seriously, I know that seeing your crush in a swimsuit for the first time is a shock, but keep calm, or she'll notice you're starring at her ass" I almost chocked on the salty water I was using to clean my face "I wasn't starring at her ass!" Sylvain looks at me as if I've just said that Dimitri likes delicate objects "Sure, and I've never had girlfriend" after that he looks at my face "there's no more blood, let's get back" we head the pitch only to find Annette and Mercedes replacing us "sorry guys, we wanted to play too" Annette said giggling "no worries, when you're done can we have a little swim?" Sylvain suggested

Magically just a pair of minutes later we're inside the cool and clear water, but well, Mercedes is not coming in, so I take all my courage and what's still left of my dignity "don't you want to come in?" She just answers "the water is a bit cold"an idea immediately lightens up in my mind "I know a way to warm up faster!" "Really, what is it?" She laughed, I handed her my hand, which she grabs "3, 2, 1..." and then I jump in the water on my back, dragging her with me

But apparently I didn't calculate the  fall well enough since she fell right with her face on my chest, shit, when we both got up I was ready to apologise like it was the last day of my life, but apparently none of it was necessary "heheh, I should have seen it coming, but you're right, in'm not cold anymore, come on, let's reach the others" at her words I creep an embarrassed smile and we both start swimming towards the reef

The others are still waiting for us, but since half of the class doesn't know how to swim me didn't get too far " hey, you're just in time, we wanted to do play titan wrestle" (if you don't call it that way it's basically two teams of two people, the lighter sits on the shoulders of the heavier and so the two people up tries to push down each other, while the lower ones can only throw water at each other )

Teams formed pretty quickly, so Mercedes and I were left together, we had to go against Annette and Felix, who was a little reluctant but played, I dipped in the water, so she could jump on my shoulders, even if she was two years older than me I was way taller than her, when I got my head out of the water I saw the opposite team, and tried to do everything Felix did, well, during titan wrestle to keep your partner steady you need to balance the weight, and to help it we usualy held on to their ankles, or at least that's what Sylvain told us when he gave us a little advice during the fight before ours "Ready Y/n?" She asked, I didn't know what to say or to do, so I just gave her a thumbs up

"Ready, set, go!" I tried to do my best to keep up with Felix, he was really good, but Annette didn't have much of a balance, so we won, quiet easily, I dipped again to let her come down, but after accidentally putting her foot on my knee, and slipping she fell, but almost instinctively I extend my arms towards her, ending up with a hand behind her back an the other under her leg, just a few inches from her butt, if she didn't think I was a pervert last time she's gonna think it now

I'm waiting for her to get mad but her only reaction is a deep blush her mouth is open but she says nothing, we separate in an awkward silence, and while the others keep playing we head back to the shore, none of us dears to talk until we go sit on our towels

"Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to touch you like that, it's just that you were falling, and..." I'm really nervous, and I'm sure my face looks sunburned even if it isn't, she is still embarrassed, "don't worry, it's just a mistake is not that big of a deal" I'm a bit relived that she doesn't hate me "Y/n, can you answer a question honestly?" She asked out of the blue, looking at the coastline "whatever you want" I say straight away, I wouldn't be able to lie to her anyway "Sylvain told me you have a crush on me, is it true?" I'm killing that traitor whenever I get the chance "I guess there's no point in denying or hiding it anymore, yes Mercedes, I love you"

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