Glenn x reader snowy holiday 3

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⚠️ attention, here you're Ingrid's older sister, and you're Glenn's girlfriend, this ain't canon, also this is gonna be more relaxed than the others ⚠️

Swinging my weapon against a hay-made dummy, it's not like he can doge or anything, but slashing it makes me feel calm and steady, my blade hits the dummy multiple times, faster and faster, until I feel a hand placed on my shoulder, I turned around scared, just to notice that it was Glenn "sorry, I didn't mean to give you such a fright, do you want to spar with me?" "Sure, but don't expect a special treatment just cause you're my boyfriend" I answer raising my weapon "you too, I won't go easy on you" it was quiet a fight, it's not the first nor the last time we train together, I know his moves better than he does, but he actually does the same, the match ended up in pretty much a drawn

" we should be done for, let's have some breakfast " I say after wiping my sweat with a towel, even tough we're on Holliday at Sylvain's we wake up before the others and have some sparring sessions, guess being training-sick is another thing that links us" right, the others must be already up" says Glenn after realising what time it was, and so we ran downstairs

We head together to the main hall only to see that we were wrong "sleepy as ever huh?" He jokingly says with a smirk "spending all the night skiing is wonderful, but it drains all your energies" i answer making my usual black coffe "midnight skiing is dumb, I mean if you want to die there are less painful ways than hitting a tree while you're skiing" and saying that he sat on a chair putting his teacup on the table "speaking from experience I see" nobody will ever forget that time...

" alright y/n, on my mark" Glenn said looking at me, it was midnight, I was staying at his, and when Rodrigue and Felix went to sleep we sneaked out with our skis on, I told Glenn how much I loved snow and playing outside in the moonlight, so he brought me midnight skiing, 'the snow fox' was a panoramic path, easy, and without much trees "remember, stop at the small glade, ready, set, go!" Since I didn't know the path well I let him go first, but when he turned to face me he didn't notice a tree, and hit it, luckily he didn't have a concussion, after this he made me swear to keep this a secret

Ah, what a beautiful memory, whenever we're alone we joke about it but for a second there I was worried sick "you gave me a fright back there" I said sitting on the table, holding my coffee with both hands " oh, I noticed I'll never forget your cute, worried face" I giggle, flattered by the compliment, we ate some cookies and sat onto the sofa we have nothing to do, so we decided to head out and go skiing.

The 'ember wood' is a really long path, with a lot of panoramic spots "lead the way y/n" he usually snowboards but this time he's wearing skis "alright, we should go left" I say pointing to the smaller path, so we head there after a pair of minutes skiing downhill until we reach the wood near first panoramic spot, but before we exit the forest a wolf crosses my way, I fall into a painful position,

I can't get up, my skis are crossed and stuck behind my back, I can't get up, but when the animal comes back to finish the job Glenn arrives swinging his lance at him, the harmed animal disappears in the woods once again

"Y/n, how do you feel? Let me help you" he says taking up by my arms, when he leaves my arms I just stumble "m-my knee, it hurts" we're in the middle of the wood, so we have to head to the panoramic spot before we can call our wyvern, I panicked a bit, and started breathing faster, how were we gonna get out of the woods if I couldn't stand on my own feet, and plus I don't have any weapon

Glenn must have noticed it "hey, don't worry, everything's alright, I can carry you, it won't take too long until we reach the spot, I remember the way from here, take a breath with me"  he crouched next to me and held my hand, letting me take slow breaths until he felt my pulse slowing down again he lifted me up, to let him ski better I shift behind him, so I have my head on his shoulder and my arms around his neck, while he held me from a bit upper my knees "hold tight love" he said turning his head and smiling at me, so I hummed and tightened my grip, as he started to move,

We reached the spot ten minutes later, we both stood still, stunned by the landscape, its magic never fails to surprise us, we both sat on the soft snow, forgetting the emergency at hand for a good pair of minutes, I snuggle into him, feeling a bit cold and say "I almost forgot how this place made me feel" after all the times we headed there in both winter and spring "I know this place almost feels like home y/n, but you're injured, we should head back" Glenn says holding me tighter "remember our first time here, when Sylvain found us?" I ask changing subject, I didn't wanna go, not yet "I could never forget our first date, we were ten and nine back then, and it was spring"

"Glenn, where are you taking me to?"  I ask while he holds my hand and drags me into the woods "just trust me, I h know you'll love it" he answers, his behaviour was quite odd, little did I know...
"We're here, open your eyes" I just do as he says and see the most beautiful landscape I've ever seen, my jaw drops and  my eyes are wide open in "so what do you think about it? " "it's so cool..." I just answer, not even looking at him, even tough he's way more beautiful than any landscape, and now he asked me on a date.
We didn't want anyone to know about us, as nobles probably our parents had already arranged a marriage for us, but we wanted to try, not even Sylvain knew about us.
We sat there our back against a tree, one next to another, our hands intertwined "Glenn..." he turns his head around looking at me, now that I have his full attention I continue "should we kiss?" Reading a romantic novel I learnt about this action, I almost immediately see him blushing "y-you think so? " he stutters still red, I dod and blush, our faces starts to get closer and closer until our lips met, thinking about it now it was a bit sloppy, but it was our first kiss after all, afterwards we sat there all afternoon chatting and playing.
A pair of years after we decided to tell our parents about it and we were really surprised by their answers, they told us that we could stay together, that they were happy for us, and so we were officially engaged, after this we told the story to our friends, and we celebrated together with another snowy Holliday

Glenn POV

We sat there for a long time, and when I tried to get up and get my whistle I noticed y/n was asleep, I got up and walked a bit further, to try not to wake her up, when the wyvern arrived we flew back to the fortress, I carried her bridal style across the hallways the other noticed y/n's swollen knee, so they asked what happened and if we needed help, I just shushed them all, making them notice she was just asleep, and so they left me off the hook

When we arrived to her room I laid her on her bed, Bering careful to move her knee as little as possible, every time I did I could see her ever so slightly wincing in her sleep, I better put on a bandage to hold it still before it gets any worse but when I open the wardrobe to grab the medic kit she moves her head I move towards the bed and sit right next to her as she wakes up I see her rubbing her eyes "how long have I been out for" she asks still yawning "not much, I haven't even had enough time to bandage your knee, I'll do it now" magic can heal skin cuts not broken bones, and just like this I roll up the cloth of the pants, just above the knee, and wrap it around her articulation

Y/n's POV

Afterwards he helped me sitting up, kicked off his boots and sat behind me, letting me lean into him "well guess it was your turn to get me worried y/n" he said wrapping his arms around my waist "guess you're right, well, also you were a perfect knight in shining armour "was my only response, I can see him blush and giggle "I think it's the first time in your life that you play the part of the damsel in distress " " first and probably last so enjoy it, now that you can" and having said that I stick out my tongue at him, it's true, I don't like showing my fears to the others, he's actually the first one I show my weaknesses to

His smile lights up the whole world " love, it doesn't matter how strong or weak do you feel, I'll always run to you"

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