Leo x reader- running from the F/n's *

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F/n stands for family name

I was currently running from my family, they always hated me so much that they pretended I was one of their maids, I hoped my brother's birth would have helped my situation but I was wrong

my parents decided that I was now useless and wanted to get rid of their first mistake, having a daughter as a first born was worse than having a stillborn to them

they sent an assassin after me, the necessary money to add old an assassin was less than they would have had to pay for my instruction and future marriage, so the so planned to kill me and pretend I died in my sleep.

They didn't consider a tiny detail, I heard them, so I ran as fast as I could, without ever looking back

I haven't slept, nor eaten since I ran, about two nights, I was starving, freezing and sleep deprived, desperate.

While running I collided with someone and fell to the ground "Y/n, dear, what are you doing here?" Camilla! I must have managed to reach the capital and the woods surrounding the city, Princess Camilla of Nhor, one of my closest childhood friends, I couldn't believe my eyes

I felt my knees tremble, so I took one last step forward and hugged her, both because I missed her and because I wasn't sure how long I would have resisted "Camilla, please, help me" were the last words that left my lips as I collapsed to the ground and fainted.

I woke up in a room I've never seen, Camilla and her sister Elise were sitting right beside me " Y/n you are finally awake, I was so worried, you have been asleep for almost a day" said the little sister, holding my hand "can you tell us what happened dear?"

I started trembling squeezing Elise's, making Camilla even more worried "please, don't take me back to them, they sent a killer after me, they wanted to kill me in my sleep but I heard the conversation and ran away, please, help me, they're gonna kill me"

Camilla clearly understood I was talking about my parents, she always knew the diplomacy between us was shaky "what do we do? We can't abandon Y/n like this" someone else said stepping in the room, oh I would have recognised his voice anywhere, that was Leo.

He wad usually a cold individual, but not this time " luckily enough we didn't send any letter to your parents, but what now?" He walked closer to my bed and stopped a few steps away window "whatever happens we'll keep you here with us" said Camilla pulling me into a hug "yay, you're gonna be our guest, I'm so excited " Elise cheers happily but her enthusiasm was abruptly stopped "who's gonna break the news to Xander? Are you sure he'll agree with this?"

"I'll go talk to him" Leo tried to said, but someone cut him off " you have my permission, if what Y/n says is true, and I'm certain she didn't lie, than the F/n's are in a big trouble, it's not the first time they bring dishonour with their behaviour, they deserve a lesson, so we'll host her until she will be old enough to take control of the F/n's lands"  Xander said in a solemn tone Elise took it upon herself to translate what her brother just said "which means 'welcome Y/n, I'm glad you're safe, and since your parents are jerks we'll help you' " and we all let out a small laugh "thanks your highness" I said with a bright smile on my face "you're welcome, and from now on just call me Xander" he said before excusing himself and leaving the room.

Five minutes later Camilla and Leo also left the room so Elise and I were left alone "Y/n, can you read me a book?" She asks, probably in an attempt to distract me from the d'arco clouds glooming around my mind

I got up and walked with her to the library, or at the very least tried to do so since just as we reached the corridor my legs gave out

I felt a pair of arms wrapping around me and catching me before I hit the ground " what happened?" Leo asked leaving his usual stoic tone for a worried one, "I felt suddenly dizzy, and my legs gave out, my head still hurts" I say pressing on my temples and forehead "you felt dizzy and almost passed out, when was the last time you ate?" As he asked getting closer to observe my symptoms better "I haven't eaten anything since I fled "  I answered with a weak voice "what? It's almost three days!" Elise exclaim loudly from across the room "don't worry, it's nothing life threatening, let's have something to eat,maybe sweet, sugar's good for restoring energy, you're also pretty cold, a warm drink shouldn't hurt".

Leo then proceeded to lift me up and carry me back to my room, he then helped me sitting to a small table ideal for tea time, after a minute or two a maid called by Elise brought us tea and biscuits

Elise left the room saying she already had a snack, so Leo and I had some time alone together" these cookies are delicious, now I feel better " I said as I grabbed another one "I'm glad you do, hold on a second, how on earth did you get the icing on your nose?" he replied smiling in a sweet glee

He then held a tissue to my face, and gently wiped the icing away, I blushed at the proximity, I always thought he looked charming and having him so close sure as hell didn't help

None of us moved a muscle for nearly ten seconds, or at least until someone crushed the window breaking in the room, he jumped straight on me making me fall over, his hands went straight on my neck me by my neck, taking my breath away and pressing me against the floor: the multiple daggers and black hood he had left no doubt in my mind on his identity, he was the assassin my parents hired.

He didn't even had the time to pull out one of his daggers before a dark spell sent him flying to the opposite side of the room

I started breathing again, coughing harshly, and lifted my head to see what was happening, there, right in front of me stood Leo, shielding me while holding his tome "if you thought you could so much as touch Y/n and get away with it you're very much mistaken" I just looked at him in awe, I felt safe.

The whole scene got stopped by Camilla and Elise slamming the door open, after Leo hit the assassin with another spell Camilla literally cut him open her axe "are you hurt dear?" She then proceeded to ask cleaning her now bloody axe, I shook my head no, but Camilla than took a deep breath, like she felt guilty about something "what's wrong Camilla?" Leo asked "tomorrow you'll have to see them for the last time, they will be exiled after a trial, Xander convocate them a pair of hours ago so..." "so they understood where I was and sent the bastard after me" I cut her of understanding what happened "Camilla, Elise, can you leave us alone?" The two girls took a glance at each other, smirked and left the room and left the room.

"Does your throats hurt?" Leo asked in a sweet tone "don't worry, it's not that bad" I lied, it did hurt but I didn't want him to worry, he has already done much "Leo, I'm sorry, I'm being a burden to you and to all your family " he was surprised at what I just said, but why? I didn't have to wait that long for an answer" you don't have to apologise for, I'm sorry I didn't see that coming, if I did maybe I could have protected you better, I fell in love for you and I couldn't even protect you, I'm such a dumbass " well, that was my turn to be surprised "are you kidding? If it wasn't for you I'd be dead, you saved my life, and... whenever I look at you my heart starts beating faster and, and... " my rambling was stopped by a pair of warm lips pressed on mine in a soft, sweet and loving kiss, after a pair of seconds I  pulled away, finally finding the right words to say "please let me just finish my sentence, I love you too"

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