Dorothea x M!reader(modern au)(request)a real infested house

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Request by Herosperger
Words count:1237
Warnings: mentioning a bit of blood

While waiting for a pair of Crepes in front of a carnival stand until something caught my attention, I stood still facing the biggest infested house of all Embarr, considering if I should get in or not, both Dorothea and I are pretty fan of horror stuff, I do remember the first time I brought her to the cinema seeing "saw" I saw other couples leaving the room in fear, one of the girls in first row after a particularly bloody scene vomited in the popcorns, but the only reaction I saw from Thea was a slightly bothered face (if any of you think Dorothea), nothing more not that I was any better, I was more shocked/surprised by her reaction then by the gruesome scenes, but after what happened last year...

"Here your crepes and good afternoon!" The boy at the counter said giving me the food and politely waiving goodbye, I headed to the bench where I had to meet Thea, we splitted, and while I bought the crepes she got the bubble teas, she arrived after a few seconds, so we sat together and started eating

"y/n, I saw a poster of the infested house, we should give it a try, I haven't visited one in so long" I wanted to scream no, I didn't want it to end like back then, but at the same time I didn't want to look a chicken in front of her so my lips moved on their own resulting in a "sure, why not, let's get the tickets " I said trying to hide the trace of fear in my voice, luckily there was a literal mess around us, and she was too focused on the attraction to notice anything.

It was big, with two floors and the rooftop, the lady who greeted us had a very realistic zombie costume, she gave us the tickets along with a cheeky grin, and led us in, the iron stairs were adorned with gigantic spiders and fake cobwebs, and every step we took cold sweat covered my forehead, I looked around for abnormalities or damages to the structure. "Is everything alright? you look a bit absent " Thea said with a concerned tone "yes, I just zoomed out for a second, let's go, we're almost to the rooftop, there should be a cemetery" I said facing her.

On the last floor there was a trapdoor on the ceiling and a ladder to reach it, last year it was differently structured, the iron stairs arrived directly on the rooftop "we should go separately, I'm going fist, if the ladder can hold me it can hold you too" I said to Thea, in response she rolled her eyes annoyed and "sheesh, there's no need for this kind of paranoias it's an attraction at a carnival, it's completely safe, otherwise they wouldn't let us in" oh how wrong could she be " it wouldn't be the first time someone risks to die here" she looked at me shocked "what do you mean?" The girl asked me "I'll tell you when we're out, just please don't let your guard down " I said climbing onto the ladder, and reaching the trapdoor safely

Then Dorothea's turn came, she climbed up nicely until the last step, her foot slipped off the stair, even if she wasn't falling I grabbed her hand afraid she could lose her balance again, I held her up and when she finally landed safely I hugged her, and she did the same "that was quiet a scare" she said with adrenaline circling in her veins "it sure was, for a hot second I thought I'd lose you" moments like this were rare since we just started hanging out (yep, just hanging out, not even properly dating) we tried to avoid any kind of physical attention that went beyond holding hands and some other minor things

"I know it's a bit out of character but this place is starting to scare me, what did you mean by 'someone almost died'?" think it's time to let her know "last year I was at another carnival in the kingdom, and there was an infested house almost identical to this one, while I was in a room..." but we were interrupted by a zombie growl, when I saw the actor playing the zombie coming towards us in that fake graveyard a memory ticked in my mind, I grabbed Thea's wrist and started running "no time to explain, follow me, if the actor catches us it's over" Starting to have flashbacks

"Shit" I said looking at the broken stair I stumbled in, my ankle was swollen after merely ten seconds, it was probably broken, but I took courage and tried to walk "on the third floor there must be someone of the staff" I thought as I reached the top of the building "help, I got hurt on the stairs, my ankle is probably broken" the actor dressed as an assassin in black hood smirked and came towards me, lifting his sword, that's when I realised the sword was real and started running for dear life, the not-so-scary infested house became a real nightmare for these few minutes of terror...

Dorothea seemed confused by my sudden snap, even though the rational part of my mind told me that the zombie was just an actor my instinct told me to run and take Thea safe as soon as possible "we have to get to the next room with that slide over there!" I said as we reached the spot and literally threw ourselves together in the gigantic plastic tube, when we made our way down and sat on the edge of the slide "now that we're here can you tell me what the actual fuck just happened back there" "last year this whole infested house was sabotaged, the actor who worked there was a killer, but when I fled and denounced the story to the police the house was already gone! This is the same one from back then..." "quit trying to scare me! " she said with shaky voice "I do wish I was " I said showing her a scar on my elbow "crawling my way out of the building I got into a pile of broken glass, this is the result " she gulped together we ran out of the second room and we were surprised when we found another couple there, talking normally "the zombie guy was so kind to let us take pictures with him!" The girl said "indeed, and his costume was really cool"

These few sentences made me feel like a complete idiot, i didn't dare to open my mouth again, don't misunderstand I'm glad we're both safe and sound outside we both left out a sigh of relief, but as we walked away an uncomfortable silence fell upon until we reached the door of her house "I'm sorry " I said looking down in shame "for what? Back there you caught me before I fell and saved me from a probable serial killer! And besides it's the first time I actually feel scared in an infested house, it was amazing, and it's all thanks to you " wait what? But before I he'd the time to react her roommate Bernadetta called her "sorry y/n, I need to go, see you tomorrow at school! " she said giving me a peck on the cheek and a wink

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